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First Ever Run of Blueprint (3.0)

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:03 pm
by nathangreen
Hello, this is my first run of blueprint and still not 100% on everything so any and all advice/tips is welcome.

Just finished a cut and decided to run 3.0/recomp to stay lean for the rest of summer.

Today is my 3rd into Famine. My mind is craving meat and my workout numbers were pretty weak but besides that I feel just fine. Hunger is manageable and feel in good spirits. Suppose to talk to Rob tomorrow and see if I need the 3rd workout or not.

So getting ready for feast next week, I have some ?'s regarding the workouts. There is no direct chest or shoulder work in 3.0 (besides static holds). Rob said I could add some in, but i was looking for some examples of how people have done it before maybe? Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:19 pm
by nathangreen
bump before next week,

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:35 pm
by drtda
You should have direct chest work as part of one of your upper body EDT blocks.

If you want more direct shoulder work, you can do an EDT block with three movements. If you check out my log, you'll see that I'm doing an EDT block with shoulders, triceps, and biceps. It works pretty well, but is even a little more brutal than normal.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:55 pm
by nathangreen
Ok, finished my first feast workout. Diet has been 3250 (120%) on workout days and 2700 (100%) on off days.

Decline Smith Static Hold= 95lb/side for 15 sec and then 105lb/side for 15 sec. (3min rest between-first time doing these)

EDT BLOCK of Incline DB w/ Pullups 4 x 4-6 3min rest
65 x 6 x 6 70lb 6 x 6-------+25 x 6, +35 5 x 6 x 6

EDT BLock of Dips/1 arm Rows 4 x 4-6 3min rest
+70 x 6 + 80 x 6 x 5 x 4------------- 130lb 6 x 6 x 6 x6

Seated Military Hold (machine) 190lb x 2 @ 15 sec each

EDT Block Incline DB Curl/ Tricep Ext 4 x 4-6 3min rest
40lb 6x6x6x6------------------75lb 6x6x6x6 (deep and controlled)

How's it looking? Got workout number 2 coming up soon.

Any advice/comments? Thanks