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How to cure white tongue?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:32 am
by DaCookie
I brush my tongue and it doesnt make it become more pink.Done oil pulling the past 3 weeks almost and while my teeth have gotten 2 shades lighter the results from my tongue are very marginal if at all.

Anyone know anything to help?Cheers.

Re: How to cure white tongue?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:59 am
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:I brush my tongue and it doesnt make it become more pink.Done oil pulling the past 3 weeks almost and while my teeth have gotten 2 shades lighter the results from my tongue are very marginal if at all.

Anyone know anything to help?Cheers.
I'm no expert in this, but know traditional Chinese medicine is BIG on tongue color being indicative of overall health.

Brainsquirt, Matter or anyone else have any input. If you don't, I'll get to work researching it for you Cookie...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:47 am
by aron7awol
I use a tongue scraper and it works great at scraping all of the bacteria off of my tongue.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:32 pm
by BrainSquirt

yep, like RR mentioned, condition of tongue is indicative of condition of whole digestive tract...
imo liver health is implicated too.

Start a search for the right probiotics for you specifically...
Just like soma types there are enteric types. Each person needs to find their own best balance of 'intestinal' flora to co-exist with...
For snicks, try BLIS K12 - but again, don't stop until whole system is 'balanced'

Tongue scraping has been mentioned. First thing in AM, before drinking or eating, scrape tongue clean then brush teeth and tongue with Neem Toothpaste. Don't press too hard, just firmly. Don't start way back and 'gag' yourself more than just a little. Keep scraping until nothing is washing off the scraper between scrapes. May take many scrapes at the beginning but after a while it goes down to 4 - 7 scrapes per morning.

Floss as needed. Also, learn how to gently remove soft (and hard) plaque from teeth and at and just below gumline. Once the proper personal environment is set up it won't come back, tongue will be clean and fissure free, etc.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:33 pm
by DaCookie
Cheers for the quick responses guys.Ive had this all my life and when blood tests have come back good its still been real white, so dont think I really agree with it being an indicator of overall health.About quarter my friends have something like this but they are heavy drinkers.I only drink about once every 6 months.Might be wrong but I think its not as white during end of famine.

Found a cheap supp with Blis K12.Going to give that a go and the tongue scraper, ill try the flossing but I have a bit of a pet peeve about that.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:57 pm
by matter2003
From what I have read white tongue could be an indicator of candiasis, ie excessive levels of candida albicans(yeast/fungus). Do you have mercury fillings as well?

This is an excerpt that may help explain things, I have bolded the parts of interest:

"When people have mercury amalgams or just has elevated mercury in their body, the friendly bacteria (probiotics) will convert the mercury into methyl mercury, which is at least 100 times more toxic than ordinary mercury. Research shows that oral bacteria, yeast and probiotics all methylate mercury, so you should minimize any contact between the bacteria and your mercury. The methylation of mercury could explain some of the adverse reactions reported by parents and patients who have begun detox with massive doses of probiotics to correct dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis is a pressing problem, but the production of large amounts of methyl mercury is much worse. Methyl mercury exacerbates damage to the nervous system and even further promotes dysbiosis by further compromising the intestinal immune system. One theory holds that the body deliberately builds up the population of candia as a coping strategy to deal with the heavy metal poisoning. The body actually fosters the presence of candida in a heavy metal toxic patient because the cell walls of the candida binds up the mercury and other toxic metals, providing a measure of relief. If the candida cell walls are destroyed, the cell walls release their toxic metals back into the system, causing symptoms. This release of heavy metals is possibly one explantion of Herxheimer's reaction, in which the patient feels more ill, and even more toxic, after the candida is attacked and killed. By using NDF (Nanocolloidal Detox Factors), an oral detox supplement, containing cell wall broken probiotics, the bacteriocins from the probiotics drive pathogenic bacteria and yeast away from their territory without breaking their cell walls. This competitive exclusion effect is safer than breaking the cells of the candida.

Mercury may kill the bacteria, but the ones that are stronger undergo pleomorphic change and become more resistant to mercury. These altered intestinal bacteria almost digest your food properly, but not quite. The resultant almost digested proteins are absorbed into the bloodstream. But, while almost the right shape and form, they do not fool the immune system. The immune system sees these undigested proteins as foreign protein and immediately sets up an antigen/antibody reaction, creating an allergic reaction. This is often how food allergies are created. Mercury can turn every meal into an immune challenge instead of the nutritional boost it is supposed to be. Altered bacteria also encourage the rotting of proteins (called putrefaction). Putrefaction of proteins results in the production of more toxins interfering with the actual absorptive mechanism from the intestinal lining. "

This is one of the most thorough explanations of the issues caused by heavy metals(mercury, et al)

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:52 am
by austinb37
I also have a white tongue which has become more pronounced lately.
After checking a few traditional chinese medicine websites the consensus seems to be that the white tongue could be the result of something simple like the time of year or season.

I pulled this from a CM website...

Seasons of the Year
In Summer, there may be more Dampness present in the tongue coating, leaving it slightly thicker and light yellow.
In Fall or Autumn, the tongue may be thinner with a coating that is more dry.
In Winter, there may also be more moist or damp presenting in the tongue.
In Spring, the tongue should be normal.