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Phrogg's Quest For Strength: The Blueprint Periodic

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:47 pm
by Phrogg
This will be my log for my first BP.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:45 pm
welcome aboard man :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:53 am
by Phrogg
Haha im totally lost.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:10 am
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard our newest brother, Phrogg!

You're in the right place as it's a great group of BP Diehards here and I'll walk you through it step by step. First, please share what your goals are, how many years you've been training and what you'd like to improve the most.

What I know thus far is this.. you are young 18, 5'8" and 144lbs (ectomorph). Yo have reservations about any Famine stage. I'd need to know the following:

1.) Are you grounded/familiar in the big 3 basic exercises (Bench/Squat/Deadlift)? Meaning have you performed 6-8 weeks of some fairly rigorous work in those movements?

2.) Do you do these in a commercial gym with a spotter available or can you perform them in the safety of a power rack?

3.) Have you been on bulking cycles in the past whereby you've eaten 5-7 small meals frequently as a lifestyle of sorts to cram in more protein, calories etc?

These may seem like very basic questions but it is essential that I understand what exposure you've had to the things I'm talking about. Reason: no exposure to heavy deadlifts/squats and asking you to take a 1RM on those lifts is like shooting a cannon out of a canoe. You could get hurt. I take your health/safety as serious as I do your gains.

What you can do starting today is head out to the grocery store and obtain the following:

Pour the following ingredients into a blender:

- 12/16 oz of Pineapple juice
- 2 cups of skim milk powder (alternatively, 2-3 scoops of protein powder)
- 1 large banana
- 2 containers of liquid egg whites (back in the day, this was 6 raw eggs!)
- 1 tablespoon of raw/organic wheat germ
- 1 container of Greek yogurt
- 2/3 scoops ice cream (don't be afraid of full fat stuff at your bodyweight)

Place into large thermos and sip slowly with every meal.

- This baby is loaded with calories, protein and b-vitamins from the wheat
- Bromelain and papain digestive enzymes come from pineapple juice
- Digestive enzymes are important and overlooked for protein absorption
- Rich in potassium/vitamin C, fiber and beneficial bacteria found in the

3.) Organic peanut butter: Healthy fat and it tastes great. Can be mixed
into shakes or used in sandwiches, etc. It's a superfood that will go a
long way toward hitting that caloric goal. The organic designation is
there for a reason.

4.) Honey: Again, very calorically dense and perhaps nature's perfect
carbohydrate. It should be added to whatever carbohydrate staple
you're consuming from oatmeal to yams to peanut butter sandwiches.
Fantastic for replenishing glycogen in both the liver and muscle tissue.

5.) Quiona: Cooks fast and is a nutritional powerhouse of a food. Travels
well and will be a HUGE boon to your diet. See here: ... .php?t=295

At your stage and bodytype a big part of the battle will be with the knife and fork. We aim to make that easy for you via wholesome, liquid nutrition for many of those calories and REAL FOOD.

At 144lbs, you should be shooting for a minimum of 2,160 calories/day from those food sources above. Those 2,160 calories should be consumed on your "off" days meaning no gym work. On training days, I'd like you to shoot for about 2,800 calories or bodyweight x 20. We can dial that back a bit if too much fat is realized but it's a solid fuel plan for the work that lies ahead.

In addition, red meat, eggs, whole grain breads/pastas and vegetables etc are highly recommended to round out the diet. Spread these calories over 5-7 daily meals not less than once every 3 hours and you're good to go. If necessary, start slow and work up to the daily caloric targets as it takes some getting used to.

Finally, I want you to look at this for what it is: You have a huge, untapped growth potential that there's no telling how far you can take it. In a way, I sort of envy you. Most importantly, you're getting advice from a guy who was in your shoes at 16. Six feet one inch at 143lbs wasn't a pretty sight. I took care of that and will help you do the same. I'm not the only one.

Plenty of guys here doing just the same. DaCookie, for example started at 154lbs with The Blueprint and finished his first run at 170lbs. That's 16 total lbs of quality muscle.

You're in the right place, and we're glad to have you here.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:31 am
by Phrogg
Alright, well Ive been training solid for a little over a year now and I havemade some pretty solid gains. Before working out I used to be a chunky , sedetary kid who ate nothing but junk food. Thats why I got fat. Now its almost impossible for me to gain a substantial amount of weight. And yes I am grounded in the three big lifts. Also, im not totally opposed to the famine. I might not want to jump right into BP because I think I can get some ebol and I want to make sure I do everything right before I start. Thanks again for the help.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:40 am
by Phrogg
Also, im looking at the workouts and they dont seem that long. Maybe im not reading them right.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
You're reading them right..

