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Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:47 am
by RobRegish
OK guys, I just got a HARD lesson in how this industry works. Actual text from IM's over at and from a administrator: ADMINISTRATOR:

Rob: "Hi, I sell and ebook about how to use ecdy for PH type gains..without the PH's". How much would it cost to advertise on"

Him: "We don't sell "advertising" bro, we just sell product..."


"Hi, what's this BP all about"

Rob: "It's an ebook that shows you how to get PH type gains without the PH's"

"Thanks man, but I just want to buy PH's"

I get it now. If you're going to b successful you've got to sell pills, not information.

So my question is this for BP Diehards/those of you who KNOW it works:

QUESTION: Do you think by me doing a "product" for BP 3.0 it would damage my credibility?

I'm thinking of something that would have incredible impact here, not just a "me too" supplement. I'm onto something, not just sure how to go about it.

I'll tell you this though, if I do sell it I'm following this one simple rule:

"Not one bottle sold without the education/information to accompany it".

Even if I have to give it away for free.

Please let me know your opinion as I really, really value it...

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:23 pm
by dracotdrgn
I will tell you what I know:
1) I've been here a while and have seen the numbers increase a lot in the last few months. The word is getting out.

2)When I find myself replying or reading blogs, I soon realize that the majority of the bloggers there are teens. Not to say some of the younger crowd there doesn't know stuff but some just dont "get it." It's that marketing thing, people want to believe in that magic pill in the full color ad. They think they change their workouts but don't.
Ok I retract half a step and say IF the crowd could be educated, it would be a massive means to advertisement. There are smart people there we just need to find out how to reach them.

3) I trust you and John more than anyone in the industry and nothing you come up with, plan or pill, will ruin your credibility in my eyes.

I've been on a lot of plans, splits, and routines. I'm sticking with the BP as the foundation for any routine. It makes sense and I can feel results..........can/will it always be that way......we'll see. You KNOW I'm in your corner!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:30 pm
by MSR9889
i would say much of it has to do with being uneducated. after reading the first blueprint, i was able to go back into my past, look at when i made the most gains, and see why i was able to do it. previously i thought it had been from whatever supplement i had been taking at the time, and since i have traded and sold almost everything i had stocked up on.
im sure part of the problem is that you arent marketing a physical product just because that it what everyone has come to expect. a lot of the benefit people see is in the tangible product, in the sense that placebo has cured cancer. if you believe you can market a product with the program, then by all means do it. but in the mean time, word has been spreading slowly. i think ive had 4-5 people personally contact me about the program and as a result have bought it.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:56 pm
by RobRegish
These are great comments and very useful.

I do have a feeling that a certain type(s) of products can juice the BP further. Some of which exist today, some of which don't. We'll see...

Thanks to all that chimed in.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:47 pm
by askmass
There is a reason we don't target the flavor-of-the-month crowd at MASS, and never have... by and large, they can not understand or appreciate the legitimate, quality supplement sector and are easily swayed by sizzle, not steak. They will argue with you that Wal Mart whey is great because it's only $14.95 and that allows them more money to spend on X,Y,Z Drol... and yet they think MASS PRO is a rip off because it's "expensive"!

They don't have a clue.

I founded MASS on high principles and the golden rule. The very first thing I ever placed on the market was the "Fast Mass" course in late 1992 and in it I clear as day spelled out that there is NO magic pill that puts in equity sweat and does the workouts for you. We still sell that course some 18 years later and that section is still there, fully intact.

We cater to educated, smart lifters and genuine athletes from weekend warriors to the pro ranks and really could care less about the piss wars of the glossed up with little substance "GNC" brands.

I know that is providing you with a lot of pub, but you will never change their audience because they will always market to the gullible more so than anything else. It makes them very rich, see. No offense to the wise who drifted here from over there, but it's a different beast, Rob, and the key is in finding the right place to market to the right people.

Buy that ad in PLUSA already! Lambert could potentially add you as a writer... send him a comp copy. Get out there and shake the bushes for those smart athletes who understand how BP can help them.

Rome wasn't built in a day and it took us a good 5 years of 16 hour days of blood, sweat and tears to truly turn a corner to where we were getting well established. Hang in there, brother!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
You know... you're right.

Time to call PL USA. They're my kind of people.

Honest, hardworking people who appreciate training advice vs. before and after pictures.

And I've got to tell you, coming here is like a breath of fresh air vs. It's gotten so bad with the "Just started lifting, should I take creatine monohydrate, citrate or nitrate? Help me out and btw, I need an answer fast".

They have such a short attention way they'd read 70+ pages and think "none of this stuff is as powerful as Nitro-Tech..."

