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Mass Pro SYNTHAGEN thread for seniors

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:01 pm
by BrainSquirt
Had the idea the other day to seg out a separate MPS thread for senior dosing, etc. Randy's post at ... &start=153
catalyzed me really doing it.
Mass Pro Synthagen review: I'm 63. I'm informed when it comes to diet, exercise and food form supplements. ... Out of the box, NOTHING has ever helped my fight more than Mass Pro Synthagen.
... I'm doing 2 caps with meals and supplements, 4 caps before workouts, 4 caps after and 4 caps at bed time.
etc etc (in the quote, I probably left out the best parts ... but I'm just a trying to be objective user - not a promoter :P )

Peripherally related: in my own life I'm trying to talk my dad into trialing MPS... even offered to pay for the trial and instead of just saying ok I been getting the 'craziest' dam replies from him... like one time he said "...I just don't feel up to it right now"

Anyways - Seems to me better to give the 'seniors' their own thread... (so they can return to whupping up on the young guns again :twisted: ) I reading it right that Randy seems to be indicating more around the clock, steady consistent MPS levels (with boosts at workouts) are indicated for seniors ?...

All the best

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:29 pm
by aron7awol
I gave my not-quite-senior 55-year-old father a bottle of MPS to try. He's been taking it about a week now, 3 caps 3 times a day before meals. I haven't talked to him about it in a few days but only 3 days into it he did mention that he was working out in the heat all day and the heat wasn't bothering him.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:52 am
by aron7awol
I talked to my dad and wanted to share his feedback. He's now been taking Synthagen for a week and a half. He said he hadn't noticed any difference in how he felt, really, but he did have some blood sugar results to share. He was diagnosed as pre-diabetic recently, so he started tracking his blood sugar in the morning when he wakes up.

Before he started taking MPS, it was always between 100-119.
Since he started taking MPS, it has been dropping and has been in the 90s for the last few days.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:21 pm
by RobRegish
aron7awol wrote:I talked to my dad and wanted to share his feedback. He's now been taking Synthagen for a week and a half. He said he hadn't noticed any difference in how he felt, really, but he did have some blood sugar results to share. He was diagnosed as pre-diabetic recently, so he started tracking his blood sugar in the morning when he wakes up.

Before he started taking MPS, it was always between 100-119.
Since he started taking MPS, it has been dropping and has been in the 90s for the last few days.
Awesome! And proof positive of MPS's POTENT glucose disposal properties. I've said this before and I'll say it again: This product is as HEALTHY as it is EFFECTIVE.

Clean as a whistle, works like gangbusters too. What more could you want? I'm so excited, it's helping improve the HEALTH of our seniors. Something all the big shots in mainstream medicine, big pharma etc. couldn't seem to figure out, LOL...