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Homemade Kefir the easy way...probiotic powerhouse

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:55 am
by matter2003
Got an easy way to make homemade kefir I'll share...

Take your store bought milk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc or make almond/coconut milk yourself...take a cup of raw almonds and 16 oz of water, mix in a blender and strain out the chopped for later to use in cereal, breads, or eat plain...

Take the milk or strained mixture and dump 6-8 probiotic capsules in it...if you have several different probiotics even better...take a few of each capsule...

If you have Inulin, add some to this, its a prebiotic undigestible fructose the bacteria LOVE...they will rapidly multiply. If not you can add some brown sugar, molasses, turbinado or even regular sugar...the bacteria will use it as food, none will be left when they are done...

Put a towel over the top of the bowl, or you can use a mason jar or Fido jar instead and put it in an unheated oven and let it sit overnight. The next morning there should be a film on top, this means its working...let sit for another 24-36 hours and it will be ready to drink, teeming with good bacteria...

Now instead of taking capsules with a few billion bacteria, you will be taking a few TRILLION bacteria every time you drink this...

Save a cup of this for use as a starter culture for the next batch and you no longer need to use the probiotic capsules...

There you have it, cheap easy kefir you can have ready in 36-48 hours...doesn't take 3-4 weeks like sauerkraut and no goitrogens that can inhibit your thyroid function either

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:59 am
by RobRegish
Wow, great tip Matter!

Money saving too... :)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:01 pm
by matter2003
Actually got an even easier way now...I get a half gallon of organic pasture raised milk or coconut/almond milk, dump about 10-12 probiotic caps in punch a small hole in the screw on lid to allow carbon dioxide to escape, wait for about 3 days are you are good to go...tastes almost like plain yogurt but tastes slightly better to me...

Then save about a cup from this, and dump in the new milk you get from the store and start the cycle all over again.

Kefir's name is actually derived from the Turkish word "keif", meaning "feeling good". So the word kefir literally means "That which makes you feel good"...

They knew what they were talking about hundreds or thousands of years ago...

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:08 pm
by matter2003
Also keep 2 wide mouth mason jars full of sauerkraut going at all times...that's super easy to make as well...sea salt, cabbage and water...kefir has 2 main advantages over sauerkraut tho:

1) its ready in 2-3 days instead of 3-4 weeks
2) it contains no thyroid blocking goitrogens like sauerkraut does. If you eat it regularly make sure to supplement with iodine

Sauerkraut does have an advantage of having pretty decent amounts of K2, as cabbage is very high in K1, and the bacteria metabolizes the K1 into K2 similar to what happens when soy is fermented into Natto...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:12 am
by matter2003
Just got my water and milk kefir grains in...

Water kefir has quickly fermented---boiled unfiltered tap water, allowed it to cool and added 1/2 cup of brown sugar and 2 TBSP of Black Strap Molasses...72 hours later grains have nearly doubled in size it appears and tons of carbon dioxide gas is bubbling inside the jar...

Milk kefir grains are coming along much more slowly...luckily my homemade milk kefir is working like a charm so I have plenty on hand as I wait for this to reinvigorate...put the grains in a cup of milk...72 hours later, haven't noticed much of anything other than a fermented milkiness around the kefir grains...changed the milk and put in a fresh glass of milk...

Have about a quart of milk kefir left, almost a half gallon of coconut milk kefir(don't really like the flavor of almond/coconut milk kefir---kind of sour), and the water kefir is ready to go....

going to fix this gut once and for all

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:59 am
by RobRegish
You're WAY into this detox/fixing things brother, good for you!

The insights you bring to this board, money saving tips etc really are making a difference for people - thank you.

QUESTION: When do you have time to mix/dose all this stuff? LOL. I'd imagine every minute you're not at work/in the gym? :)

In all candor, whatever it is it's worth it. You have truly healed thyself, and stepped even that up by sharing it here with others!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:25 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:You're WAY into this detox/fixing things brother, good for you!

The insights you bring to this board, money saving tips etc really are making a difference for people - thank you.

QUESTION: When do you have time to mix/dose all this stuff? LOL. I'd imagine every minute you're not at work/in the gym? :)

In all candor, whatever it is it's worth it. You have truly healed thyself, and stepped even that up by sharing it here with others!
I don't have a choice if I want to heal. My body is overloaded with toxins and I need to employ every and any method I can come across to ensure they are removed properly...

