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Year round Creatine supplementation???

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:49 pm
by Dragon
Seeing as how Creatine Mono is dirt cheap, no, actually it's literally cheaper than dirt... I checked; doesn't it make sense to just use the stuff all the time minus famine? There are so many studies done on it's efficacy and it's clear that it's safe. There are also many other health benefits that aren't spoken of. I take an occasional one month break off of all my supplements, of course, but this one just seems like a no brainer to me at this point. Does anyone concur?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:36 am
by wtmarcus
I concur. Why ever go off creatine supplementation? Like you say mono is cheap, it has solid science to back it up several positive effects and seems to lack negatives.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:23 am
by RobRegish
Cycling your creatine may in fact be the best strategy in order to up-regulate its incorporation into muscle.

Traditional "loading" saturates the blood with creatine and creatine transporters can actually decline in the cell membrane. It takes time for these transporters to up-regulate again. They only return when low creatine concentrations occur outside the cell (1)

The typical maintenance dose (5 grams) has been shown to be ineffective at maintaining high creatine concentrations in muscle (2,3,4). Dosing creating in this fashion (loading/cutting back to a "maintenance" dose), muscle creatine concentrations all but disappear within 6 weeks (5).

(1) Guerrero-Ontivers, M.L. and Wallimann, T. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 184: 427-437, 1998.
(2) Volek et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 31: 1147-1156, 1999..
(3) Cribb et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 35: S400, A2239, 2003.
(4) Cribb et al. Presented at The Australian Association of Exercise and Sports Science Conference, April, 2004.
(5) Van Loon et al. Clinical Science 104:153–162. 2003


3 days of creatine loading*, rotated with 3 days of ZERO creatine

*15-20 grams/day depending upon bodyweight. Athletes 200lbs or heavier are advised to use the higher end of this scale (20 grams per day). Ideally 5 grams pre/post training with another 5-10 grams with your highest CARB based meals of the day.


That's alot of mono. While it is cheap, the quilted toilet paper some may need isn't, LOL. I do like Kre-Alkalyn here, as it's just alot more efficient, convenient and I don't wind up looking like a big, bloated mess and in the bathroom most of the day.

In that respect, it takes just 2 or 3 caps/day of Kre-Alkalyn to mirror my 15-20g of mono recommendations.

My $.05... :)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:24 pm
by falfa
Thanks for the tip, will try this out.

I've done the 2 months on and 1 month off protocol. I've always noticed great gains during loading week but haven't noted any decline when I'm going off creatine.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:07 pm
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:

That's alot of mono. While it is cheap, the quilted toilet paper some may need isn't, LOL. I do like Kre-Alkalyn here, as it's just alot more efficient, convenient and I don't wind up looking like a big, bloated mess and in the bathroom most of the day.

In that respect, it takes just 2 or 3 caps/day of Kre-Alkalyn to mirror my 15-20g of mono recommendations.

My $.05... :)

With Rob's wise recommendation in mind, I thought it would be nice of MASS to offer a BP Exclusive Discount during the month of January on KRE-ALKALYN SUPREME.

Pop code "BP-KREALKALYN-15%" into the *Voucher slot at for an additional 15% Off when your order is hand processed.

Used on the 4 bottle Super Value Pack, it's the kind of extra/extra savings (plus free shipping) that can not be beat.


Patent Technology KRE-ALKALYN 'Creatine SUPREME'

Not All Creatine is Created Equal

KRE-ALKALYN™ is pH Correct Creatine

Kre-Alkalyn is an exciting Patent Technology Creatine that takes creatine monohydrate - long the most popular muscle, fitness and sports supplement - to stunning, state-of-the-art performance levels.

NOW you can say goodbye to loading phase hassles and multiple daily dosages because muscle tissue absorbs 100% of Kre-Alkalyn Creatine.

The difference is in the Patent Technology pH Correct Optimization, exclusive to Kre-Alkalyn.

• Get immediate results - Works from the very first serving, no loading needed
• Easy-to-use capsules - Forget messy, gritty, foul tasting creatine powder
• 100% absorption - No bloating, stomach upset, dehydration or toxic conversion
• Save money - Experience your best-ever results with only 2-3 capsules a day
• This new-age "Metabolic Acid Buffer" clears lactic acid, so you perform at higher levels

Five years of intensive research and development went into bringing Kre-Alkalyn to you. First offered by MASS on May 17th, 2001 - with Patent #6,399,661 awarded on June 4th, 2002 - we've never sold regular creatine supplements since. Remarkably, a full 4-7 weeks worth of Kre-Alkalyn Supreme is less than a dollar a day!

