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Just bought the BP and looking forward to it

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:05 am
by arsenalawi
Hey guys! I've heard of the BP for a few months now and after reading all these great reviews decided to give it a go. Read the sticky and thought this would be the right place to start a post and introduce myself. This will also be where I post my updates.

I don't really know what to expect of it, still waiting to receive the pdf and start reading.

I'm 21 years old, 5'7" and 135lbs.
2 years ago is when I started working out I was a skinny 116lbs, couldn't even bench the bloody bar :oops:

Started working out, got to 135lbs in around 8 months, entered a bench press competition got 2nd place with a 176lbs bench press, attempted 198lbs and injured my shoulder. Didn't think it was a serious injury until the next day where I couldn't even lift my arm at all, long story made short, inflamed tendons and bursa, spent a few months on the sidelines and some posture problems led to a winged scapula; went all the way down to 123lbs.

Took me 7 months to be able to move my left arm normally without pain excluding sudden movements and an extra 2 months of rehab to be able to get back in the gym with light workouts;, this was October 2011 and I've been working out consistently since then, currently at 135lbs and finding progress a bit hard to come by. Currently have a max bench of 176lbs x 6, a squat of 242lbs x6 and a dead-lift of 176 lbs x 4.

I still don't know what to expect of the BP as I haven't received it yet and I don't even know what it is about, but I plan on giving it my full dedication :D

Just finished reading 2.0 and 3.0
I can't wait to start! This looks awesome.
I'm gona start my first cycle next month, its Ramadan at the moment so I'm fasting till the 20th or so of august; after that I'm taking a week off lifting then starting famine :D Don't plan on taking any supplements on my first run as suggested by the pdf; unless someone could suggest otherwise?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:31 am
by Dragon
Don't spend money on supps until u try a run or two. Maybe just a good multi and some krill or fish oil. U might want to look into that transdermal cissus/DMSO formula Rob gave on SHR.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:28 pm
by JayBezel
cissus and omega 3s are awesome on the joints. ginger does a legit job supressing inflamation too

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:23 pm
by arsenalawi
I will most likely not use any supplements of any kind apart from Omega 3.

I've read 2.0 several times and here is how my program is going to look like.

I will be starting on Tuesday 21st of August.
For Famine I found it very straight forward. 3 workouts in 5 days with a calorie deficit and very low to zero protein in-take. With the diet mostly composed of fruits and vegetables. Also the cardio is in there.

For Feast I understand the calorie surplus and how it scales down from"x" times your body-weight. However I have an issue with its workout. I found it somewhat confusing about which workout to choose and when to start it.
Please correct me if I am wrong. the first workout is on the 4th day of feast? since it says the first 72 hours as in the first 3 days should be focused on eating and sleeping.
As for the workout routine in the 30-45 days I am completely lost and would love some guidance, all I found in 2.0 and the stickies is routines but I have no idea how to incorporate them into the 30-45 days of feast.

For Cruise, I found it very straight forward, 2 workouts found in the 2.0 pdf, the pull and the push. it says I need 6-7 workouts in the cruise period, so its going to be 1 workout day and 2 off days, so basically in the 3 weeks of cruise ill be doing 3 pull and 3 push totaling to 6 workouts.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:18 pm
by Matthew L

If you don't bench like this you should.

I used to have chronic shoulder pain.

Fixed my bench technique and haven't had any shoulder issues since.

Plus much went up by about 30 lbs in a few weeks from the change in technique.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:15 pm
by arsenalawi
That is how I bench after my injury :)

Could somebody please confirm my previous post, point out if there is anything wrong/missing.

Also one more question, after extensive reading of different threads in the training section, it seems to me that any workout routine can work during the feast phase as long as there is frequency, intensity, volume, and overload? I'm still lost about the feast workout routines.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:27 pm
by drtda
I would use GLP1 for your 1st feast as it would be the easiest one to follow.

First, you need to do the bridge workouts to establish your 1RM on 1 upper body and 1 lower body exercise. Many people use bench and squat, but you can substitute other exercises. I frequently have used dips for upper body and belt squats for lower body.

