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Matt Elder's BP to crush all PR's!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:01 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Oh man, it has been a long time since I have posted, or even trolled this board. I have done a couple BP runs since my last posted one. This time I hope to be back post posting again regularly.

I started famine on Jan. 1st. Talk about a hard day to start famine. Must have been the dehydration and lack of sleep. As I sit here, it is day four of famine and I am starving. I have been eating mostly veg/fruit with some carbs every now and again just to stave off the hunger. I have felt hungry every minute of every day.

My best lifts from the past few months were finally starting to be decent.
Bench Press- 275
squat- 325
Deadlift- 415
All taken at the end of september. All at a body weight of 175lbs.

For the past couple of months I was in and out of the gym, with life getting in the way. Now I have time to get back to a regular schedule and thought a solid BP run would be the way to start.

Goals for the next year:
Bench Press- 315
Squat- 405
Hopefully I gain some size too. I was up to 180lbs at 9% body fat at one point. Would love to see 185lbs.

Time to Grow!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:11 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, here is the breakdown of my famine so far.

Day 1. Jan 1. No workout, nursed a hangover with veggies. really doesn't help.

Day 2. Walk for 3.5 hours in the cold and snow, as per my job.
Leg Press- 6 plates a side x 10 reps x 4 sets
Pullups- super set with leg press, 12 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps.
Barbell squat- 185 x 4 sets x 8 reps.
Barbell Rows- 135lbs, 4 sets, 10-12 reps.
Felt wiped out after that.

Day 3. 3.5 hours of walking, roughly a half marathon. Then shoveled snow for 45 mins. Legs were sore.

Day 4. Legs are killing me. I just want some protein. Weight is down a pound and a half. Pulse is up 4 beats per minute.
Workout was 100 pushups, 6 sets to get there. I have no energy left. Shoveled snow for 45min again. Hockey tonight should be interesting.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:22 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, back to postin'

Monday Jan 6.
Bridge workout #1

Bench Press- 165/10 reps
E.D.T #1
Incline DB press: 55/ 8 8 8 8 8 8
T-Bar Row: 80/10 10 10 10 10 10
15 min, with 2 min rest periods.

Deadlift: 245/10

Squat: 205/10

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:26 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Wednesday Jan. 8
Bridge Workout #2

Bench Press: 185/5
Incline DB press: 55/ 10 10 10 10 10 8
T-Bar Row: 90/ 10 10 10 10 10 10

Deadlift: 315/5

Squat: 225/4

I was spent by the time I got to squats. Needless to say the numbers were not as I hoped. Need more sleep.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:32 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Friday Jan. 10
Bridge Workout #3

Bench Press: 225/2
E.D.T #1
Incline DB Press: 60/ 8 8 8 7 7 6
T-Bar Row: 105/ 10 10 9 9 9 8
15 min long, 2 min rest

Deadlift: 365/2

Squat: 265/3

I am feeling a little exhausted, will be nice to sleep in tomorrow and have a good rest day. Need to get that energy back.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:30 pm
by RobRegish
Hang in there brother, but LISTEN to your body too. If you feel sick or just "off", discontinue.

Most get a pass on workout #3 btw, so hopefully you did too. From everything I see here, you're there. Just finish out the diet and you're golden..

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:22 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, a little behind on some posts here.

Jan 11.
Bridge workout #4

Bench Press: 175/6
Incline DB press: 60/ 9 9 8
T-Bar Row: 105/ 10 10 10
Had to stop there as my chest was just way too sore.

Deadlift: 295/ 6
Felt easy, so that is a good sign.

Jan. 14th.
Max tests;

Bench Press: 245/2
Not my ideal spotter so I took the double and decided not to go for a true max.

Deadlift: 405/1
It was really slow but I got the weight up to lockout. That's what counts.

Now For GLP1!!

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:27 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Jan. 16. GLP1 Bench Press

Bench Press: 125/10, 135/8, 150/8, 160/8, 180/8, 195/8(PR)
E.D.T #1
Incline DB press: 60/ 6 6 6 5 5 5
T-Bar Row: 105/ 8 8 8 8 8 8
Not my best but I was sure tired from the bench pressing.

Incline BB bench: 95/ 12, 12, 11, 11

Called it a day as my chest was destroyed. Haven't been that tired on chest day in a while.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:34 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Jan 18. GLP#1 Squats.

Barbell Squats: 140/10, 150/8, 170/8, 185/8, 205/8, 220/8
E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 540/ 10 10 10 10 8
Lying Leg Curl: 110/10 10 10 10 9
15 min exact. 2 min rests.

Hack Squats: 140/ 12 12 12 12
SLDL: 95/12, 115/12 12 12
single leg leg extensions: 40/ 15 15 15 15
seated Calf raises: 45/20 20, 90/10 10 10 10, 45/20 18 15

This is the first true leg day I have had in a while, felt good to be back doing legs. the strength was not there but I know it will come back fast.
Hope I am not too sore tomorrow, but I know I will be.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:31 am
by RobRegish
Not if you're taking Synthagen... :-)

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:42 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Hey Rob,

Not on Synthagen this run. However I am on KA and Adaptagen N.

Sunday Jan. 19
Back/Deadlift GLP1 W/O #1

Deadlift: 205/10 220/8 250/8 265/8 295/8 315/8(PR)
Pullups: 10 10 10 10
Barbell Rows: 135/10 155/8 165/5 5
Wide Neutral grip Pulldowns: 130/10 145/8 145/6 145/6
1 arm DB rows: 70/8 75/8 75/8 75/8
Close grip pulldowns: 130/8 130/8 130/8 130/8

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:06 am
by ElderadoRacing
Monday Jan. 20th.
Bench GLP1 Workout #2

Bench Press: 125/10 150/8 160/6 180/6 190/6 210/5- missed 1 rep due to not trusting spotter.
E.D.T #1
Incline DB Press: 60/ 8 8 8 7 7 7
T-Bar Row: 105/ 10 10 10 9 9 8
Incline Barbell Press: 95/15 115/11 135/6 dropset 95/6

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:10 am
by ElderadoRacing
Tuesday Jan. 21st.
Shoulder Day.

DB shoulder Press: 45/10 50/8 55/6 5 5
Seated Lateral Raises: 25/10 10 10 10 10
Seated Military press machine: 50/15 60/12 70/11 60/12 50/13
Cable Laterals: 12.5/10 10 8 8
Bentover rear delts: 20/12 12 10 10 10
DB shrugs: 75/10 10 10
Shrug machine: 135/12 13 13 185/8

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:25 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, time to catch back up. Life may get busy, but the lifting keeps going.

Jan 23. GLP 1, Deadlift w/o #2

Deadlifts- 205/10 245/8 265/6 295/6 315/6 345/6
Pullups- 12 12 10 10 6
Barbell Rows- 135/12 135/10 135/10 10
Neutral grip wide Lat pulldown- 115/13 115/12 115/11 115/11
1 arm DB rows- 65/12 11 10 10
Close grip pulldown- 115/11 110/11 85/13 85/13