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So it begins. Capnleux: take 1

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by capnleux
Well, I spent half the night last night eating and talking myself out of starting this. Today I have eaten a cup of spinach, cup of baby carrots and about 3 cups of v8. I guess I started anyway, so here goes.

I'm 36, skinny fat, and trying to better mine and my families nutrition. I'm running the blueprint sup free this time as per instructions and monetary restrictions. I will be training with free weights at home. I've decided on 1 goal and 1 desire. My goal is to bench 225. I did it once about 10-15 yrs ago at a much lighter weight so I think it is quite achievable. I would also like to see 10 lbs of muscle gain. I feel these are realistic goals judging by all the reading.

Well, lunch is almost over. More later.
PS...a ioS friendly version of this forum would rule!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:30 pm
by JayBezel
good luck. your goals are realistic it just dependson your starting point on whether or not you'll be able to hit your marks with this run.

day one over

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:17 pm
by capnleux
this morning i was 165lb, calipers said 20%, but i think thats a little low.

had a bottle of v8 splash berry all day
cup of spinach and cup of carrots with mct oil for lunch
cup of spinach, cup of lettuce 4oz sirloin for dinner
banana and 3 strawberries for dessert

like a boss


Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:18 pm
by capnleux
Have had a headache for two days. The pressure from training today forced me to take som ibuprofin. Went over my calories by about 50. Other than that still on track. Afraid im not suffering enough though.

Its fortunate that my feast starts on labor day weekend :)

morning of day 4 concerns

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:57 am
by capnleux
i woke up this morning at 160 pounds. that fits pretty close with the pound a day. My rested heartrate however hasnt changed. it is supposed to be up 8 bpm before i get out of famine.

do i need to extend famine and make adjustments or move to feast as scheduled and get maybe lesser results?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:07 am
by capnleux
still at 160 this morning. Did the 3rd workout to make sure i was dying with only a half of cup of black coffee and a banana. looking forward to eating.

P.S. Thx for the luck Jay!

Manana we eat!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:37 pm
by capnleux
well thats that. felt a little tired and depressed and irritable. Think i'll wake up with some bulletproof coffee and hit the farmers market for eggs. eggs and bacon brunch!

Re: Manana we eat!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:17 am
by RobRegish
capnleux wrote:well thats that. felt a little tired and depressed and irritable. Think i'll wake up with some bulletproof coffee and hit the farmers market for eggs. eggs and bacon brunch!
Good man Capn'!!

The hard part is nearly OVER. Train to Gainsville, leaving shortly... :) Right here for you, if you need me!

been rereading

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:02 pm
by capnleux
so, i've been rereading the 2.0 to try and make sure im ready for everything.

at the bottom of the glp 1 somewhere it says you can either start over at famine or burn thru all 4 loading patterns. I'm going to reread again here in a minute, but if you just move on thru the loading patterns, how do the diet phases coincide? would you stay on feast thru the entire 3months or however long it takes to get thru all of the loading protocols?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:40 pm
by drtda
If you try to go though all the loading patterns, you would have to stay in a feast phase. I think it would be extremely tough to do though.

Last year I did GLP2 followed by the 10% Solution with about a week off in between and it was still pretty brutal. I was worn out by the end and definitely don't think that I could have doubled it without putting in a different type of program for a least a short time.

You could conceivably do it by taking a week off after each phase, then going through famine and back into feast, but that may be counterproductive.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:06 pm
by capnleux
Thx for the help drt! Reading about the deminishing returns I'll likely try the first pattern the cruise and famine. That way I can get some supps and compare quicker too.

I'm still reading thru again, bui think I have confused myself about the glp workout. Expect a new question soon.

SHR #955

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:47 am
by capnleux
Fats are friendly...found my answer on SHR episode 955. A round table episode via our one and only Rob Regish. Rob, I have a way better solution than icky olive oil shooters. Bulletproof coffee! mine comes in around 550 calories! Readjusting my eating. I think it will mitigate some I the fat gain and lower time requirements in the morning.

life's a pain

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:04 pm
by capnleux
damnit. just damnit.
life is a pain in the butt.

gonna have to change my goals a little i think. my weights are lower than i expected. guess i'm weaker than i thought

today is deload workout. I'll have questions before i start GLP1.


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:18 pm
by capnleux
It reads to me like so: pick one big barbell lift. Follow these six prescribed workouts. Superset each set with a counter stretching movement (i.e. DB pullover or Stiff leg DL).

Is this right? So if you do bench, thats all you do for the next 3 weeks? no squat work or anything, just ur bench sets and corresponding stretching? I'm focusing on the 2.0 program. One thing at a time :)

If this is the case then i will likely focus on Squat. I think it would be more mass developing for the time spent. Any input welcome.