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Marco takes it to the next level with Blueprint

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:25 pm
by MarcoDeniro
So after hearing much about the Blueprint program I decided to give it a go. I have been lifting for about 4years . the last year has been the seriousest and so I have to decided to take it to the next level. I will be running the Blueprint program with E-bol since this is one of the first adaptogens supplements I have heard good review~its the turk~.Today finds me back on the famine state. I attempted it before, after a week rest from the gym but I fell off the famine wagon.

I am doing this log for my written record as well as info for others.
I am Marco Deniro
230lbs @23 Bf
moderatly training for 4 years

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:40 pm
by MarcoDeniro
So today back in the Famine state Day1
Hr upon waking was 55-60bpm for 3 min as measured by Polar Heart Rate Monitor
Diet has consisted of Half of pomengrate and bannana for breakfast
Off to gym for workout ~not xactly as outlined in The Blueprint but similar~
will bring Blueprint outline workout to bear tomorow
Lunch has been 5 0z of spinach sauteed with onion splash with fresh lemon juice. a glass of v8
Snack~few pecans a few cahews
Snack~brown rice with a small piece of chicken breast
Snack ~5 oz of spinach v8
Snack~ 5 strawberries & and a apple
I really do not know what this equates to in calories but I do know that I am :(. And getting :evil:

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:16 pm
by askmass
Welcome to the tribe, Marco.

First time out with the famine isn't fun, I remember well... but hang in there, great things are days away and you'll find yourself looking forward to the short famine/detox phases in due time.

No kidding.

Best of luck, hang tough!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:21 am
by RobRegish
Great start and welcome aboard.

FYI everyone he has a big frame (6'4" if I remember correctly?) so I'm excited by the growth opportunity that provides.

Hang in there and stay strong. Remember, it's only 5 days. After that we hit the Feast and you'll be MUCH happier :)

Here to help with any questions you may have..

Day 2 Of the Great famine

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:27 pm
by MarcoDeniro
This morning I woke up So hungry. I put my heart rate monitor on and fell back asleep. My avg was 60 max was 93 :confused:
Anywho I did not get to workout but will tommorow.
My diet consisted of
snack 1: pomegrant, bannana, v8
snack 2: bag of spinach sauteed
snack 3: few pecans pomengrate and cherries
snack 4: Kar's sweet 'n salty mix~highlight~ even though the spinach was good
snack 5: huge salad
snack 6: half of a hamburger patty
snack 7: v8 and more trail mix
snack 8: brown rice with lean hamburger~not to much beef~
snack 9: steamed brocolli
snack 10: few almonds
not to hard

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
Your baseline mentioned prior was 55 to 60. Ideally, it's one # but let's work with that. Call it 57.

What you're looking for is to see it increasing over these next 5 days, getting to a level of about 65 beats per minute. Doesn't have to be exact but that's the neighborhood you should be in..

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:20 am
by MarcoDeniro
RobRegish wrote:Your baseline mentioned prior was 55 to 60. Ideally, it's one # but let's work with that. Call it 57.

What you're looking for is to see it increasing over these next 5 days, getting to a level of about 65 beats per minute. Doesn't have to be exact but that's the neighborhood you should be in..
Baseline~ lying in bed first thing in the Morning ~avg 55
Today Avg was 56 bpm
morning weight 229 @24 %
Snack 1: quarter of a pomengrate, 5 strawberries and handful of blueberries . Handful Of trail mix
Snack 2:Apple
Chest &Tri's
40lbs x 15
65lbs x 12
70lbs x10
70lbs x10
Flat~Smith Machine~just counting plates
90lbs x15
140lbs x12
160lbs x10
160lbs x10
90 x10
90 x10
Fly Machine
120lb x12
120lbs x10
120lbs x10
100lbs x30
Triceps pulldown with rope `spread
40lbs x12
50lbs x12
50lbs x10
triceps pushdown superset with pulldown rope
3X40lbs x12~~~~~~~20lbsx10
717 cal
Max Hr 168
Avg Hr 122
Duration 1:03

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:10 pm
by MarcoDeniro
Just to be clear no amino acid cocktails during this stage

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:13 pm
by RobRegish
Correct. And nice start :)

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:45 pm
by MarcoDeniro
snack 3: ~pwo~ brown rice with 1 Ounce of ground break
snack 4: handful of cashews
snack 5: Half of v8 half bag of spinach
snack 6: handful of blueberries
Cardio workout 30 min
100 leg lifts
Rotary Torso
Ab Machine

Got the biggest cramp in my middle abs and sides from rotary torso.
duration 1:13
1174 cal
57 min in zone 131-185
Max hr 177
Avg hr 145
My daughter said I smelled like pee on the way home.
Could be the Phenylethylamine~PEA~
Or it could be indication of other things
stopped and got chicken nuggets and fries after gym gace half of the fries away. It still falls within my calorie restricted famine :(
Snack 7: banana
Snack 8: bowl of fruit~ apples ~strawberries~blueberries

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:27 am
by RobRegish
Great going. Stick with it, it's almost over!

Day 3 still fasting

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:02 am
by MarcoDeniro
65 bpm waking HR
I left my monitor on through the night
6.11 hour sleep burned 610 calories
Max Hr 97 WTF
Avg Hr 66
Feeling hungry.Dull Headache No biggie. Prolly feel better after I eat again. How do u figure out caloric intake of berriers and such. I would love to put a Kvalue to my diet for records. I know it can't be over 1800 calories
Morning weight 230 @26.8% :(
Snack 1: Bannana and 18 cashew kernals 170 cal

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:44 am
by MarcoDeniro
Rob I have an array of supplements at my disposal. However maybe on my next run I can utilize your suggested products.
I have Bulk Bcaa's ,
Omega sports ONE which contains L-Leucine 5g~glutamine AKG 1g~calcium alphaketoisoaporate 500mg ~l-pheylanine 500mg along with 12 g of hydrolyzed rice syrup
I have host of others but I dont want to skew results of using the blueprint. However I would like to utlize whatever I have if it would help.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:25 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work on the famine so far. And I see your resting heart rate is increasing :)

Now, on the supps... the bulk BCAA's will serve you well. The BCAA loading protocols recommended in Blueprint you'll for sure want to consult as they make a BIG difference.

Best to keep it simple during your first run. A quality ecdy plus BCAA formula peri-workout is logical, makes sense and is fiscally responsible.

Hang in there, you're doing well!!