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My First Run for the Money

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:49 am
by JayBezel
Intro- im 25 and ive been training for about 6 yearsnow.

stats- 5'5 195 last time i weighed myself ( i dont weight myself that much....the scale lies. the mirror and numbers are a much better judge of progress imo) aprox 12%bf....lifetime natty

#s prior to start- bench 290x8
deads 475x3 *pre injury
hacks 545x6*pre injury
*in Feb of this year i was in a bad accident and my left foot was crushed and havent been able to walk since. im rehabbing it now but it's been a long road so obviously i cant do any leg movements or anything that requires me to put a load through my lower body. i was out of the gym for about 10 weeks between the hospital and just not being healthy enough to make making progress towards walking again but the docs tell me ill never be back to what i was prior to the injury due to nerve and tissue damage

sorry about the lengthy intro but i need to get all that out there so i can hopefully get some positive feedback and get things moving in the right direction. i started running the famine for 2.0 on monday and have 1 workout in the books. it sucks being hungry but it no worse than any other diet ive done. if you guys are willing id like some help setting up my training and diet for the feast. theres alot of info to wrap your head around! ill post up numbers from todays depletion workout later tonight

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:07 pm
by JayBezel
so after reading through the stickies im confused as hell. i feel like i had a better understanding of the program from just reading the document. the wording in the stickies is confusing so if someone would respond to this to help clear some stuff up for me as im trying to get my feast prep togther id really apperciate it

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:26 pm
by JayBezel
had a little delay with the situation. will be hittin the gym tonight for workout 1. numbers should be up later tonight or tom

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:57 pm
by JayBezel
i forgot i wanted to give an insight on my diet so heres what an average feast day is going to look like

meal 1- 6 whole eggs, 1 cup oatmeal or 2 pieces of whole wheat toast

meal 2- 8oz chicken breast, 1 oz almonds, 1 cup brown rice

meal 3- 8oz grass fed beef, 2 sm sweet potatos

meal 4- same as 2 or 3

meal 5- 50g whey iso, 1oz almonds

15 mins preworkout 10g creatine mono

during workout 5g bcaas, 2g glutamine, 35-50g waxy maize

meal 6-post workout 50g whey iso, 50g waxy 10, creatine mono

thats what an average training day will look days carbs will drop to 150g and ill add 16g fat into that last meal.....i also wont be using waxy or any other supps. let the gains begin

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:18 pm
by JayBezel
feast workout 1-

bench 280x10.....pretty easy. i used robs warm up protocol and i felt like i had alot left in the tank. maybe could've gotten 3-4 more

DB pullover- 100x10....felt good.could've bumped it to 105 and probally got 8

HS seated row- 3p+10x 8.....very hard, first time ive done these since the accident in Feb
LF pulldown- 190x8.....again difficult b/c i havent done these for a while

EDT- Incline DB- 85x6*4
DB Row-100x6*4
*i only got 4 b/c the gym was closing so i didnt have enough time to finish up or get the static crunches in....overall id say i really liked it. im looking forward to seeing where i can go from here

**i used the seated rows and pulldowns instead of the squats and SLDs as per robs reccomendation. in case ppl didnt read the first post i was in an accident in Feb and my left foot was crushed so i havent been able to walk since. thats why the sub for the movements. thoughts, critiques, comments are all welcome

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:19 am
by RobRegish
C'mon BP Army, this man had his foot crushed in an accident. Did he give up?


This is EXACTLY the kind of guy I want on the front lines, so let's give him some ideas. I've already chimed in, but I'm not the greatest mind on this board.

Send in the cavalry... :)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:15 am
by JayBezel
RobRegish wrote:C'mon BP Army, this man had his foot crushed in an accident. Did he give up?


This is EXACTLY the kind of guy I want on the front lines, so let's give him some ideas. I've already chimed in, but I'm not the greatest mind on this board.

Send in the cavalry... :)
thanks man i appreciate the support

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:22 am
by JayBezel
workout 2 in the books

bench-315x4 PR
Db pullover- 115x4

HS seated row- 3p+25x4
life fitness pulldown- 220x4

EDT block

incline db-85x6*6
db row-100x6*6

static crunch 90x2 15 sec holds

overall i was really happy with this workout. i thought about bumping up the weight for my edt stuff but i wasnt sure since i didnt finish last time. even tho i didnt do 20% more im pretty confident if i bump the weights up to 90,105 i'll still be able to work in the target rep range

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:22 pm
by matter2003
Nice work Jay!

Any questions I can help with please let me can either post in this thread or PM me...I have done quite a few BP runs and am pretty familiar with how things work...I am sure lots of others will be able to help as well...

