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Day 5 of Famine - Multistix/Heart Rate

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:44 pm
by aron7awol
Hey guys,

I'm starting my second BP run. I'm on day 5 of famine, my resting heart rate was only up 4 bpm this morning. I just tested my urine with Multistix after my workout and it's showing only a trace of protein excretion. I haven't tested it each day, so this measurement is all I have to go by. I did test my urine on day 4 or 5 of my first famine and had no protein excretion show that time either. Any idea what's going on? Are my Multistix faulty? Should I add an extra day of famine?

I appreciate any help you can give me...

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:21 am
by mind_architect
I finished day 5 of famine yesterday. My HR this morning was exactly the same as the morning of day 1. I lost 5 lbs over that days so I'm pretty sure I got the diet right. My multistix showed protein to be between trace and the next interval. I guess this is the 4th BP cycle I've done and I don't usually excrete much urine on day 5.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:43 pm
by RobRegish
mind_architect wrote:I finished day 5 of famine yesterday. My HR this morning was exactly the same as the morning of day 1. I lost 5 lbs over that days so I'm pretty sure I got the diet right. My multistix showed protein to be between trace and the next interval. I guess this is the 4th BP cycle I've done and I don't usually excrete much urine on day 5.
You're correct. Don't sweat the heart rate, as it's but ONE diagnostic measure we use. The 1lb/day weight loss is the norm, and a great sign you've delivered the goods.

The hard part then, is OVER! GREAT work!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:17 pm
by capnleux
Whatabout the 50% of people not needing to train on that fifth day? How do they know whether to train or not?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:16 am
by thicketman
Every time I have gone through famine, I have felt the effects (soreness, lethargy but difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate, NO motivation to lift (or do much else), etc.) Something to consider in the future is incorporating fasts. I used two fast days during my last famine and let me tell you that there is absolutely no doubt when you are over-trained using that method.

If you have only done two workouts and aren't experiencing any of the listed symptoms, I would do the third workout.

BTW, welcome. I am a fellow Southeast Texan (Silsbee). This week is the end of my 5th BP 3.0 feast geared toward cutting.

I've posted some pics of my progress here: ... 7085#27085

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:17 am
by capnleux
Thx for the help man

P.S. any good grass fed animal/raw milk resources out there in your end of the triangle? I ordered my last beef from mcallen ranch and there is a lady that sales goat milk i can get in beaumont, but its a little more expensive than i really want to pay

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:51 am
by RobRegish
capnleux wrote:Whatabout the 50% of people not needing to train on that fifth day? How do they know whether to train or not?
This is somewhat instinctive, but the answer given by Thicketman was spot on. Thanks for the assist, brother... :)

Always here for you guys, if you need to bounce something off me. Remember though, if in doubt - SKIP workout #3 and just finish out Famine's diet...

Most everyone is usually quite pleased, come the end of Feast!