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Hank's Blue Print Journal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:57 am
by Hank!
Today is the 1st day of the Famine Phase , my overall goal is fat loss and I will be using this board as a way of being accountable. I'll be tracking my food on the DailyPlate and may just post the macros up here.

about me
45 years old
253 LBS
chest 47
38W Pants/40 if measured with tape at fattest section
Estimated BF% 20-25 based height\ weight, hip\waist ratio (Ordered a digital caliper/bmi calculator but it arrived broken)
arms 16.5l/17r
thighs 27.5/27.5
calf 17/17

Supplements during Famine
Animal Flex
Lecithin Granules
5000 IU D3

I have been stuck at 110lb dumbbells bench for about 2 months now, so a test in the end will be to see if i can surpass that plateau. I will be following Robs w/o's and diet recommendations

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:00 am
by Hank!
Monday 3/15

Breakfast 7:30a
1 Light English Muffin
1 Coffee with cream and sugar
2 Strawberries
6 Almonds
left hungry

Coffee with Stevia 9:0a

Snack 11a
Emergn-c Vitamin packet (fighting a cold)
1/2 Yellow Bell Pepper
1 stalk celery
still hungry

12 noon

Warm up 3mins at 7mph dreadmill
Squat 135x12 225x6 275x4 275x6
Seated Cable 190x6 225x5 240x4
Standing BB Curl 65x6 75c5 80x5
Incline DB Curl 35x6 40x6 40x4
Preacher Curl(hammer machine) 75x10 85x8 105x5

Pretty quick workout was in the gym about 45 min total will be adding cardio after work, feel good and surprisingly tired

1:30 Lunch
5 Strawberries
1.5 Bell Pepper
3 Cups Spinach
2TBS Bolthouse Yogurt Dressing <damn good stuff>
10 almonds
yes still hungry


Skipped cardio will run lunch time tomorrow, had to pick up my kids

Dinner i didn't finish this
Cabbage 7 oz
Medium Onion 5oz
Olive Oil
Crushed Red Pepper

The vegan thing tastes okay so far, im telling you boys you wilt that cabbage an onion add a little vinegar mmm mmmm like warm cole slaw

Probably lucky i sleep alone :)

Another Snack
Brown Rice and lecitin

2.25gms GABA

Daily Totals

End of Day
1482 Calories
35gm Protein
32gm Fiber
52gm Fat
235gm carbs

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:56 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah man. I can feel it.

This one's going to be textbook, like TextbookTurbo too :)

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:50 pm
Welcome to the forums Hank! best of luck to ya bud :wink: The famine.... well it's definetly an experience, it aint fun, but it's aint completly horrible.

Famine Day 2

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:46 am
by Hank!
Slept like a rock, thanks for the GABA suggestion Rob

BP 115/55
Weight 249.6 ? WTF
Pulse 60 this is down from all last week where i was getting sick

3 tsp Sugar
Half and Half 3Tbls
lecithin granules


Steamed Veg about 1cup
choco chip cookie (coulndt resist)
5 almonds

Green Tea w/ stevia
2 Clementines
1 cup brown rice


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:18 pm
by RobRegish
You're resting heart rate going lower and perfectly natural and a good sign at this point.

You're transitioning from Famine to Feast and this is one of the signs "traction" is starting. Now that you're loading the nutrients back in and lifting heavier, all the more..

Keep us posted as I'm following this one closely..

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:53 pm
by Hank!
Did some cardio after work today, about 45 mins HR monitor says 448 cals burned, really felt tired before going outside to run, and had no legs at all


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:59 pm
by RobRegish
Wow. Good for you..

I can't run during famine. It's just too much. Sled yes, running no. So great work.

And I really like to objective measurements you're using (HR monitor, etc.). Great adjunct to the scale/mirror etc..

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:30 pm
by Hank!
Would love a sled dude i am built like a truck not a sports car cannot stand running, but it is a means to an end , most of the time i do general fitness training, intervals or calisthenics as cardio. I do have access to a jacobs ladder...that mofo is brutal

I need to find a deal on one of the hip belts for squatting, just getting low on the cash

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:23 am
by RobRegish
You will love the sled then, trust me. I HATE running with a passion. Good alternatives are sprints. Biking (John's/AskMass's) favorite can for sure build the legs, especially when doing hills.

Both the sled and hip belt squat can be picked up cheaply on any of those online auction sites. Well worth the investment...

If looking to jury-rig something yourself, consider using an old lifting belt with chain attached. Suspend heavy dumbell from that chain, cinch it up tight to your groin and grasp an upright (corner of a power rack, lets say).

New squat straight up and down for 10 reps. Next set, squat back while hanging onto the upright.

It'll feel awkward at first but once you find your sweet spot/get used to them for 2-3 weeks you'll never look back!

Wed March 17 Famine Day 3

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:52 am
by Hank!
Slept well..looks like GABA is a lifesaver

BP 115/63
Pulse 64 (up 4 from yesterday)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:07 am
by RobRegish
Ah, the resting heart rate jump... right on schedule too :)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:10 am
by Hank!
Woke up hungry had
Coffee w/ cream and Sugar
1/2 cup Oats with 2tbls Lecithen

Snack 10pm
1oz peanuts

W/O felt weak and tired
Wide Grip BP supersetted with DB Shoulder Press BP is weak, i have been using DB for benching (12 months +)and seriously thought more would carry over

Bench Press Shoulder
155x10 50x10
185x10 55x8
185x8 60x7
155x10 50x8

Decline Narrow Grip
135x10 then moved to Smith machine

Skull Crusher

Triceps Extension V bar

Triceps Extension Straight Bar

I was gassed sweaty and beat after this, total rest time was probably 5 minutes of the 50 mins in the gym.

On the bright side the Gym owner gave me a deal on Vasolate $28

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:23 pm
by RobRegish
OK good. Stick with it you're almost there.... 8)