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Arsenalawi's BP 2.0 log

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:52 pm
by arsenalawi

First I'd like to thank everyone who helped me with my questions and doubts in my previous thread ... php?t=1820

As for now,

Opinions, thoughts, ideas, and critiques are always welcome!

Starting weight: 132 lbs
Target muscle gain from this run: 10 lbs
Current body fat percentage: somewhere between 7-9%. I plan on keeping my body fat at its current levels.

Famine Day 1:

Target calories: 1056

3x dates
2 grams fish oil
1x banana
150g of white medium grained rice
2x tablespoons of low fat yoghurt
half a cucumber
100 gram apple
1x cucumber and some lettuce
200grams of watermelon
150grams of white medium grained rice with some lettuce
1x tablespoon strawberry jam
1x dates
1x table spoon olive oil

Calories achieved: 1066
Fats: 16g
Carbs: 223g
Protein: 8g

Today's workout:

I used weights that were not too heavy, yet not too light, just enough for me to feel the muscle working and be somewhat tired at the end of my workout.
Reps performed took an effort, that's how I'd put it
3 sets each 4-6 reps

90lbs Squats/90lbs Tbar

66lbs Seated cable rows/bodyweight chin ups.

50lbs Standing barbell curl/20lbs incline dumbbell curl/80lbs preacher curl. 1 set of each 4-6 reps.

Felt a big hungry today and somewhat tired/lazy at night, workout was good had a good pump throughout all my exercises. I think I'm going to up my vegetables intake tomorrow, and try a different variety of fruits.
I might consider making my Famine last 4 days only and have 2 workouts only, I guess I'll know as time passes by, I'll just listen to my body. Looking forward to everyday!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:02 pm
by arsenalawi
Famine Day 2

Weight: 130lbs
Target Calories: 1039

3x dates
fish oil
270 grams of water melon
100 gram tomato
100gram cucumber
150 grams of rice
Salad made up of half a cucumber half a tomato and 1 tablespoon of parsley
150grams of rice
120 grams of chick peas
50 grams of chocolate

Total calories consumed: 811 " I did not account for the 50 grams of chocolate, i estimated it to be between 200-300 calories.

Fats: 3.5g
Carbs: 179.5
Protein: 17.4g
Again, macro's for the 50g of chocolate not accounted for.

I'm afraid I went a bit high on the protein today compared to my 1st day, chick peas had around 12 grams of protein. No workout today, really starting to feel hunger now.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:43 pm
by arsenalawi
Famine Day 3

Weight: 129 lbs
Target calories: 1032

9x dates
150 grams banana
150 grams rice
2x 180 gram apple
200 grams water melon
1 gram of fish oil
1 tablespoon of strawberry jam
red grapes

Total calories consumed: 1098

Fats: 1g
Carbs: 270g
Protein: 7g

66 calories surplus, I feel disappointed for not achieving the exact target.

Had my 2nd Famine workout today:

BB BenchPress 110lbs x10/ Shoulder Press 15lbs dumbbell
Incline Bench Press 90lbs x10/ Shoulder Press 15lbs dumbbell
Decline Bench Press 110lbs x10/ Shoulder Press 15lbs dumbbell

Close Grip Bench Press 50lbs x10
SkullCrusher 50lbs x10
Lying Tricep Extension 60lbs x10
Cable Press Down 100lbs x10

2 more Days left, so far it seems like I can handle a 5-day famine. Can't wait for feast :twisted:

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by arsenalawi
Famine Day 4

Weight: 129 lbs
Target calories: 1024

9x dates
big bowl of salad composed of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and onion
100g potato
red grapes
1 orange
200gram mango

Fats: 1g
Carbs: 249g
Protein: 9g

Total calories consumed: 1040

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:36 pm
by arsenalawi
Famine Day 5:

Weight: 128/129 lbs
Target calories: 1021

6x dates
180g banana
170 gram apple
120 grams of rice
1 cucumber
9x baby cherry tomatoes
1x brownie

Calories achieved: 689
Did not account for calories in the brownie.
Fats: 0g
Carbs: 166.5
Protein: 7g
Did not account for the macro's in the brownie.

Today's workout:
I did not complete today's workout, I stopped mid-way I felt very tired and worn out mid-way.

90lbs Squats/90lbs Tbar
4x12 and 1x8

66lbs Seated cable rows/bodyweight chin ups.
2 sets Seated Cable Rows x12
1x chin ups x4
1x chin ups x3

Lost ~ 3-4lbs in this famine run, not so sure how I feel about the workout. Pretty much like any workout, except I felt drained after each one. Hunger kept increasing day after day, 5th being the hardest.
I'll be consuming 2600 calories tomorrow; 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat.

Looking forward to feast tomorrow! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:41 pm
by arsenalawi
FEAST Day 1 :D

Weight in Lbs 128.7
Calories required 2574

50% carbs 321 grams
30% protein 193 grams
20% fat 57 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
1 tablespoon of honey
10 grams almonds and 10 grams walnuts
1 TBSP peanutb utter
450g which includes a mix of black lentils and rice
Salad cucmber/tomato/lettuce
1 TBSP peanutb utter
3x boiled egg
236 ml milk
3x dates
400g chicken
1litre milk skimmed
120g banana

Total calories achieved: 2867.5

Carbs: 296.6g
Fat: 81.4g
Protein: 233.1g

Felt really good today, energetic all day, mind focused. Time to get some sleep now, I feel disappointed for not achieving exact macros and calorie count, but I guess its better as an ectomorph to eat more than required than to eat less.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:48 pm
by arsenalawi

