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Addy k's Journal

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:23 am
by Addy k
Hey everyone,

Really looking forward to the blueprint, hoping to put on some serious muscle (8-10 pounds). I just took a week off after training for about 13 weeks consistently using a Poliquin program. I gained 11 pounds, 9 of which was muscle (according to my caliper measurements). Pretty happy with that. I'm hoping with something different (i.e., blueprint) I can gain a similar amount of muscle, hopefully in a shorter amount of time. Just as a background, I am a personal trainer and also hopefully a med student come this fall (find out in a few months about interview results!) and I think I also have a bit of OCD like Rob. I have read tons of books and even more journal articles in this field and based on everything I know, blueprint is a great combination of both theoretical and practical knowledge.
Anyway, I sifted through a few of the other journals on this forum. Had one question though: I have cbol creatine and e-bol as well as citrulline malate and beta-alanine + protein power. I was planning on just sticking with c and e-bol for feast, but based on another thread, it seemed as though cbol creatine would be better saved for the consolidation phase. What do you think Rob? Should I just use citrulline malate instead? I just want something to help me get more vascular, because genetically I don't got it, and I don't even think these supplements will do that, but I might as well try :roll:

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:23 am
by RobRegish
Welcome my man, great to have you here..

With regard to your situation, I'd suggest Ebol + cbol creatine for this feast run. Would recommend citrulline malate + beta alanine primarily during the Cruise/Solidification phases.

Here's how I'd like you to incorporate:

Weeks 1-4 of Feast consume your Ebol/cbol creatine as per label directions. Starting weeks 5-6, start loading the Beta Alanine and run that through Cruise/solidification. Once entering Cruise, hammer the citrulline malate.

REASON: Beta Alanine take a LONG time to build up in muscle tissue. In one study, it took almost 12 weeks at 3g/day. Unsure how much of it you have but I think 3g/day is pissing in the wind with this stuff. You need more like 10g/day to get anything out of it. I think Poliquin himself has stated such. Provided you consume the BA with fast acting carbs in your peri-workout drink, it's a good bet we can get levels higher, faster.

Assuming 3 weeks of Cruise, that should give you 5 heavy weeks of BA loading and whatever benefits it conveys to work capacity, a key consideration for the 5x5 format we use in Cruise.

I am a HUGE fan of Citrulline Malate and think it works far better than BA. It's almost immediate, scavenges ammonia and feeds the kreb's cycle. You'd be well served to consume this stuff liberally too in your peri-workout drink.

Finally, vascularity is largely a function of reducing subcutaceous fat stores. To that end, your diet will make or break you. Suggest rotating 100% of maintenance calories (training days) with 70% of maintenance calories (non-training days). Doing so will keep your metabolism from down regulating to match energy intake and fat loss ongoing.

Hope that helps..

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:10 pm
by Addy k
Wow Rob, thanks a lot, you gave me a full outline of what to do with my supplements - I wasn't even expecting that :shock:

So to clarify, I should stop e-bol and cbol creatine after 4 weeks? I have two bottles of each, so I could continue until I'm completely done the feast phase (I was thinking of doing a 5 week feast). As for beta-alanine, have you used it before? I heard people get a tingly feeling and everyone has different tolerance for it. So I should do BA for approximately 10g/day starting in the 5th week until the end of the cruise phase? How much citrulline malate would you recommend? I was thinking 3-6g, before workout.

Yeah vascularity has always eluded me though. My brother, who has 3-4% higher bf than me, is much more vascular. I guess I would have to be very lean to get vascular. I want to put on some muscle so I was thinking 120% surplus on training days and 100% on non-trianing days.. what do you think? I will shed some fat (hopefully) after I'm done with blueprint using a cyclical ketogenic diet so right now I just want to focus on muscle gain.

As for the log, I found the first workout difficult, but got through it okay. I forgot to measure my HR when I awoke, hopefully I won't forget tomorrow. For food, I am sticking to fruits and veggies, I also had a bit of pasta after my workout. I'm used to fasting, but this is only the first day so we'll see how it goes.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:53 pm
by askmass
Addy- Glad to see you onboard and posting, man.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:16 pm
by RobRegish
Sure Addy, my pleasure. Always do the best I can for everyone..

Now, on to your questions:

Q. So to clarify, I should stop e-bol and cbol creatine after 4 weeks? I have two bottles of each, so I could continue until I'm completely done the feast phase (I was thinking of doing a 5 week feast).

