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New disciple

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:37 am
by thewods
Hey y'all, just joined the BP collective and am reading through the VAST material, which is very informative. My status is that i have a 2 week old baby so concentrating on that for now, and using the time to make sure i have everything in place. So this is an introduction of sorts; my name is Steve, 37 years old from Coventry in the UK. Been in the ironing game for about 12 years and still consider myself a novice. Big fan of Mike Mentzer, Dorian Yates ( got to train with him and it was awesome ), and more recently Stuart Mcrobert, where i learned the beautifully brutal 20 rep squat/deadlift workouts. True tests of mental and physical abilities. That in turn led me here, and to meeting the incredible RR. He is a true gentleman and has been superb in how he treats people and his excellent advice.
My stats at the mo'
5"10 238lbs
i am quite soft and holding a fair bit of BF. But i believe i can sharpen up dramatically via the BP and intend on giving it my all. Thanks for your time fella's and look forward to getting acquainted with you.


Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:44 am
by thewods
Ok so I have introduced myself, and am very excited to be here. A funny thing, when I first received BP I tried to read it on my laptop, really struggled with this and I felt very frustrated as it wasn't sinking in..........
Then I printed it all out ( let me tell you, if your going to do this get yourself stockpiled with paper first, Ha ) and Hey Presto, it completely changed. It's brilliant, and so much easier to digest, for me anyway. Sorry to bore you with that but thought it might resonate with others. So I am currently on a break from training, as I am a father to an amazing son ( 3 weeks old) and dealing with sleep etc so am using this time to get set for my first run, my first question to the forum is am I better off eating big before famine to increase the shock value or should I taper down to caloric requirement, does this quests make sense? And also a supp question, I have always used many sups but am ageing now (37) so I like the stripped back approach. I currently have 1 and half tubs of MPS, and 3/4 tub KA. What should my approach be in terms of the bare bones, I have never been in a situation where I assess realistically the effects of sups ( sorry RR I am your classic shot gunning dope! ) Thanks for any replies. Sorry it's so long, will try to shorten in future!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:04 am
by bigpelo
Welcome aboard!

My suggestions: 1st BP run, go supplements free. Easier to adjust future run by doing so. Learn your body's reaction etc.

Do not overeat or undereat during the prepraration week off. Use maintenance calorie, but always eat clean!

Famine dispite the name, I suggest you eat as usual but cut on all protein sources. The calories from protein's containing food should be a good enough cut back. Do not stop eating at all! It will make coming back up during feast way too hard and you would end up at the end of feast were you where before famine. Cut proteins, load up on fruits and veges.

Are you going 2.0 or 3.0 style?

new disc

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:05 am
by thewods
Thanks for your response, i think due to the recomp element it will have to be 3. im due a real good recomp ha. i am currently on just below maint. cal, not by choice but my situation. ( newborn squealer) I am worried about famine as i only eat few veggies!! so may invest in V8 and blend as much as poss. My only other concern is my work shift pattern, as i do 4 on 4 off (not including overtime) split into blocks of 2 days and 2 nights, all 12 hour shifts. so 07.00 till 19.00 days, then immediate switch to 19.00 till 07.00 nights. The nightshifts concern me most. Any suggestions from anyone with similar work issues, did it negatively affect work, ( im a mech. engineer with hardcore physicality involved) Maybe this will be an added bonus ?? Thanks fella's

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:03 pm
by bigpelo
I am a mechanical engineer also! :D

Concerning your work shifts, I wouldn't work out on the 2nd day of night shift nor the day after. You could condensed some training during off days though. I also hate working out late at night so it make difficult to train on day shifts...

Day 1, day shift, no training
Day 2, day shift, no training
Day 3, night shift, training before work
Day 4, night shift, no training
Day 5, off work, no training
Day 6, off work, Training
Day 7, off work, Conditioning workout
Day 8, off work, Training

So over the course of 8 days, you will get 4 days off, 3 days BP training and 1 days of active recovery/cardio/endurance/plyo .

What do you think?


Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:42 pm
by thewods
Yeah man, i like that. Plenty of recovery, i always find day after first night i sleep like the dead but next 24 hours im like a zombie. i recover slowly from the nights. Really good template there my friend, how lucky is that. What are your main difficulties, if any through the whole famine/feast/cruise programme. im thinking of starting famine next week on my last night shift then my 4 days off work to complete famine. Really appreciate your help my man. how long you been doing shifts?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:16 pm
by bigpelo
Main difficulties for me:
1. Listening to my body during feast. I ended up doing too much training and not enough recovery toward the end of feast. Or staying in feast to complete the program even if I don't gain anymore. Max feast time for me: 34 days no matter 2.0, 3.0 or Rob's custom.
2. I have a 2 year old daughter and a 3 month old son, so time is difficult to find sometimes or sleep is under optimal most of the time.
3. I eat too much crap during the 3 refeed days after famine.

I have never work shifts but I have been working for maintenance departements my whole career (circa 2002). Emergency calls, annual or weekly shutdowns, overtime shifts, breakdowns are commun though. I know how it feels to work all day and then the night after and returning to a day shift the next one etc.

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:54 pm
by thewods
Well when i start you will be my first port of call. Thanks for your input, really appreciate it brother. Im really looking forward to first run!! Just one more thing, im looking for a good quality joint supp. The ones ive recently tried are not as good as claimed. Its the only supp i will consider taking as in my ever advancing age needs joint care. Cheers

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:38 am
Super Cissus by USP Labs has done wonders for me and my wife the past 5 or so years. 2 before breakfast and 2 before dinner. Also follow the BP templates and listen to your body instead of going balls out all the time really helps. I am 32 and I feel better now than when I was in my early 20's.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:47 pm
by thewods
Cheers seanone. I'm in the uk so where will I get that from? Is that primaforce version? I will be mindful of output also. I know how it can tax you even 3 days after. I have looked at alternatives for HIT card, and today did pad work and circuits with a boxer at my gym........ HOLY SHITBALLS!!!!
Anyone got any thoughts on this type of HIT cardio. I would only do it once per week on off day.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 pm
by thewods
Sorry seanone, you said usp in post. Sorry there pal. I'll see if I can get some, thanks for tip.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:14 am
by thewods
Hey fellas, ok so I've read the BP an awful lot, trying to get it dead on, I'm now looking for a famine template, has anyone got any advice or ran a good one? Never detoxed before or ever ate without protein, just want to construct it well so it works!!!!! Thank you brothers

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:40 am
by bigpelo
I have been following an intermittant fasting, warrior diet approch, for +2 years. So here a typical famine day for me:

Water fast until nnon. 1 or 2 cup of coffee in the morning.
I will break my fast at lunch time with a salad of laituce, spinach, sprouted beans, tomatoes, radish, olive oil, apple cidar vinaigar, herbs, lemon juice. 1 fruit serving like pear or 2 kiwis.
Workout around 4:30pm
After workout, fresh juice of apples, carrots, cucumbers, celrys, bell pepper, other veggies on hand.
Main meal will be rice or couscous or potatoes with steam veggies (brocolis, cauliflowers, brussels sprouts, etc) + olive oil for calories and dessert will be 1 serving of berries.
If still hungry, I will have a small serving of nuts 30 minutes before bed.

Macros will look like 60% carbs, 30% fat and 10% protein. Around 1800 calories with less than 50g protein.

The key here is the serving of starchy carb + steam veggies. Make it BIG so you sleep full and well.

Monitor your resting heart rate before and during. If it increases within the first 2-3 days, you likely didn't eat enough. I usually get +2-3 bpm on morning of day 4 and the magic +8 on morning of day 5.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:09 am
by thewods
Cheers my man, you are really helping me out. Thanks very much. Unfortunately I'm unable to consume broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage! Makes me gag!! (childhood horrors). So can I replace with steamed carrots, spinach and maybe sweet corn, or is the selection vital for nutrients? This is why I'm a bit worried, sound like a pussy I know but I need to adjust, but not lose out because of poor selection of fruit veggies!!! Anyone else hear me??? STEAMED GREENS SCARE ME!!! AAAAHHHHH.