Weight in Lbs 129.8 lbs
Calories required 2596

50% carbs 324 grams
30% protein 194 grams
20% fat 58 grams
100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
1 tablespoon of honey
1 TBSP peanutb utter
120g banana
100g chicken
250gram rice
1.5 scoop of myofusion
250ml camel milk
80g chicken
200ml milk
Custom shake made up of: ( 236ml low fat milk - 1TBSP fig jam - 120g banana - 1.5TBSP honey - 100g low-fat cheese )
100g kiwi
200ml orange juice
1 whole egg
1 TBSP peanut butter

Total calories achieved: 2622

Carbs: 336g
Fat: 69g
Protein: 185g

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:51 am
by arsenalawi

Weight in Lbs 131 lbs
Calories required 2618

50% carbs 327 grams
30% protein 196 grams
20% fat 58 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
150g banana
200g lentil mixed with rice
150g scrambled eggs mixed with potato cubes
236ml lowfat milk
50grams grape
1.5x scoop myofusion
236ml lowfatmilk
250g mango
236 ml lowfat milk
1TBSP peanut butter
100g low fat cheese
236 ml full fat milk
80g low fat cheese
120g banana
100g kiwi

Total calories achieved: 2629

Carbs: 313g
Fat: 75g
Protein: 188g

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:23 am
by JayBezel
your log is so detailed. i wish i had the motivation to keep track of every detail like that

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:35 pm
by arsenalawi
Thank you Jay,
If you wish I can upload my Excel sheet that I use to keep track of these details.


Weight in Lbs 132 lbs
Calories required 2376

50% carbs 297 grams
30% protein 178 grams
20% fat 52 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
2 boiled eggs
1 TBSP honey
100g kiwi
200g rice
100g chicken
100g kiwi
100g chicken liver
150g rice
300ml pomegranate juice
200ml low fat milk
100g pear
100g low fat cheese
200ml low fat milk
400ml full fat milk

Total calories achieved: 2512

Carbs: 319g
Fat: 62g
Protein: 156g

Today's Workout

Bench Press 154lbs x9
Pullover 25lbs x10
Squat 176lbs x9
SLDL Deadlift 88lbs x9

EDT Block:
Incline DB Press: 40lbs per dumbbell x6 for 5 sets
T-bar: 45lbs x6 for 5 sets

Back to my starting weight before famine! I hope it keeps increasing at this steady rate!
I think I should have increased the weights but a lot more on the EDT blocks.
It's my first workout, kind of disappointed about not doing the EDT properly, but at least next time I'll know what weights to do. I'll probably add another EDT next workout as well, but make it a total of 2 upper EDT's and 1 Lower EDT. Any comments/suggestions on this?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:55 am
by arsenalawi

Weight in Lbs 132 lbs
Calories required 2376

50% carbs 298 grams
30% protein 178 grams
20% fat 53 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
2 boiled eggs
150g red grapes
60grams meat
190grams eggs
72 grams bread
30 grams meat
1 boiled egg
200ml low fat milk
150g grapes
200ml low fat milk
100g low fat cheese
1 TBSP fig jam
3x dates
200g dairy

Total calories achieved: 2413

Carbs: 247g
Fat: 83g
Protein: 150g

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:22 am
by arsenalawi

Calories required 2385

50% carbs 298 grams
30% protein 178 grams
20% fat 53 grams
100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
1 TBSP Honey
100g kiwi
150g grapes
250g kidney beans
100g rice
200ml low fat milk
200ml low fat milk
200g chicken kebab
20ml low fat milk
150g grapes
100g low fat cheese
200ml full fat milk
150g kidney beans
3x dates
200ml full fat milk
1 TBSP peanut butter

Total calories achieved: 2410

Carbs: 315g
Fat: 61g
Protein: 155g

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:15 am
by RobRegish

Keep the GAIN Train rolling brother. Following along, and right here for you if you have any questions!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:19 pm
by arsenalawi
RobRegish wrote:EPIC!

Keep the GAIN Train rolling brother. Following along, and right here for you if you have any questions!
Thanks! I seem to be getting the hang of the BP. If my first run is a success, I will probably start tinkering with the EDT blocks in my second run.

I just realised I'm not following the 1.5lb per bodyweight format in protein requirements.
Since I'm doing a 50carb/30protein/20 fat format, I will try to increase my protein intake from now on and redistribute the remaining calorie requirements into carbs and fat.


Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 1996.5

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 153 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
1 TBSP Honey
100g kiwi
72 grams bread
1 TBSP peanut butter
40g low fat cheese
200ml low fat milk
120g meat
100g kidney beans
3x scrambled eggs
40g low fat cheese
200ml full fat milk
protein shake made up of 80g carbs/30g protein/7g fat
200ml low fat milk

Total calories achieved: 2284

Carbs: 370g
Fat: 68
Protein: 143g

Today's workout

Benchpress: 176lbs x6
Pullover: 45lb dumbell x6
Squat: 264lbs x5
SLDL: 132lbs x5

EDT: |setsxreps|

Incline DB press: 5x6 40lb dumbbell
T-bar: 5x6 110lbs

Leg Press: 176 lbs 3x6
RDL: 132lbs 3x6

Static hold using cable for abs: 150lbs x2 each 12 seconds.

So far so good, I'm pleased I'm gaining weight, can't really see it in the mirror yet, thankfully I took pictures at day1 of famine so I'll be able to compare once I'm done =)
I think I'm going to do static holds for my calves on my next workout, not sure whether I should replace my current static hold or simply make it 2 static holds.

I was going to do 2 upper body EDT blocks today but I figured I'd be too tired and just opted to add 1 lower body EDT.
I'm not really following the EDT PR Zone format, all I'm doing is supersetting the EDT exercises and taking the required rest times.