Be Smart. Be Strong. Secure your personal supply of Patented Kre-Alkalyn Supreme Creatine today and start seeing your very own state-of-the-art results tomorrow.

"Unlike all the other creatine supplements I've tried, Kre-Alkalyn gives me the maximum amount of benefit in strength and endurance without any stomach upset or bloating. In about 9 years of dealing with MASS I haven't been steered wrong yet!" -Gavin Chachere, New Orleans, LA

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:59 am
by bigpelo
That 15% made me pull the trigger to try your Kre-Alkalyn supreme. Also trying probeotic pearls and ultimate omega!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:23 pm
by Dragon
Maybe I'll try one bottle but frankly much of the research out there show CM to be more effective than buffered Creatine. I've been told by a guy at the gym that the research done on buffered creatine is all done by the companies that sell it.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:03 pm
by askmass
No offense taken Dragon, nor is any intended with the following, but it's earned Patents for scientifically demonstrated superiority and very valid reasons. Whatever "some guy at the gym" is saying can not discount those facts.

The uptake ratio flat blows away CM for starters (10:1, and that's a proven and repeatable stat not promotional hyperbole or hearsay) and with it you eliminate virtually all side effects that plagued so many users of monohydrate in the old days.

We're never done a hard sell on this or anything else, and sporting a dozen year global track record on Kre-Alkalyn, we don't have too. The voucher is a BP bonus from me personally that I tossed out off the cuff for those here who wish to try/stock up with an insiders discount, nothing more. Such unannounced, voluntary participation vouchers are something we've always done here and elsewhere and always will.

Many still selling old line CM do try hard to divert attention/reverse spin and some spew outright lies wanting to knock Kre-Alkalyn off it's esteemed perch, I'll acknowledge that much! Those companies by and large know it is vastly superior, but can't gain access or won't pay what it costs to obtain a license on the Patent compound.

I'd just as soon it stay that way, frankly. We were the first and those who have more recently (typically begrudgingly) followed suit in finally offering and touting Kre-Alkalyn as superior will always be playing catch up, no matter.

Anyway, use what you wish and be happy. You could do far worse than creatine monohydrate! By the same token, don't expect to go unchallenged on unfounded opinion from "some guy at my gym" in these parts. Kre-Alkalyn IS proven superior, scientifically. ... facts.html

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:45 am
by RobRegish
Whichever you choose to use Dragon, I hope the discussion has been helpful.

Speaking of which, one thing that tends to get lost in the Kre-Alkalyn vs. Mono debate:

Kre-Alkalyn IS creatine mono, albeit in a buffered form (and usually sold in convenient caps).

For the record, I use KA as well as other forms of creatine from time to time. You've heard me discuss di-creatine malate, creatine magnesium chelate, etc.. It's simply a matter of finding which is right for your physiology.

The sale here on KA is a nice opportunity to evaluate, particularly if you're sampling other items from MASS - so thanks for offering it.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:01 am
by askmass
Not to belabor the discussion, but it's really a distinct creatine compound all it's own, Rob.

It was born from CM is a more accurate way of stating it, and as those who have attempted to "home buffer" CM discover it's not so easily done!

BTW- We typically have sample packs of KAS (Kre-Alkalyn Supreme, the premiere version with added creatine boosters) so if anyone places a purchase for something else with us and wants a few days trial just type "KAS samples per John" in the *Notes section of the order form and the packer will hook you up.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:46 pm
by DaCookie
Dragon wrote:Maybe I'll try one bottle but frankly much of the research out there show CM to be more effective than buffered Creatine. I've been told by a guy at the gym that the research done on buffered creatine is all done by the companies that sell it.
Well not everything is as it seems, one of the major studies Ive seen that everyone talks about showed CM more effective than kre alk, yet this was done by one of the big pushers of CM and the study was shown to be bunk and biased.The problem lies also in that most the big pushers Ive seen for kre alk are garbage companies(not MASS of course but I wouldnt exactly call them a big pusher)

