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The Doc's Modified 3.0-Part Deux

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:09 pm
by drtda
Tomorrow I'll be starting a new 3.0 run. I've already finished Famine and today is my last day of the 3 days before Workout #1.

I ran 3.0 almost exactly a year ago and had a great run, but have made some modifications it to extend the run and hopefully make it a little bit more productive.

I'm going to follow the boilerplate 3.0 for 2 workouts, then the next 2 I'm going to change from the EDT Blocks and do a couple of 4X type sets for each body part. The 4X sets are popularized by Steve Holeman in Ironman Magazine and borrow from some of the work of Charles Poliquin. There are several different variations, but the one that I like has the first set with a weight that you can do about 7 reps on, but in a 1 second positive and 7 second negative. You then rest for 30 seconds and in set 2 with the same weight you try for 10 reps with a 1 second positive and 3 second negative. Set 3 is after another 30 second rest and is exactly the same as Set 2. Set 4 is after the last 30 second rest and you just try to rep out the weight for as many as you can. The main goal is to increase time under tension during the sets. I works the heck out of the muscle and builds a massive pump.

My Static Holds will still be the backbone of all of the workouts and after every 6 3.0 workouts I'm going to do 2 deload workouts. I find these to be very effective at giving my body just enough of a break to be able to hit it really hard for several more workouts in a row.

Supplement wise I'll be utilizing a fairly extensive list:
Omega-3 FA
Super Cissus
Vitamin D-3
Vitamin B12
cbol creatine
Multi Life
Mass Pro Protein
Alkaplex Green
Trutein Protein
Lots of Tart Cherry Juice

I'll have more tomorrow about my first workout and also discuss some of my nutrition changes for this run compared to normal.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:08 pm
by drtda
Finished up with day 1 workout-split into 2 sessions.

Decline Bench-Several warm-up sets then 335 and 355 for Static Holds.
EDT Block
Incline Dumbell Bench 75X7, 85X6, 95X6, 95X6, 95X6, 95X6
One-arm Rows 100X7, 105X6, 105X6, 105X6, 105X6, 105X6

2nd Session-about 6 hours later
Rack Pulls-Several warm-ups sets then 475 and 490 for Static Holds
EDT Block-Giant block with 3 exercises instead of 2
Hurricane Push Press 120X6, 120X6, 120X6, 120X6, 120X6, 120X6
Incline Hammer Curls 45X6, 45X6, 45X6, 45X6, 45X6, 45X6
Dips BW(Body Weight)+45X6, BW70X6, BW70X6, BW70X6, BW70X6, BW70X6

The Hurricane Push Press that I referred to is a leverage machine made by Sorinex that I have as part of my home gym.

Overall, a really good workout for #1. We'll see if I have any DOMS tomorrow.

My calorie levels are going to be 3600 on lifting days and 3000 on non-lifting days for this first 10 days. Then I will dial everything back by a couple of hundred calories for the following 10 days.

I'm trying to utilize an extremely tight diet during this run as well as utilizing a lot of organic foods. Switched over my milk to organic, while also using primarily whole milk from Jersey cows to increase the levels of good fats, including natural CLA. Trying to cut out anything that is refined, even if it is supposed to be "healthy". Also eating a lot of grass-fed beef and buffalo, as well as a lot of fish, primarily salmon, but with some tilapia, trout, mahi mahi and others thrown in.

Probably will take tomorrow completely off except for some real light cardio before hitting legs in 2 days.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:06 pm
by drtda
DOMS were very minimal yesterday, just a little in the outer chest, but certainly not what I usually have when starting a new program.

Today was leg day. I need to get some more plates for leg press static holds as I'm using almost everything I have in my weight room at home.

Leg Press Static Holds-Warm-ups, then 1000 X 15sec, 1200 X 15 sec.

EDT Block
Leg Blaster Squats 335 X 6 X 6
Leg Curls 82.5 X 6 X 6

Calf Raise on Leg Press Static Holds-750 X 12sec, 910 X 12 sec

Glute-Ham Raises-BW X 10 X 2 (Reps with a 3010 tempo)


Overall was a good workout. I'll see how DOMS are tomorrow for legs as it will also be my 7th day taking Synthagen.

My next 2 workouts will be the ones starting off with static holds and then going to the 4X sets.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:31 pm
by drtda
3rd Workout of 3.0 today-split into AM and PM sessions.

