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Beachpirate's 1st BP log

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:19 pm
by beachpirate
Today was day 1 of the famine phase. My average resting heart rate over the past 4 mornings was 58.

Breakfast consisted of a big bowl of fresh fruit,

Prior to my workout, I ate an apple then hit the gym for workout #1 of famine.

squats superset with T-bar for 4x6 reps (for some reason I had 4 sets in my mind)
seated cable rows superset with pulldowns 3x6
standing bicep curls 1x6
incline dumbell curls 1x6
preacher curls 1x6

7 cups of spinach cooked to slightly wilted with 2TBSP EVO
1 TBSP cashews finely chopped and sprinkled on top
drizzled with the juice of 1 lemon approx 2 TBSP
8 oz V8

afternoon snack
1 orange
1 plum
8 oz V8

Prelude to dinner

16 oz V8

I'm pretty hungry right now and I might eat alittle more before I go to bed. I didn't come close to my total calories today and will need to work on that for tomorrow but as of now.

Calories 1200
carbs 210
fats 34
protein 28

RE: workout

Squats are improving but I am still focusing on form since I only started doing squats a few months ago.

I increased the weight on the last set of the t-bar by 20 pounds and still managed 6. I did notice my lower back alittle tired but was fine by the end of the next set of exercises.

I think my workout could have gone better in regards to weights used because I am not used to this format and picked weights that were alittle light for the 3 bicep exercises.

I have never paid much attention to rest periods. In the past I just lifted when I was ready. Today I used the stop watch on my phone to time rest periods and I think it was wrong. 2 minutes after the 1st set was a whole lot longer than the 2 minutes after the 3rd set of squats/t-bar.

Overall I was pleased with the workout and did manage to sweat a good bit.

Well like I said earlier, I'm hungry so I think I'll have some more fruit.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:29 pm
by Hank!
nice logging, i will be following as you are one week behind me in the BP.

On thing that helped me hit my calories numbers was a few servings of Lecithin daily, plus it does help the CNS from becoming over stressed

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:33 pm
Best of luck to ya buddy!! We're all behind ya here bro

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:41 pm
by beachpirate
Thanks TURBOFLEX and Hank.

Hank, I've been following your BP for ideas and inspiration. I forgot about the Lecithin. I bought some yesterday and just took 1 serving along with another orange.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:09 am
by RobRegish
The Lecithin was a great addition. Cheap, effective supp that does wonders for those prone to CNS burnout..

Great logging..

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:35 pm
by beachpirate
Day 2 of famine as been alittle more difficult in the area of eating. I have done better on the total calorie count but I have been hungry and want to eat everything in site. I had to go back to the grocery store today and I wanted the rotisserie chicken at the checkout line. I passed and ate a salad.

The morning started better than expected. For the first time in a long time I woke up to my alarm. I laid there a minute to allow my heart rate to slow back down and checked it. 59 b/m. I don't know if my sleep had anything to do with the program but I will be monitoring how I sleep. On a typical night I wake up or get woke up 2-3 time a night.

Weight was down 2 pounds

Breakfast snack
1 plum

1 hour cardio on the elliptical

16 oz V8


7 cups salad- 1 bag of Romaine
1 Tbsp cashews
lite ranch dresssing

3 cups salad mix of iceberg and spinach
feta cheese
8 oz carrots
lite ranch dressing


calories 1561
carbs 249
fat 53.9
protein 43

I noticed today I was more tired throught the day. Felt like I hit a wall around 4pm and feel asleep in my lazyboy for about 45 mins. My mind was in a fog some today.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:38 pm
your doin great bud, keep it goin!! And I definetly hear ya on feelin drained during famine, I work construction, and between that and the workouts, I felt like a whooped pup. But luckily its only 5 days, and your already almost halfway there :)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:46 pm
by kh971
Hang tough, I am sitting here with a slight headache and I think I am going to grab some pineapple before bed.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:49 pm
by askmass
You are on course, BP... it is actually a very good sign to be essentially spent the last couple of days.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:34 pm
by beachpirate
Day 3 of famine wasn't too bad for me. Slight headache on and off is about the only thing I have noticed. I had some difficulties with diet today only because I have been away from home most of the day. I'm beginning to question if I am doing this correctly or not. I am also having some difficulty getting my starting weights right. They are either too light or too heavy. I have been following the workout as written and sticking too the rest periods. So I'll continue to do what I'm doing to wrap up the famine phase. I just don't want this time to be wasted.

Todays workout went well. It seemed quick as I completed the workout withing 25 minutes. Feeling as thought I could do more I began to do a few more sets and added a giant set focusing on the same muscles, chest, shoulders and triceps. My shoulders seem to be lagging behind and I felt fatigued in my triceps. After lifting I did 45 mins on the treadmill--a moderate walking pace and felt good afterwards.

For breakfast I only had time to grab a piece of fruit so I ate a plum.


workout #2 of famine 1 min rest between sets
wide grip bench supersetted with smith machine shoulder press
decline CGBP
skull crushers
cable pressdown

I added another set of pressdowns
and a giant set of DB bench, DB shoulder press, behind the head DB tri extension
Then hit a shoulder press machine for 2 more sets to round out shoulders.

6 cups spinach
1 tbsp evoo
1 tbsp cashews
1 orange
1 tbsp lecithin

1 tbsp lecithin



before bed

Calories 1232
carbs 202
fat 44
protein 32

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:37 pm
by Hank!
this particular work out killed me during famine

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:28 am
by RobRegish
Good update..

Some tolerate it better than others and you seem to be doing just fine. The goal is not to suffer, just generate a sense of "alarm" to the brain/body that there is a stress to adapt to.

If you didn't feel it day 3/workout 3, you for sure will day 5 workout 5 :)

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:45 am
by beachpirate
Thanks again for the encouragement. I have a full day ahead of me so curious how my body holds up, both physically and mentally. Nothing like Kh971's days but spring has sprung and the weeds are out of control. I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle most of the time since I don't work. I wonder if that is why I am tolerating famine better than some. I'm a stay at home dad and my kids are just now getting to where I need to be chasing them around and with the weather warming up we are outside more now. I also maintain 3 yards during the growing season so things are starting to pick up and I need to get off my butt and start some weed control.

I will be starting my day off with breakfast and and hour of cardio.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:41 pm
by RobRegish
These are all very useful details so keep 'em coming...

Getting certain work done early has a LOT going for it. It takes about 3 weeks but once you get used to it.... AM training was probably one of my better moves looking back.