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Can supplements be used during the cruising phase?...

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:16 am
by Garyboy
Hi Rob,

I just purchased The Blueprint, and finished reading it literally minutes ago. Was an excellent read and your protocol makes a lot of sense, so thank you very much for making it available.

I'm just curious as to whether it is ok to use our supplement regimen during the cruising phase. Thanks.

On a side note, do you consider the new E-BOL a worthwhile product? I noticed one of the supplements you said to avoid was ginseng, which just happens to be in E-BOL.

Thanks for all of your help and I hope you're enjoy the holiday season.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:41 am
by RobRegish
Hi Gary,

Excellent questions and welcome aboard. Glad you liked The Blueprint.

The Blueprint 2.0/Blueprint Periodic for Strength Athletes will be released within days so be on the lookout..

With regard to your questions:

1.) Yes, supps can be used during the cruise phase. However I don't think it's absolutely necessary. During this time, our objective is to solidify the gains realized in the Feast phase. Protein synthesis, glycogen storage and other variables aren't as ramped up and this may just be me but.... I like to think a penny saved here is a penny earned.

Having said all of that, if you still want to take supps I'd look into those that are specific to increasing workload capacity. Specifically, creatine in some form would be beneficial and probably at the top of my list. Second would be a good, broad based adaptogen/nootropic such as the new Burn It Up formula. Here we find generous amounts of Peak Atp, MACA, Phospatidylserine etc. that will replenish both brain and body. That's important because you've just pushed everything to the limit and broken new barriers.

2.) Yes, I think E-bol is a quality ecdy product. I'm curious to see what Turk adds and the jury is still out IMO. I look at it this way, it must be pretty potent stuff IF it does work at 4mg/serving. The 20mg I believe is standardized to a 20% extract. Even if it's a strong as 1AD, 4mg of 1AD wouldn't do much. I may be proven wrong, it's just going to take more time. If we could get a standalone Turk in higher mg. amounts we'd have a clearer picture. And yes, I looked into it. It currently costs $300,000 for a kilo of the 99% material. You read that right. $300,000/kilo. Personally, I stick with Kre-Anabolyn for bulking due to it's focus on glycogen storage and 4-Hydroxy - L - Isoleucine/content.

We all have our favorites. Use what works best for YOU!

Now on Ginseng, I stand by my recommendation in Blueprint V 1.0....not very useful. That was based on my experience with several store bought versions (various Ginseng strains), bulk material purchased via the internet and a random sampling from some street markets. It's also based on my experience with the oft-mentioned G115 extract quoted so often in the studies both here and abroad.

There is one exception and I've clarified this in Blueprint 2.0: Korean Red Ginseng (aged extract for up to 10 years). What I've come to learn is that much like Ecdy, the quality of Ginseng varies widely. Perhaps even moreso. With most ginseng, you may as well be eating hedge clippings. Aged Korean Red Ginseng is a whole 'nother ball game.

It is found in the new Burn It Up and if I'm not mistaken, the new E-bol. I haven't seen it anywhere else as it's very rare and very expensive. Look up the bulk suppliers online and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm no Ginseng expert but these 2 Korean Red's appear to be extracted differently. For example, on the E-bol it appears they're trying to concentrate a certain "active" they feel has tissue building properties. Burn It Up appears to be a full spectrum extract, focusing on concentrating ALL actives.

Which one is more beneficial? Damned if I know. If you study other herbs though such as Tribulus, Ecdy etc. and their history, one thing becomes very apparent: the more you chase down any one "active" the higher the side effect profile goes/efficacy suffers. Not always, but more often than not.

The superiority of full spectrum RCE vs. isolated ecdysterone for example, is well established. Only Rhaponticum carthamoides extract has undergone human clinical trials and phytochemical research. This same research pointed out that superior anabolic effect of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract is determined by the content of all levseins (ecdysterones) rather then a single ecdy (i.e. 20-beta-ecdysterone). For what it's worth, Dr. Zakir Ramazanov has trumpeted this the most in this country (he's out of NY). All you need to do is look at the research done during the 1970's into the isolated, individual ecdy's (mostly done in Japan). None of it matched up to full spectrum RCE.

Anyway, long winded way of saying nature doesn't screw up...

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:52 pm
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:Which one is more beneficial? Damned if I know. If you study other herbs though such as Tribulus, Ecdy etc. and their history, one thing becomes very apparent: the more you chase down any one "active" the higher the side effect profile goes/efficacy suffers. Not always, but more often than not.

The superiority of full spectrum RCE vs. isolated ecdysterone for example, is well established. Only Rhaponticum carthamoides extract has undergone human clinical trials and phytochemical research. This same research pointed out that superior anabolic effect of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract is determined by the content of all levseins (ecdysterones) rather then a single ecdy (i.e. 20-beta-ecdysterone). For what it's worth, Dr. Zakir Ramazanov has trumpeted this the most in this country (he's out of NY). All you need to do is look at the research done during the 1970's into the isolated, individual ecdy's (mostly done in Japan). None of it matched up to full spectrum RCE.

Anyway, long winded way of saying nature doesn't screw up...
Hang on there big man, you are exposing one of our big secrets!

But seriously, it is the truth.

We've always been extremely diligent in finding the absolute highest quality, organic raw source ingredients and then concentrating the FULL compound to maximum natural ratio levels.

ECDY... There is a TON of crap, worthless and all-but-fake ecdy products out there. That is the vast majority, unfortunately.

There is also a couple quite good items with a legit 95% RCE in them, but then they then go and pervert the whole ratio by adding a little extra isolate this or isolate that thinking they can improve on Mother Natures design.

I might not say it this way, but our expert herb chemist calls it "the audacity of idiots".

Anyway, then at the very top level you have the 98% RCE, genuine and certified full spectrum '10 levseins' complex as found in Kre-Anabolyn.

It's the only one that truly follows the research note for note and genuinely meets that exceptional standard - and Mother Natures optimum design, - in peak potency, active and proper ratios and fully intact.

Same with the Ginseng, Trib (see, and on and on...

There is a right way and a wrong way to do things.

Almost always in this industry, if you are staring at a (too) slick "corporate" looking label or website you are dealing with - at BEST - "the audacity of idiots", and at worse outright deception and theft of your hard earned dollars.

Caveat emptor.