A. Yes, run both of them hard throughout you feast. Looks to be about 5 weeks per your comments above.

Q. As for beta-alanine, have you used it before? I heard people get a tingly feeling and everyone has different tolerance for it. So I should do BA for approximately 10g/day starting in the 5th week until the end of the cruise phase? How much citrulline malate would you recommend? I was thinking 3-6g, before workout.

A. Yes, I've used amounts up to 20g/day so I'm quite well versed. One caveat... you will for sure get "the tingles" which I think is contributing to the sales of this product. So, do go slow. Suggest working up to 10g/day starting in the 4th week continuing through your cruise. Stuff takes a LONG time to build up in muscle tissue.

Regarding the Citrulline Malate, suggest 10g there too, peri-workout. Suggest 5 g prior and 5g during or post. I realize that's alot but it seems higher than recommended amounts just work better, at least for me. I'm a big fan of malates in general as I stated prior.

Q. Yeah vascularity has always eluded me though. My brother, who has 3-4% higher bf than me, is much more vascular. I guess I would have to be very lean to get vascular. I want to put on some muscle so I was thinking 120% surplus on training days and 100% on non-trianing days.. what do you think? I will shed some fat (hopefully) after I'm done with blueprint using a cyclical ketogenic diet so right now I just want to focus on muscle gain.

A. Excellent plan 120%/100% makes perfect sense.

Q. As for the log, I found the first workout difficult, but got through it okay. I forgot to measure my HR when I awoke, hopefully I won't forget tomorrow. For food, I am sticking to fruits and veggies, I also had a bit of pasta after my workout. I'm used to fasting, but this is only the first day so we'll see how it goes.

A. If you're used to fasting, you'll likely find the dietary portion of Famine a breeze..... it's the workouts that amplify the phsysiological trigger the dietary dip imposes. It's how we get it done in 5 days where other systems (flawed, IMO) take 2 weeks to a month. Much more efficient this way.

Like any other type of warfare, you hit hard and get out.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:21 pm
by Addy k
Thanks askmass, I'm really looking forward to this. A question about kre-anabolyn: how much edysterone does it have per serving? And how many servings are there per bottle (is it 60?)? I was thinking of getting it next time I do blueprint, and I want to compare it to e-bol in terms of ecdysterone & price. Also, one of my friends is looking for a test booster. I was looking through, Adaptogen N seems great. Again, how many servings is it per bottle (90?)?

As usual Rob, thanks for the great answers. From what I've read you are 240 pounds, which is almost 65 pounds more than me :shock: so a big guy like you would probably need more of any supplement. How did you feel off of citrulline? did it give you greater pumps? did you feel more stamina/better recovery?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:21 am
by RobRegish
"Thanks askmass, I'm really looking forward to this. A question about kre-anabolyn: how much edysterone does it have per serving? And how many servings are there per bottle (is it 60?)? I was thinking of getting it next time I do blueprint, and I want to compare it to e-bol in terms of ecdysterone & price. Also, one of my friends is looking for a test booster. I was looking through, Adaptogen N seems great. Again, how many servings is it per bottle (90?)?

As usual Rob, thanks for the great answers. From what I've read you are 240 pounds, which is almost 65 pounds more than me so a big guy like you would probably need more of any supplement. How did you feel off of citrulline? did it give you greater pumps? did you feel more stamina/better recovery?"

Hi Addy,

I'll let John chime in on KA as it's his product but suffice it to say that even at my bodyweight, just 2 delivers the needed 5mg/kg bodyweight of RCE that is cited in the literature (when adjusted for human dosing as you need to divide by .62).

The new KA that's shipping later in April has even more...which I think sets the new standard for RCE in a single cap.

On the citrulline, I do get a better "pump" if you will but honestly, don't train for such. What I do notice is better intra-set recovery. Here, I feel it does a nice job squelching lactic acid/feeding the Kreb's cycle by virtue of it's malate content.

Good stuff...

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:46 am
by BrainSquirt
Great posts guys. Thanks.
Addy k, I’m curious - what attracts you to the Beta Alanine? Have you had specific individual results with / benefits from it? Thx

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:19 pm
by askmass
Hi Addy,

Rob is correct, the new Generation 5 of Kre-Anabolyn does top the charts as far as real RCE content goes, but the whole formula is where the really unique properties and "better results on the whole" aspects are found.

