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55 year old taking the plunge to pack on muscle mass

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:38 am
by Rob Whisonant
My name is Rob and here is my story.

I started out at 160 pounds at a height of 5' 7". Did I say I am 55 years old? Overweight and out of shape. I took up running several years ago and dropped down to 114 pounds with low body fat.

Now after losing the fat I decided to add muscle. So I tried everything in the gym. From high rep circuit training sets to 5x5 routines. I did manage to put on about 2 pounds of muscle over a 1 year period of time. (sucks)

I ended up with tendonitis in both elbows and both shoulders, biceps and triceps. Also ended up with bursitis in both shoulders.

So I finally took 6 months of rest to heal. All is healed except for some chronic bursitis and tendonitis in the right shoulder. It's manageable but here to stay.

This basically limits what I can do with my arms above my head, so I have to replace exercises like overhead press, dumbbell pullovers, skull crushers etc with other exercises. I will also have to substitute something for dips as they aggravate the shoulders big time. But that will not stop me.

I'm ready to make a comeback and finally pack on some muscle.

I'll be following BP 2.0 for this first run. I have a feeling why I did not gain much muscle before was my diet. I need to increase my calories big time. at 116 pounds I normally eat about 1400 calories. Going to up that to 2300 to see how that does.

Now because of my age and small size, would it be better for me to stack and take both Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptagen N at the the same time?

Also any recommendations to replace the pull-overs that will still give a good stretch without the need for the arms to go above the head?

How about a substitute for dips?

Once I hit the feast phase would it be best to adopt a 1 workout day, 2 days off approach? Or hit a 3 day a week workout schedule?

Guess I need to shut up now and get back to reading so I can get started.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)

Rob Whisonant

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:00 am
by DaCookie
I would stack those supps.For joints try cissus, maybe tranquilogen(not sure)

Workout as often as you think.Listen to your body/mind.If youve been going hardcore for say 4 weeks and your body says ok but your mind says no, this would be an indicator for a lot of rest days.Ive made that mistake quite a lot but i am 22.

Good luck

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:53 pm
by bigpelo
Calories are LOW indeed. 2400 cal minimum if you want to gain since despite your current bodyweight. Also, if you are below 10% body fat, you could have more carbs.

You could look into calisthenic instead of weight lifting if joins and tendons are hurting.

If you have to pick just one supplement, given you are 55 year old, Adaptogen N would be my recommendation. I am 30, but it helps feeling great and ups libido. I prefer 5 days on and 2 days off with adaptogen N. First 5 days at 3 caps and after 2 caps for maintenance works better than 3 caps every day for the month.

I prefer Kre-Anabolyn with carbs base meals only during weight gaining phase. But I am 225 lbs and 14% BF so I tend to keep carbs very low. I have no problem eating +2000 calories in 1 sitting :oops:

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:57 am
by Rob Whisonant
Thanks for the replies. I will be starting Famine today. Total calories each day of 928. Wow that's low but that is 8 calories per pound of body weight.

I picked up some soy lecithin granules at GNC. At 40 calories a tablespoon they will eat up some of my calories.

Is there a recommended amount of lecithin granules that should be taken during famine? Label says 1 tablespoon a day but I see others taking a lot more. At 116 pounds, how many tablespoons should I be taking a day?

Also do you continue taking lecithin granules during the feast mode?

Thanks for any help I can get.

Rob Whisonant