When you have your 1RMs on those exercises, you need to plug those into the GLP1 calculator to generate your workout. I prefer to split the upper and lower body days, but you can do them together.

Then, pick at least 1 upper body and 1 lower body EDT block to do. Pick big, basic exercises. Chest/Back and Quads/Hams always works well. Just follow the rules for how to do the EDT blocks and make sure that you are progressing at every workout.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:16 am
by arsenalawi
Ok, let me see if I got this right, I think I'm getting the hang of it.

My workout on day #4 of Feast should look like this:

Bench Press using the German Loading pattern workout 1/6
Dumbbell pullovers after every set.
Designated rest intervals after every set.
EDT block composed of incline DB press and T-bar row
Decline BB Press static hold

then I rest for 2 days
and do the same format but for the lower body, using Squats with the GLP etc.

I can have 2 EDT blocks instead of one if I find myself capable of withstanding it? so with incline DB press and T-bar, my second EDT block would be military press and pull ups?
also, the EDT blocks, can I change them from one workout to another? for example, on my first workout i did incline DB press and T-bar row, next workout I replaced them with military press and pull ups?

I'm considering using Size-On as a creatine supplement through my feast phase since I have a tub lying around, what are your thoughts on it? I've used it before and I really like its profile here is a link for its facts ... tfacts.jpg

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:49 pm
by drtda
I generally do EDT blocks with upper body and only 1 with lower body as it is really tough to do a second one on legs.

I also like to rotate my EDT Blocks like you are thinking of doing. If I don't I start to get burned out on the same exercises and have more trouble recuperating from the workouts as I'm hitting the muscles in exactly the same way to often.

I usually do a 1 on/ 1 off schedule so even with rotating, I'll be hitting the same exercises again 8 days later. Every 4 days is just too often for me.

My main exercise, lets use belt squats as an example for lower body, I will do at every leg workout for the entire run.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:13 pm
by JayBezel
if you like size on then go for it. you already have it and it wont do you any good sitting around in the container. i would look into the formula tho. its awesome for fullness and recovery

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:44 am
by arsenalawi
Can I use "The Formula" pre/intra/post workout during my feast?
My goal is to put on a good amount of muscle with the least possible fat, or even decrease body fat.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:11 pm
by JayBezel
arsenalawi wrote:Can I use "The Formula" pre/intra/post workout during my feast?
My goal is to put on a good amount of muscle with the least possible fat, or even decrease body fat.
yea man absolutely. thats actually the way rob reccomends to use it. check out the supp doc of your 3.0 materials and that should help clear up some stuff. you could actually use your size on in "the formula" (i think). if you have anymore questionsman fire away cuz youre better off having all your guns ready to fire when you start your feast you know what i mean?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:22 pm
by arsenalawi
JayBezel wrote:
arsenalawi wrote:Can I use "The Formula" pre/intra/post workout during my feast?
My goal is to put on a good amount of muscle with the least possible fat, or even decrease body fat.
yea man absolutely. thats actually the way rob reccomends to use it. check out the supp doc of your 3.0 materials and that should help clear up some stuff. you could actually use your size on in "the formula" (i think). if you have anymore questionsman fire away cuz youre better off having all your guns ready to fire when you start your feast you know what i mean?
Right, I guess this means I'm going to the local stores to buy the ingredients of "The Formula". Today is my first famine day, I'll be making a new thread dedicated for my journal. Can "The Formula" be used on off days as well? Since during feast I'm planning on doing 1 on 2 off.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:30 pm
by Dragon
IMHO 3.0 is a tempting place to start but not the best if u have little to no experience lifting. 2.0 is fantastic and not that hard to figure out, just re read it. If u read it... re read again and spend time reading other ppls logs. It takes awhile to learn diet and this should be your primary focus, that and the loading patterns. To be honest I've felt great recovery sipping on milk and cherry juice during my workouts instead of spending all that money on processed carb drinks, even if it is karbolyn. Trust me, save your money, arm yourself with good food and discipline in the gym and you will b fine. The loading patterns and consistency is going to put more muscle on u than any supplement. If u need an example of how to run 2.0 chk out my log. I'm very detailed.