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Injury can't train legs knee ligaments

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:00 am
by creativef
Hey guys,

Its David here just joined the blueprint family a couple weeks ago and enjoying reading all the great info Rob and everyone else are sharing. This is my first run and i am in the feast phase and already made some blunders but its all good, leaning as i go along...

Anyway my question is if i can't work legs due to my knee injuries and can only focus on upperbody, what u guys think my workout should look like and schedule... Should i do a different kind of split like:


I know the BP have a 10 workout plan but from what i see leg days are a major part of the program but feel doing the same workout every 3 days isn't going to benefit me right now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys thanks.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:18 am
by RobRegish
Welcome David!

Are you able to do Romanian Deadlifts? This will help keep a major part of the program intact.

If not, you split looks logical. Even if you can bend your knees just slightly, adding RDL's will be a BIG boon to your success!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:34 am
by beefcake66
What kind of knee injuries?

I have a torn ACL and I've always been looking for work-arounds and substitutions. We could brainstorm.

Exercises I can do:
Partial Squats (useless)
Deadlifts (requires knee brace)
Step-Ups (excellent rehab, at bodyweight)
Romanian Deadlifts
Glute Bridges (barbell humps lol)

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:36 pm
by creativef
RobRegish wrote:Welcome David!

Are you able to do Romanian Deadlifts? This will help keep a major part of the program intact.

If not, you split looks logical. Even if you can bend your knees just slightly, adding RDL's will be a BIG boon to your success!
Thanks Rob for the reply i have never done RDL before so i might have to try but i was told to keep as much pressure off it by the doc.

Just had xray done waiting on an answer but my doc suspect it some kind of ligament issue.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:40 pm
by creativef
beefcake66 wrote:What kind of knee injuries?

I have a torn ACL and I've always been looking for work-arounds and substitutions. We could brainstorm.

Exercises I can do:
Partial Squats (useless)
Deadlifts (requires knee brace)
Step-Ups (excellent rehab, at bodyweight)
Romanian Deadlifts
Glute Bridges (barbell humps lol)
I did a few of these but was told to stay away from putting to much stress on it and the thing is i know my body really well so i know there is something wrong, really wrong...

When i did do some of thses exercise the pain during and after isn't nice at all.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:17 am
by RobRegish
The glute bridge in particular (thanks Beefer!), is a GREAT movement. Can you perform those?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:04 am
by creativef
RobRegish wrote:The glute bridge in particular (thanks Beefer!), is a GREAT movement. Can you perform those?
I can sure try these Rob look simple to do, fingers cross i'll let you know how this work...thanks Rob

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:56 pm
by beefcake66
Tonight I'm going to try some low Rack Pulls because I can't bend my knee to 90 degrees or lower to do a proper deadlift just yet.

Sounds like you got a tough situation, at least I know what's wrong with my knee(s)... good luck with it man.