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New Member Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:28 pm
by henry14
Hows it goin.

New to the blueprint, relatively new to lifting weights and completely new to forum's. Never on one before. I've been reading a lot of the posts recently and this place seems full of info and conscientious members.

With that in mind, I may as well give a brief description of myself. 28 years old. I play Gaelic football here in Ireland. Not at any great standard, but I love it. Been laid up with a lower back injury the last 6 months and am in recovery mode at the minute.

I've decided to really get my rehab on track so that i can return to full fitness and not have my injury affect my performance. After seeing surgeons, chiros etc i've decided the best way to achieve this is through a strength program. So far I have been seeing a PT who has slowly introduced me back into weight training (which I must admit was never something I was really to interested in but now i'm fascinated by, Not bodybuilding as such, more so strength and conditioning for sports)

So far my routine is as such;

Bird Dog 3x5 @ 5 sec holds
Front to Back Lunge 3x10 each leg with 14kg DB

Then the following two blocks are done in circuit fashion with 1 min rest in between done three times each

a1 One leg DB Deadlift 3x5 @ 18kg
a2 DB neutral Grip Bench Press 3x10 @ 26 kg
a3 Bat Wing 3x5 with 5 sec holds

b1 Goblet Squat 3x10 @ 14 kg
b2 One Arm Shoulder Press 3x10 @ 14 kg
b3 Lat pulldown Reverse Grip 3x10 @ 54 lbs (old machine pre metric system lol)

So as you can see i'm incrementally working towards doing the four major lits properly and safely again, Bench, Squat, Deadlift, Military Press. As You can well imagine, as I am not moving any tremendous weight I have a good capacity for improvements when I do begin to throw myself into the Blueprint.

At the time of writing, I am 28, 6' 2'', and 183 pounds. I'm not skinny, not really fat just normal I suppose whatever that means. Ill post pictures on this thing when I figure out how to do it (I'm crap at technology.) Staying flexible and athletic is important to me so any advice in that regard from you lads would be much appreciated.

So all that being said, I am glad to be a member of the forum and an owner of the Blueprint 2.0/3.0 and Im looking forward to swapping ideas with you lads about trainng etc.

Thanks Everyone,


What is your Question?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:06 pm
by Rhino
Sorry Mate! What was you questions?

Sorry! I just saw it!

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:14 pm
by Rhino
I personally don't think the blueprint is suited to our sports. I did the blue print famine 6 months ago and then the feast for a month. I agree that if you want to gain strength and size its the way to go. I put on a total of 25 lbs, some muscle and some unneeded fat, However for functional strength on the GAA pitch, or a rugby pitch, this is not for you. I would love it if someone came on to the tread and explained to me how it might work for us, but from what I could get, its a bodybuilders program.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:03 am
by bigpelo
I guess using the loading patterns for alpha strenght would help on the field although your right, the blueprint 2.0 is geared toward muscle building (which might help depending on your position).

I know there are other members here who play football (american football, not soccer). I hope they can shim in and provide their inputs on that subject.

Re: Sorry! I just saw it!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:21 pm
by Dragon
Rhino wrote:I personally don't think the blueprint is suited to our sports. I did the blue print famine 6 months ago and then the feast for a month. I agree that if you want to gain strength and size its the way to go. I put on a total of 25 lbs, some muscle and some unneeded fat, However for functional strength on the GAA pitch, or a rugby pitch, this is not for you. I would love it if someone came on to the tread and explained to me how it might work for us, but from what I could get, its a bodybuilders program.
I'm a judo player, and I don't know about rugby... but blueprint 2.0 is great for increasing strength and if you put the EDT blocks together using "functional" movements, or rather, movements suited to you, then you might derive more benefit from your workouts. For example, you could put together the EDT's using sled dragging and plug in dips and squats for the 2.0 loading patterns. Truthfully, you can really put things together anyway you wish, but obviously there are other systems of training out there.