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Ironmind belt squat with landmine

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:59 am
by oliverparsons
For those who have purchased the IronMind hip belt, has anyone used it with a landmine instead of stacking up a loading pin in between your legs? My concern with the loading pin and plates between my legs is that my stance will be much wider than how I generally squat and you only get good range of motion by setting up blocks to elevate you (which will be tough in my gym).

I've included a youtube clip of the ironmind belt with a landmine, anyone have feedback doing it this way? Looks like you can stack up the weight and get awesome range of motion.


Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:13 am
by RobRegish
Haven't used the landmine, but looks solid. I favor Ironmind's 15" loading pin (olympic). Makes setup and loading a snap..