I suppose I'm biased, but so are a lot of people when I say that I do not think any other Trib/Natural Test booster matches Adaptogen N. Most guys use 2-3 caps a night, so it's a 30-45 day supply.

Thanks for the questions and interest.

Here to help.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:07 pm
by RobRegish
I tell you I used just obscene amount of BA because I was really juiced about 1.) the literature on it and 2.) the feeling you got from it. That and it was dirt cheap if bought it in bulk.

I ran the bulk stuff. I ran the "high end" BA caps. I ran it in divided doses. I ran it peri-workout. I ran it solo, with creatine, with ecdy etc. and..... nothin'. I wanted the darn stuff to work and ran it for no short amount of time, we're talking 6+ months.

I dunno. For ME, it didn't work. If it works for you I'm happy for you. If that's the case, by all means use it. It looked like the next creatine but wasn't for me.

We're all different, I suppose..

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:14 pm
by Addy k
Cool, thanks for the responses guys. I am going to get my friend to order adaptogen N, I might order a few alkaplex myself. In regards to that, once I begin my feast, I really do not think I can eat that many veggies because I am ectomorphic and I have to eat quite a bit to put on weight. What do you think Rob?

Brainsquirt, I took an interest in beta-alanine after reading reviews and forums. Almost everyone reported positive feedback, especially in regards to endurance, a problem I encounter for some workouts that are very high volume. Then I did some research, read some journals, and found a few studies suggesting beta-alanine does in fact increase carnosine which basically helps to increase stamina. I have not used it myself, but am looking forward to it. I'll be sure to post my experience with it.

Back to the log. I measured my RHR, it was 66. I was also surprised at how sore I was, especially my legs. Considering I only did 4 sets (1 warm up) of squats, it is surprising to have muscle soreness. Maybe it has something to do with the lack of protein? Hopefully they'll be good to go by Saturday for the repeat workout, but with less rest.

Oh and I already lost 2 pounds :shock: Was 175 yesterday, and 173 today.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:15 pm
by RobRegish
It's starting.... :)

Yes, understand on the veggies being difficult. It's for this very reason I mentioned Alkaplex in the Blueprint. When you're eating this much... it's just hard to get that many fiberous greens down.

The other thing you may want to look into are freshly juiced vegetable drinks. Several recipes here. I'll poke around in a bit to find them.

In time, you'll really find you crave these. I know I do especially during the Famine. It just makes everything else much smoother. There's something to be said about the energy too. Not a stim type energy but when freshly juiced, the enzymes and such released from the fruits/veggies provide something "dead" food does not. Wish I could put a finer point on it for you..

Do keep us posted on the BA. Sincerely hope it works for you...

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:54 pm
by Addy k
What kind of veggie drinks do you make? Do you find it as satiating as actually eating veggies? I have tons of veggies at home, I have just been making fruit salads, but having a drink would sure be convenient.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:40 pm
by RobRegish
Highly recommend the following. Most of these are pretty simple. From here on out, you're limited only by your imagination..

Look to use organic fruits/veggies when you juice. I don't eat organic all the time but Famine is a GREAT time to go organic. You only have to shop for 5 days worth of organic fruits/veggies and it'll be a nice way to evaluate how it feels/fits into your lifestyle:

Apple Carrot Juice

2 apples
6 carrots

Wash everything, peel the carrots and cut into sections where needed. Juice everything.

Carrot Anise Juice

8 carrots
2 anise stalks
3-4 celery stalks
2 apples

Wash and peel the carrots. Wash everything else, and cut up into sections if needed. Juice everything and enjoy.

Carrot Combination

2 1/2 lbs. carrots
1 beet with greens
1 stalk celery
1 large handful spinach
1 large handful parsley
1 green pepper
1 clove garlic
1 slice ginger

Wash and peel carrots. Clean and slice beet into thin wedges. Wash and dry spinach leaves and parsley. Juice half of the carrots and beet. Add remaining ingredients using the remaining carrots to push them through. Complete by juicing carrots.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #1

3-4 Carrots
1-2 Celery stalks
small wedge cabbage

Wash all vegetables and juice.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #2

2 carrots
2 cucumbers
2 stalks of celery
a piece of ginger
a handful of parsley
a piece of apple or citrus fruit
Wash all vegetables and juice.

I don't know if they fill me up as much as eating them. I do know they make me feel better. Something happens when the cell walls are broken, the enzymes release etc. I really need to look further into it. Jack Lalane is like 105 so I need to make that phone call fast.