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Adderall during famine?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:08 pm
by Beasleyboy
I'm on day 3 of the famine phase, and my appetite is KILLING me! All day I'm craving steak, chicken, peanut butter, milk...! I was thinking of taking a low dosage of Adderall for the remainder of the famine period to calm my appetite and give me a little extra "kick" that I'm lacking from the calorie/protein deficit. Would this be ok?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:22 pm
by sovabrat
I am also on day 3 of famine man so I feel your pain. I am not really getting cravings anymore though. What have you been eating? How many calories are you taking in?

Lets keep eachother motivated. How did your workout today go? I about died on the last set of benchpress and the declined BP.

I didnt know adderal reduced appetite?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:49 pm
by Hank!
Eat cabbage and bulky veg they keep you pretty satiated.

I would think taking adderal may get a false positive on your R/HR and then youll have delayed traction during feast

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:04 pm
by askmass
Ditto on Hank's good advice.

I use a good bit of quality oils, like EVO, in my cabbage also... I think a lot of the protein cravings are actually more (animal) fat in nature.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:23 pm
by RobRegish
Good advice here.

Can't comment on adderall as I've never used. If looking for a thermogenic, consider the e/c stack in 10mg/100mg amounts. Start SLOW if you've never used this stuff before.

Ping ping ping ricochet rabbit doesn't even begin to describe it.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:12 pm
by sovabrat
what is the e/c stack?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:16 am
by Beasleyboy
I've basically been eating salads, wheat thins, triskets, etc. taking in about 1200 calories. Today's workout KILLED me, I'm sooo sore!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:15 am
by RobRegish
E/C stack refers to ephedrine and caffeine.

Ephedrine may be purchased stateside behind the counter at your local pharmacy. You're looking for primatene tabs, 12.5 mg of ephedrine per tab. You'll have to sign for it and present your license, but it's well worth it.

Caffeine tabs (generic) like No-Doz are best. Absolute best buy I've seen are WalMart's "Jet Alert" 200mg tabs, scored such that you can break them for half the dose.

If looking for a much more refined product, the new Burn It Up! is superb for mind/body/muscle connection. If you want to tweak it up a notch just add a caffeine tab. Absolute category killer with generous amount of PeakATP, MACA and Phosphaditylserine etc.. I love the stuff...

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:41 am
by sovabrat
Nice going Beasleyboy. I have tried to stay away from bread and the likes as much as possible. Call me crazy but I wanted to maximally shock my body to get full effect of famine. the only bread I have had in the past 4 days has been 2 whole wheat whole grain tortillas, and a couple slices of this 35 calorie, 6g carb, 2g protein bread I found at the grocery store. I actually like it so much I think I will stick with it after famine.

If you have checked my log, end of day 3 was when I really felt the effects of famine. This morning I am in a state of mind and body that is very hard to describe. I would best classify it as run down.

Only 2 more days for us. Then the feasting begins. What are you planning to have for your first meal?

@Rob.. Thanks for the explanation. I really don't like using stims for my workouts anymore. I did a cyle of Jack3d. It felt great while on it but I crashed so hard because of my workout intensity. I can get similar results in my workouts without caffeine on my Nanox9. Its all personal taste I suppose but it made my 8 hour day at work so hard once I ate something and crashed.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:18 pm
by Beasleyboy
Ya I like the wheat thins and such because they are filling and low in calories. I'm going to Austin this weekend for a reggae festival, just in time for my feast phase, so I plan on hitting up all the excellent restaurants there and stuffing as much food into my mouth as possible! My first meal will probably consist of many mexican dishes, with lots of steak, chicken, breads, cheese, etc...I'm pumped haha

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:23 pm
by sovabrat
That sounds great. I have a big dinner planned for sunday night consisting of seafood but nothing so far for satruday. I think I might grab brunch somewhere and load up with an enormous omlette with some sausage and cheese. Man I miss cheese and eggs the most.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:53 pm
by Hank!
sovabrat wrote:That sounds great. I have a big dinner planned for sunday night consisting of seafood but nothing so far for satruday. I think I might grab brunch somewhere and load up with an enormous omlette with some sausage and cheese. Man I miss cheese and eggs the most.

I expect you to eat your body weight in Stone Crabs..thats it anything less and yer in deep dookie

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:57 pm
by sovabrat
Hank you have no idea. Based on what happened last year, here is a recap:

We arrive at Joes Stone Crab. They order each of us our own portion of the stone crab claws, king crab, and scrimp. I devoured it. I then ate a dinner salad, and I swear it was a 32 oz Cowboy T-Bone Steak. I ate every bite. We then went to another fancy place to get dessert where I put down a bowl of Creme Broule.

I am much wiser this time. I will stock up on that stone crab and lobster and spare the steak. Im not much of a red meat guy anyways. It usually gets stuck in my teeth and gives me toothache the rest of the night anyways. Not to mention the meat sweats all night long.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:08 pm
by Hank!
meat sweats? I dont wanna know

My name is on the wall at Shulas steak house in Miami Lakes, choked down a 48oz Porter House, i didnt have meat sweats i dont think but i wasnt right physically for a few days after that

Rob wrote in the BP that fish isnt the greatest source of protein for people but i think being that he lives up in Mass he probably ate too much lobster in his youth and now hates fish(wild guess)