Part of the beauty of abbreviated training is that they allow for you to pour yourself into the big, basic lifts. It's here where that your efforts will yield the greatest gains.

There is much to be said for this and I will expand on it later. For now, know that these movements hold the key. We just have to match them to the right loading pattern/diet to dial it in.

Once you decide on famine or no, please let me know. Either way and I'll come up with a plan for you. It has a strong track record of teeing you up for adaptogens. Some slight modification may be in order for you but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Any other questions please let me know. I'm at your service here and truly enjoy answering these questions/helping out where I can..

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:36 pm
by Phrogg
I think ill do the famine phase to maximize size gains. I think i want to do the original BP in order to gain the most size instead of the most strength. I want to Make sure all my workouts are lined up before I start it up. Also Im sick at the moment, so I dont want to start anything while im sick. Thanks again.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:46 pm
by Phrogg
Also, how many bottle of ebol would I need for 1 run of BP?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:16 am
by RobRegish
You'll likely need 1, perhaps 2 bottles of Ebol or Kre-Anabolyn for this first run.

Do take care to address the sickness first. As soon as that's cleared up, we'll jump into famine. Idea: during this down time, please take your waking heart rate over say, 5-7 days to get a representative average.

It will allow us to guide your efforts during famine to ensure you "cut it" at just the right point prior to getting into Feast.

Great going, and good call!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:08 am
by Phrogg
Alright sounds good. I want to build aworkout plan based mostly on size gains this time doing BP.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:09 pm
by RobRegish
OK Phrogg here we go..

First, understand you're sick at the moment. Do take care to resolve that issue prior to beginning BP.

When you do start BP, we're going to make some slight tweaks to Famine to tee you up for maximum size gains..

Suggest BW x 10 for daily calories, consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, some nuts and of course my favorite cleansing drinks (freshly juiced fruits and vegetables). The combination of fruits, vegetables, nuts + drinks should = your daily total of calories. Suggest the following freshly juiced each day:

Apple Carrot Juice

2 apples
6 carrots

Wash everything, peel the carrots and cut into sections where needed. Juice everything.

Carrot Anise Juice

8 carrots
2 anise stalks
3-4 celery stalks
2 apples

Wash and peel the carrots. Wash everything else, and cut up into sections if needed. Juice everything and enjoy.

Now, in terms of training I'd like you to execute 2 of the 3 workouts I mention in Famine Phase. Let's say you start on a Monday:


Legs, Back and Bi's with 2 minutes of rest between sets, 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range. These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion as follows.

- Squats with a weight that finds you able to perform 4-6 reps immediately into

- Seated cable rows for 4-6 rep range

Rest for approximately 2 minutes and repeat for 2 more rounds


- Standing barbell curls for 4- 6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Incline dumbell curls for 4-6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Preacher curls for 4-6 reps



Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as follows:

- Wide grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute in between sets and repeat 3 more times

Rest one minute and begin the following:


- Decline close grip bench presses for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns for 8-10 reps


At the end of Wed we'll check in to see where you're at in terms of scale weight, overall feeling etc..

When we do transition to Feast, I have the following ideas:

We're going to follow the Blueprint Periodic. After the 5 workout HIT one set to failure sessions, you'll have a new 1RM to apply to the appropriate loading pattern (first will be German Loading Pattern #1). We're going to focus on the SQ since it arguably involves the most musculature and will have a knock on effect to all other muscle groups.

You're still going to DL and bench and perform auxiliary exercises, but do so within a more hypertrophy oriented EDT type format which I'll expand upon later. For now, just envision the upcoming Feast workouts as follows;

1.) Rotated through the 5 HIT workouts to establish a new 1RM on SQ
2.) Satisfy your SQ poundages according to the given loading pattern
followed by..
3.) One or two EDT PR blocks/zones oriented toward hypertrophy

We'll work together to arrive at your preferred split that you shared with me via PM. Frequncy will vary, probably more frequent early on vs. later for as you grow stronger the need to accomodate that stress will increase.

There it is at a high level. Important not to think too far ahead. Step one is getting well. Once you're at that point, we'll walk through it together.

In the interim, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. At your service in that dept as I am for all of you guys...

This is going to be exciting.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:47 pm
by Phrogg
thanks rob. First mission- GET WELL!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:36 pm
by RobRegish
Good man :)