I personally prefer 3.0 due to the statics which I feel give big time size and strength quickly, but 2.0 is definitely solid.

Diet looks pretty solid overall. Similar to what I take in, although my protein usually comes from eggs, egg whites and chicken...don't really get into the beef too much unless there is a super spectacular deal on it...I do well to keep fat and carbs separated as I am an endo/meso and I need every advantage I can get, so I usually end up going something like this:

Meal 1: P+F
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C
Meal 4: P Shake
Workout (57g Dymatize Flud/26g protein, 13g BCAA, 13g Glutamine)
Post Workout(same as above minus BCAA and Glutamine)
Meal 5: P+C(biggest meal of the day)
Meal 6: P+F(usually cottage cheese to get a nice protein drip of long lasting casein protein overnight)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:21 pm
by JayBezel
matter2003 wrote:Nice work Jay!

Any questions I can help with please let me can either post in this thread or PM me...I have done quite a few BP runs and am pretty familiar with how things work...I am sure lots of others will be able to help as well...

I personally prefer 3.0 due to the statics which I feel give big time size and strength quickly, but 2.0 is definitely solid.

Diet looks pretty solid overall. Similar to what I take in, although my protein usually comes from eggs, egg whites and chicken...don't really get into the beef too much unless there is a super spectacular deal on it...I do well to keep fat and carbs separated as I am an endo/meso and I need every advantage I can get, so I usually end up going something like this:

Meal 1: P+F
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C
Meal 4: P Shake
Workout (57g Dymatize Flud/26g protein, 13g BCAA, 13g Glutamine)
Post Workout(same as above minus BCAA and Glutamine)
Meal 5: P+C(biggest meal of the day)
Meal 6: P+F(usually cottage cheese to get a nice protein drip of long lasting casein protein overnight)
i'd like to try 3.0 on my next run but i think im missing a few parts. i think im missing a supp doc and a training doc but i havent bothered anyone about it b/c im into 2.0 100% right now. my off day diet is pretty similar to yours actually

meal 1- P+F+Veg....i think leaving carbs out of this meal gives the body a chance to liberate more fatty acids and help keep me lean(ish)

meal 2- P+C
meal 3-P+C
Meal4- P+F+V
Meal 5- P+C
meal 6-P+F+V

if i dont keep my carb sources clean (brown rice,oatmeal,sweet potato) i'll get fat quick. by sticking with the complex carbs and the fiberous veggies i try to keep insulin low so i can keep my muscles semi-full but still give my body the chance to burn that body fat for fuel. b4 the accident id do fasted or PWO cardio but thats out of the question now so i gotta be on point with the diet

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:37 pm
by matter2003
JayBezel wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Nice work Jay!

Any questions I can help with please let me can either post in this thread or PM me...I have done quite a few BP runs and am pretty familiar with how things work...I am sure lots of others will be able to help as well...

I personally prefer 3.0 due to the statics which I feel give big time size and strength quickly, but 2.0 is definitely solid.

Diet looks pretty solid overall. Similar to what I take in, although my protein usually comes from eggs, egg whites and chicken...don't really get into the beef too much unless there is a super spectacular deal on it...I do well to keep fat and carbs separated as I am an endo/meso and I need every advantage I can get, so I usually end up going something like this:

Meal 1: P+F
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C
Meal 4: P Shake
Workout (57g Dymatize Flud/26g protein, 13g BCAA, 13g Glutamine)
Post Workout(same as above minus BCAA and Glutamine)
Meal 5: P+C(biggest meal of the day)
Meal 6: P+F(usually cottage cheese to get a nice protein drip of long lasting casein protein overnight)
i'd like to try 3.0 on my next run but i think im missing a few parts. i think im missing a supp doc and a training doc but i havent bothered anyone about it b/c im into 2.0 100% right now. my off day diet is pretty similar to yours actually

meal 1- P+F+Veg....i think leaving carbs out of this meal gives the body a chance to liberate more fatty acids and help keep me lean(ish)

meal 2- P+C
meal 3-P+C
Meal4- P+F+V
Meal 5- P+C
meal 6-P+F+V

if i dont keep my carb sources clean (brown rice,oatmeal,sweet potato) i'll get fat quick. by sticking with the complex carbs and the fiberous veggies i try to keep insulin low so i can keep my muscles semi-full but still give my body the chance to burn that body fat for fuel. b4 the accident id do fasted or PWO cardio but thats out of the question now so i gotta be on point with the diet
Yeah, pretty similar to me...I usually do veggies for 4 of the 6 meals---first, last and then usually 3rd and 5th...

