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Synthagen effects/tolerance

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:20 am
by mind_architect
Finishing up the last 4 weeks of a cycle and got my Synthagen in the mail today for an extra boost. I popped 7 caps pre workout, 7 post with my meal. I noticed a slight tingling sensation all over, and my inner upper legs and thighs turned red after I took a shower, they were especially tingly and I did squats today. Never had that reaction before. Also I noticed a mental sensation, sort of like an out of body experience, but very slight, like someone had injected my soul into another person's body. The AC in my room sounded like it was coming out of a speaker. I also have a nasal infection, that could be why, but I didn't feel it earlier with the infection.
1) Has anyone experienced this?

Also I noticed on previous usage of Synthagen, I feel like a million bucks when I wake up, but that effect goes away within a week or two. I guess that means my body has developed a tolerance.
2) Anyone else experience this, and have any explanations as to why?

Most of the supplements I've tried have almost no mental effect or immediate body effect (with the exception of preworkouts), but Synthagen almost feels mildly drug-like. I have a lot of experience with hallucinogens from my college days, and it almost feels like the come on to an LSD trip, very mild but heady. I guess it could be the fact that I have nasal congestion.

Finally after my workout to calm down, I started reading some US history. My consciousness feels "off", but I seem to be more intensely aware of what I'm reading, whereas normally after work I just feel tired and unfocused when I try to read.
3) Anyone with a similar experience?

Definitely a fun experience so far, lets see if the target effect (strength gain) occurs on Friday, because today I definitely wasn't prepared for the weight I was supposed to be lift (on bench at least).

Re: Synthagen effects/tolerance

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:11 am
by RobRegish
mind_architect wrote:Finishing up the last 4 weeks of a cycle and got my Synthagen in the mail today for an extra boost. I popped 7 caps pre workout, 7 post with my meal. I noticed a slight tingling sensation all over, and my inner upper legs and thighs turned red after I took a shower, they were especially tingly and I did squats today. Never had that reaction before. Also I noticed a mental sensation, sort of like an out of body experience, but very slight, like someone had injected my soul into another person's body. The AC in my room sounded like it was coming out of a speaker. I also have a nasal infection, that could be why, but I didn't feel it earlier with the infection.
1) Has anyone experienced this?

Also I noticed on previous usage of Synthagen, I feel like a million bucks when I wake up, but that effect goes away within a week or two. I guess that means my body has developed a tolerance.
2) Anyone else experience this, and have any explanations as to why?

Most of the supplements I've tried have almost no mental effect or immediate body effect (with the exception of preworkouts), but Synthagen almost feels mildly drug-like. I have a lot of experience with hallucinogens from my college days, and it almost feels like the come on to an LSD trip, very mild but heady. I guess it could be the fact that I have nasal congestion.

Finally after my workout to calm down, I started reading some US history. My consciousness feels "off", but I seem to be more intensely aware of what I'm reading, whereas normally after work I just feel tired and unfocused when I try to read.
3) Anyone with a similar experience?

Definitely a fun experience so far, lets see if the target effect (strength gain) occurs on Friday, because today I definitely wasn't prepared for the weight I was supposed to be lift (on bench at least).
It sounds like you're still dialing in your dose, so a word now on what you're experiencing...

Synthagen does have a mild nootropic like effect, meaning it positively affects cerebral function. If you study this phenomenon/ingredients, I feel it largely goes back to increased blood flow from the PeakATP, in conjunction with large neutral amino acids/other ingredients crossing the blood/brain barrier.

Your experience though, is certainly more profound than most. That's not to say its anything bad, but your physiology is certainly "taking to" the ingredients.

Having said that, your challenge is to strike the optimal balance between Synthagen's benefits to both your body/brain. Meaning there's likely a dose that facilitates FAST recovery from exercise, and a dose that imparts the type of mental stimulation you're describing. It may very well be taking MPS on an empty stomach leads more to the latter, given what we know about nutrients crossing the blood/brain barrier.

One constant is this: After a demanding physical workout, it's reported that although you may feel physically/mentally "worked" - you're not exhausted. You can still do yard work, play with the kids or knock off some studying. This makes all the sense in the world to me, given the formula I put together. MPS rapidly replenishes cellular energy, which would nicely explain this effect.

Keep tweaking your dose in terms of timing, # of caps and taking it on an empty/non-empty stomach. By taking notes, I'm sure you'll arrive at the optimal application for each (physical/mental benefits).

And please share them here with us! :)