To name one, AAEFX I think its called, they had a product that was a 5mg prop blend of I think aminos lol.Just shows you...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:47 pm
by Dragon
OK... Just getting around to a reply, but first off I absolutely meant no one disrespect, BUT, understanding how these forums here are supported and paid for by MASS I can understand the response, and I respect that.
Second, the "guy from the gym" is a respectable fellow, natural, and knowledgeable; we have a rapport and he's always been honest with me. Third, I'm not a researcher (yet) I'm a noob (for now), so I can understand how retarded my statement may seem, but because I'm not an expert I'll extend myself some academic leeway. That said, the weight of the arguments coming in my direction from the folks I respect in the industry (Will Brink, Lane Norton, etc. etc.) says CM gets the job done just the same and cheaper UNLESS creatinine is an issue. BUT, I honestly didn't think of the fact that many may be pushing a perspective because they have a financial investment.

I'm getting a dizzying array of info from people who claim to know, and each one claiming to know more than the other for whatever reason. I also know, however, as much as people say tribulus is bunk, IT WORKS, and thats why I just put down for 2 bottles of AN! And as such I'm always willing to try something. Its just that CM really worked for me once I threw out that chinese crap from a company that likes to make things "NOW", and purchased the "pure" stuff if ya know what I mean... and I'm the type of guy that thinks if something is not broken then why try to fix it? But I will be trying Kre- alkalyn soon because if sooooo many knowledgeable people are wrong about trib, then they could also be wrong about Kre alkalyn.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:33 pm
by RobRegish
Dragon wrote:OK... Just getting around to a reply, but first off I absolutely meant no one disrespect, BUT, understanding how these forums here are supported and paid for by MASS I can understand the response, and I respect that.
Second, the "guy from the gym" is a respectable fellow, natural, and knowledgeable; we have a rapport and he's always been honest with me. Third, I'm not a researcher (yet) I'm a noob (for now), so I can understand how retarded my statement may seem, but because I'm not an expert I'll extend myself some academic leeway. That said, the weight of the arguments coming in my direction from the folks I respect in the industry (Will Brink, Lane Norton, etc. etc.) says CM gets the job done just the same and cheaper UNLESS creatinine is an issue. BUT, I honestly didn't think of the fact that many may be pushing a perspective because they have a financial investment.

I'm getting a dizzying array of info from people who claim to know, and each one claiming to know more than the other for whatever reason. I also know, however, as much as people say tribulus is bunk, IT WORKS, and thats why I just put down for 2 bottles of AN! And as such I'm always willing to try something. Its just that CM really worked for me once I threw out that chinese crap from a company that likes to make things "NOW", and purchased the "pure" stuff if ya know what I mean... and I'm the type of guy that thinks if something is not broken then why try to fix it? But I will be trying Kre- alkalyn soon because if sooooo many knowledgeable people are wrong about trib, then they could also be wrong about Kre alkalyn.
It's all good man...

The dizzying array of info from various sources is in fact, a problem. Make that a BIG problem. End of the day you're finding what works for YOU - and that's what matters.

Stick to your guns. When I shouted loud and frequently about Ecdy way back when nobody wanted to hear it. Fact is, plenty of people now know firsthand what a difference it makes. What matters is not personal opinion/ego. What matters in the end, is if it works for you..

My $.05... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:26 am
by askmass
Very smart of you to get away from the chinese creatine, Dragon.

And again, nothing wrong with a good, high grade CM. It's just that Kre-Alkalyn Supreme is a legitimate advancement, especially in terms of uptake efficiency.

In fact, we we sold tons of creatine monohydrate at MASS back-in-the-day. Yep, premium Pfanstiehl under our Pure Power Creatine label is one of the offerings that put us on the map as a major player 20 years ago.

Check this classic ad out, along with a quote from me in a thread warning about chinese creatine from a couple years ago that follows-

askmass wrote:Chinese goods on the whole are "cheap" for a reason.

They were spitting out creatine monohydrate for dirt cheap pricing back in the day (and still are) that was labeled as 99.9% pure - until you tested it in a U.S. lab.

I remember seeing legit lab specs on it running as low as 49% purity, with the rest as maltodextrin or rice filler (they are even faking "rice" with plastic-like chemicals over there now, believe it or not).

Some people could not understand why our Pfanstiehl produced "Pure Power Creatine" in those days was $34.95 for 500g and not being sold for $18.95 like the Chinese versions were going for...

The situation today is at times far more concerning than just getting 50% filler material-