I am in the same boat bro...carb sources gotta stay clean...I am chuckling because we eat pretty much the exact same carbs...I also like tossing in some beans and/or lentils now and again as they are pretty nutrient dense with both protein and carbs...

I have found sprinkling cinnamon on whatever I am eating helps a lot for me at least when eating carbs, since it is an insulin mimetic and has been shown to increase glucose sensitivity by up to 20 times normal...also has positive effects long term on cholesterol and triglycerides...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:20 pm
by JayBezel
matter2003 wrote:
JayBezel wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Nice work Jay!

Any questions I can help with please let me can either post in this thread or PM me...I have done quite a few BP runs and am pretty familiar with how things work...I am sure lots of others will be able to help as well...

I personally prefer 3.0 due to the statics which I feel give big time size and strength quickly, but 2.0 is definitely solid.

Diet looks pretty solid overall. Similar to what I take in, although my protein usually comes from eggs, egg whites and chicken...don't really get into the beef too much unless there is a super spectacular deal on it...I do well to keep fat and carbs separated as I am an endo/meso and I need every advantage I can get, so I usually end up going something like this:

Meal 1: P+F
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C
Meal 4: P Shake
Workout (57g Dymatize Flud/26g protein, 13g BCAA, 13g Glutamine)
Post Workout(same as above minus BCAA and Glutamine)
Meal 5: P+C(biggest meal of the day)
Meal 6: P+F(usually cottage cheese to get a nice protein drip of long lasting casein protein overnight)
i'd like to try 3.0 on my next run but i think im missing a few parts. i think im missing a supp doc and a training doc but i havent bothered anyone about it b/c im into 2.0 100% right now. my off day diet is pretty similar to yours actually

meal 1- P+F+Veg....i think leaving carbs out of this meal gives the body a chance to liberate more fatty acids and help keep me lean(ish)

meal 2- P+C
meal 3-P+C
Meal4- P+F+V
Meal 5- P+C
meal 6-P+F+V

if i dont keep my carb sources clean (brown rice,oatmeal,sweet potato) i'll get fat quick. by sticking with the complex carbs and the fiberous veggies i try to keep insulin low so i can keep my muscles semi-full but still give my body the chance to burn that body fat for fuel. b4 the accident id do fasted or PWO cardio but thats out of the question now so i gotta be on point with the diet
Yeah, pretty similar to me...I usually do veggies for 4 of the 6 meals---first, last and then usually 3rd and 5th...

I am in the same boat bro...carb sources gotta stay clean...I am chuckling because we eat pretty much the exact same carbs...I also like tossing in some beans and/or lentils now and again as they are pretty nutrient dense with both protein and carbs...

I have found sprinkling cinnamon on whatever I am eating helps a lot for me at least when eating carbs, since it is an insulin mimetic and has been shown to increase glucose sensitivity by up to 20 times normal...also has positive effects long term on cholesterol and triglycerides...
its funny you say that...instead of eating my oatmeal i throw it in a coffee grinder and make a powder out it. i always add ground cinnamon and ground ginger to it. partly for the taste, partly for all the benefits associated with the 2

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:28 pm
by JayBezel
workout 3

bench- 335x2 PR
db pullover- 120x3

seated hs row- 3p+35x3
lf pulldown-250x2


incline db 90x6*4
db row 105x6*4

overall it was ok. the numbers hit the mark but i just nevr really felt like i got dialed in for this one. i ran short on time for the edt and the static again but the weights seemed to be moving pretty well. for the last 2 sets of the edt i took under a min rest b/c i was trying to jam as much work in as i could before i had to go. looking forward to the deload! my joints hurt

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:41 pm
by JayBezel
workout 4 deload

bench- 290x8 PR
db pullover- 110x8

hs seated row-3p+10x6
lf pulldown- 190x6


incline db 90x6*6
db row 105x6*4, 2x5

static crunch 2x120 15 sec hold

overall the workout was so so. i was really surprised early on how easy the weight was moving. the bench and pullovers were both PRs with that weight and i didnt feel like i was 100% today. for some reason i ran out of steam towards the end there and those edts started to feel real heavy. either way im excited for the next workout on mon and trying to establish a new gonna shoot for 350 which would be awesome. that combined with the fact that i took my first steps without crutches in 6 months could have me flying high come monday night. the only kind of bad thing i got going gym wise right now is my weight. i weighed myself tonight and was 197. i was really hoping to hit that 200 mark but ill live. even though my weight isnt what i thought i notice a wider/fuller look to my chest along with some added width if i hit a front lat spread. ill get pics up at somepoint.....maybe after the full run is complete idk