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Mass vs Definition with thew Blueprint?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:00 pm
by kh971
Today is my first day in the gym with Blueprint on the Feast Phase. I am not really concerned about strength, but I would like more definition.
I know lowering my bodyfat would be the best thing. The areas I want to improve are V shape taper in my lats, chest, triceps and biceps. My back thickness is more than enough and shoulders are just fine. How much other sets or movements would you incorporate with the chest press(dumbells for me) Squats, pullovers, and dead lifts?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:21 pm
by RobRegish
Good question but it isn't so much training related as it is diet.

If you're looking to drop bodyfat with Blueprint, it all goes back to caloric rotation and carb cycling. These two strategies have maximum impact and seem to potentiate each other.

On the caloric variance, suggest rotating 100% of maintenance calories on training days with 70% of maintenance on non-training days.

As for your macros, try to arrange for MOST of your carbohydrates to be consuming prior to, during and immediately after your workout.

Doing so will ensure they are shunted to either glycogen storage in the muscle bellies/replenish the liver stores or be oxidized for energy.

As an added bonus, they'll temporarily elevate insulin right when you need it... as it will blunt the rise in cortisol resulting from the workout.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:21 pm
by kh971
As far as woking chest, legs,hamstrings, these are getting taxed fully. Triceps are getting worked 2nd hardest, shoulders 3 rd. I just feel that certain parts are not getting used to their full potential. Biceps seem to be left out of the workout, they get stretched some, but not used in any contraction movements. Calves, are worked hard on the stiff legged deadlifts.
Would adding in some standing barbell curls be detrimental, if they were thrown in at the end of the workout?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:12 am
by RobRegish
You can add curls, no problem.

The stress on the prime movers is by design: for it is here where your time/energy and work will pay off the most. Growth in these areas has a "knock on" effect just not seen the other way around...