You've got to be wondering what the big man is thinking as he reads these posts (and I'm not talking about the guy who owns

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:28 pm
Hey Rob, I aint very far along in this thing yet, but I KNOW you have a great product here. I have no doubt I will have great sucsess for years to come with what I've learned from it. As for the crowd, I kinda think askmass nailed it man, I mean there is a huge crowd there, and I believe there are still lots of potential costomers there.... weeding them outta of mess aint goin to be a quick or easy process though. Do i think if you attach a shiny new pill to the BP, will it yeild interest and new costomers over at Well... if it's mega hyped just like the ''flavor of the month'' next best thing since sliced bread. Then absolutley yes, it gonna get more noticed, Rob your a smart guy, and if you got a product that you know is gonna work, and thats the route you wanna take , by all means brother, go for it. If you dont wanna go that route, I believe eventually enough people will stumble across the BP, get good results, figure out it works, word will spread and it will catch fire!! No matter what you decide, I think you'll make the right decision. And I'll support it

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:32 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, that really lifted my spirits.

Thanks Turbo...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:48 am
by conic
hey rob, im only a few weeks into the blueprint and i might put up a review on here and possibly when im done if ive got time on top of my far its looking like a GOOD review (im also stacking it with ebol). I actually purchased this product with the intention of only using legal supps because its a choice I've made to stay legal, for now anyway (i dont know what the future will hold). I actually found out about this through with you commenting on peoples posts and questions on ebol so you're 'advertising' to the right crowd already (ecdy users) in my opinion. You're trying to sell a no-nonsense, researched back program and i think that advertising (on the internet anyway) may not be the best route (reputation wise) as most advertisments on the net are spam/spyware so credibility wise i dont know how you will suffer but it will most probably make this program more aware which will be brought to the attention of competitors who may try and tarnish your name or replicate and sell your product. I'm also from a country where PH's are illegal, so that may reduce your international audience.

As for your reputation i think everyone on here respects the research you've done so far and even i gaze in aw at some of your posts, you will not loose your rep in the eyes of anyone on this board as we know you will choose a trusted and effective product (as already stated in this thread by other posters) but to the people that may not know who you are from outside this board, seeing your product include the use of PH's may discredit you to the not knowing community. If anything there is alot of bs information out there and you should be proud your selling true information, because in the end the people who are in it for the long run are looking for information, not the magic pill that they use for one month in the gym and never go back.

either way: your product, your decision, and i will most likely stay a blueprint diehard no matter which route you choose.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:30 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, thanks conic. That was quite insightful.

Here's what I've learned..

1.) Be patient

2.) IF I do a supp it will most certainly come with the information to use it

3.) Be patient

4.) Keep providing useful information (without giving away what you guys paid for....I am very mindful of that)

I will do all of these things. And I sincerely appreciate all of the kind words here from you guys. This really inspires me to do a better job, bring you better information and come up with more ways to make progress.

And I will.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:22 am
by Hank!

I have been in a corporate world for a while and I promise you this

1. People are lazy, 60% wont try at all if there is work involved, 20% will start and bail when it is found to be "too hard" 10% will put in a hardy effort see results and move to next thing and 10% will have huge success and become advocates the old" 80/20" rule holds true

So how do you market blueprint? You get Brock Lesnar or some movie star to do it before filming the next "300" shit every body wanted to do that damn 300 workout after that movie, you have to keep chipping a way

Given a hacksaw and enough time i could cut down a 1000yo oak tree..

I would try and find a way to "secure" your product. Once aquired anybody can post it or distribute it which lowers its value immensely

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:48 pm
by RobRegish
Great feedback and I've had time to think it over.

I will be doing a product (won't be soon but it will be top notch). I will be giving away a FREE copy of The Blueprint with every order. For "product" without information is doing anyone a dis-service IMO. And I'm not talking about a 1-2 page ad copy like most companies do...

Finally, 3.0 is being built around these products (there will be 2). They will greatly benefit anyone's training, but especially Blueprint users.

You guys inpire/challenge me to come up with ways to better your results. And beween these products and the unique "twist" I'm putting on the workouts prescribed for such, we're taking this thing to a WHOLE 'nother level.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:02 pm
Awesome bud!! Glad you came to a decision..... I'm confident and sure whatever products you have will be awesome!!! cant wait to learn more :D

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:18 pm
by RobRegish
Appreciate your interest..

I absolutely promise when the dust settles, this will allow BP users to pack on more muscle than they are currently. And that's saying something b/c I just did a meta-analysis of know BP logs/runs across 3 different boards:

The AVERAGE gain being reported is 1.5lbs/week.

And no, I don't have the % bodyfat vs. musclemass split but of those guys that did keep track, it looks to be a 90% LBM gain.

Our top gainers in this category:

Marcodeniro put on over 12lbs of LBM in under a month (I want to say 3 weeks...) while LOSING bodyfat. He is a mesomorph with a ferocious tenacity, willingness to learn and apply.

DaCookie put on an incredible 14lbs going from 154 to 168 at the end of his feast run. He started at a lighter BW/bone structure, poured his heart and soul into BP and I'm pleased to say, BP returned the favor.

UPDATE: He's added another 2 quality pounds during his intial foray into cruise/letting the cement settle for an astounding 16lbs gained his first run. And Draco, I shared with him your similar observations so I appreciate you notifying the BP brotherhood..

Very happy for him as I am all of you BP Diehards.. :)