The kefir is really easy, basically you just dump the stuff in and shake it every once in a while and you are all good .

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:54 am
by askmass

Always Be Detoxing.

It's really a 24/7/365 lifestyle for a lot of us.

Typically, if someone digs really deep into detoxing efforts they find the results so overwhelmingly positive that it just spurs them on more and more.

Out of all of this, far and away the #1 thing I advise people do is to get any and all mercury fillings removed ASAP and begin mercury detox.

For most people, just having the fillings removed is like being reborn. Youthful energy returns, the head fog clears, old aches and pains disappear...

Still, so many serious issues and addictions are tied directly to the mercury poisoning deposits in the body that it takes years of concentrated efforts to remove the majority of them that remain.

And, that's just one area of detoxing... albeit a central and key one for many.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:23 pm
by thicketman
While on the topic of the gut microbiome, here's something I came across a while back...resistant starches as prebiotics: ... wbies.html

I used unmodified potato starch for a while. Once I ran out I never replaced it though...baaaaaddd gas...

Still eating fermented foods, though....might give kefir a try.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:30 pm
by matter2003
Yup, I use Inulin in every batch of kefir, those little guys love it, lol...
Kefir also has a substance called "kefiran" which is extremely destroys pathogenic yeast and bacteria, significantly lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and has strong blood glucose lowering properties, making it a near perfect drink for gear users., especially for things like Tren that destroy your gut truly is the king of probiotics...

Also one of the main factors in pathogenic diseases has been shown to be lack of gut microflora diversity, which kefir addresses nicely...while most fermented foods and yogurts only have a few strains of bacteria, kefir has 30-40 or more beneficial yeast and bacteria strains...the more beneficial bacteria you have the better...each strain performs important functions and further crowds out pathogenic bacteria and yeasts...

For instance, one strain converts B vitamins into nicotinamide, an extremely potent immune system modulator that reduces inflammation, others enable proper absorption of minerals, etc...they all work together like a finely tuned machine...when one part of the machine breaks, it all breaks

While most probiotic capsules contain a few billion CFU's, and the strongest ones 100 billion or so CFU's at time of manufacture, kefir contains, AT MINIMUM, 1.2 Billion CFU's...PER ML!!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:24 pm
by matter2003

After doing more research I've uncovered something of extreme importance regarding probiotics in general and something specific.

The main reason why some bacteria help the body and others don't with inflammation is due to a substance they either produce, help release or degrade...histamine...the body's alarm signal. In most people this doesn't cause an issue as their body has enough of an enzyme called DAO to break down histamine in the foods we eat. However, in some people, DAO is not produced in sufficient quantities.

This leads to histamine buildup, which is made worse if you have the wrong type of bacteria, as they actually PRODUCE histamine helping to cause inflammation. Other bacteria "eat up" the histamine and are called histamine degrading bacteria...helping to lower inflammation...

One of the best histamine degraders is a bacteria called B. Infantis...the type of bacteria found in human breast milk and the first type an infant gets from its strongly attaches to the intestinal lining helping to formulate a healthy gut...

The best form of this is a special strain sold as Align, which has had many clinical studies done on it. It is expensive but worth it, as it very, very quickly turns milk into kefir even at much lower CFU counts than others I have used. I put in 14 caps into a half gallon and within 2 days it was extremely thick about inflammation lowering power!!

Now you will never need to buy Align again...simply use this culture to reinnoculate any other milk you buy with a cup to cup and a half of the kefir and you can keep an endless supply of inflammation lowering kefir...

In addition it produced a substance called nicotinamide...a form of niacin which is extremely inflammation suppressing...

So in addition to this, I am adding DAO and Nicotinamide and my psoriasis should be dissappating quickly as I shut off the alarm and Nicotinamide "eats up" the histamines stored in my body cells, which likely is significant...

Already have pretty much all the areas with psoriasis turning very very light pink and thinning, but this should greatly accelerate the process...

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:29 am
by RobRegish
Matter: Your black and decker/home remedy solution guy.

Out of the box thinking at it's best brother, THANK YOU!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:30 am
by DaCookie
Id love to try what your saying...but I honestly just dont see it with pasteurized products at the normal temp(something like 147f)

I dont care if you get the best of the best dairy/probiotic etc, with pasteurization at those temps for the standard amount of time no matter what way you put it it still turns into a turd...if you shine a turd it is still a turd.

And I cant get raw milk to try this.