Decline Barbell Press-Warm-ups then 335 X 5sec Static Hold, 350 X 5sec Static Hold.

Incline Bench-120 X7, X9,X8,X7. This is a 4X Style set so tempo was 70X0, 30X0, 30X0, and 10X0. You have to really crank down the weights on these with the slower negatives.

Hammer Machine Pullovers-160 X7, X8, X7, X8 (4X Style)

One-arm Cable Crossover-30 X 12 X 2 (30X0)

Chins-BW X 8, BW X 7 (30X0)

Rack Pulls- Warm-ups, then 480X 5sec and 500X 5sec Static Holds. These felt pretty easy.

Seated Shoulder Press-100 X 7, X8, X7, X7 (4X Style)
Hammer Machine Dips-160 X 7, X7, X7, X8 (4X style)
Cable Curls-90 X7, X10, X10, X10 (4X Style)

Dumbell Upright Rows-35 X 10 X 2 (30X0)
Overhead Cable Rope Extensions-120 X 8 X 2 (30X0)
Swiss Bar Curls-60 X 10 X 2 (30X0)

This is definitely a higher volume workout. So far DOMS have been under control, probably helped by the higher calories, but certainly also the Synthagen. Still taking in 3600 on lifting days and 3000 on non-lifting days.

I'm not sure if I'll take 1 or 2 days off before Workout #4. It depends on when my new machine (Pit Shark) comes in. It should be delivered either tomorrow or Tuesday. If it's Tuesday, I'll probably set it up and then do my lower body workout on Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:51 pm
by drtda
Did a little bit of cardio yesterday in the morning, and then had to move and put together my new Pit Shark in the basement. It went together pretty easily, but still was a pain in ass as the 4 main pieces each weigh between 100-125 lbs. It is an absolutely awesome machine with an amazing number of exercises you can do on it. In fact, I may end up selling my Sorinex Hurricane as I can do all of the exercises that I had been using it for on the Pit Shark, plus about 7 or 8 others.

Recovery has been very good. I was somewhat sore after my upper body workout 3 days ago, but it seemed to dissipate fairly quickly. My sleep has been better than usual since starting the AN and ZMA.

Leg Press-Warmups, then 1080 X 15sec Static Hold and 1200 X 15sec Static Hold.

Pit Shark Front Squats-135 X7, X6, X6, X7 (4X Style)
Seated Leg Curls-192 X7, X6, X6, X7 (4X Style)
Both of these exercises I slightly overestimated what I could do in a 4X Style set, so I'll re-evaluate for next time.

Pit Shark Reverse Lunges-95 X 12 X 2 (30X0)
Romanian Deadlifts-170 X 8 X 2 (30X0)

Leg Press Calf Raise-780 X 12 sec Static Hold, 920 X 12sec Static Hold
Pit Shark Donkey Calf Raises-185 X 15, 225 X 12 X 2 (30X0)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:38 pm
by drtda
Got some catching up to do as I was out of town for a couple of days.

Workout #5

Decline Bench-Warmups, then 340 X 5sec Static Hold and 360 X 5sec Static Hold

EDT Block #1

Incline Dumbell Bench-75 X 8, 85 X 8, 95 X 7 X 4
One-arm Rows 100 X 8, 105 X 8 X 5

Rack Pulls-Warmups , then 485 X 5sec Static Hold, and 505 X 5sec Static Hold

EDT Block #2
Hurricane Push Press 120 X 8 X 5
Hammer Curls 45 X 8 X 5
Pit Shark Dips 45 X 8, 70 X 8 X 4

Great workout, the Synthagen was really starting to kick in as I was able to hit the same weights as last time on my EDT Blocks with more reps and less time between sets.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:43 pm
by drtda
Workout #6

Leg Press-Warmups, then 1080 X 15sec Static Hold and 1240 X 15sec Static Hold

EDT Block

Pit Shark Squats-315 X 8 X 6
Leg Curls-82.5 X 8 X 6

Glute-Ham Raise- BW X 12 X 2 (3010)

Leg Press Calf Raises- 810 X 12sec Static Hold and 950 X 12sec Static Hold

Pit Shark Standing Calf Raises-315 X 12 X 3 (3010)

Another good workout, but started to come down with a cold on that day. I'm starting to feel better today, so I'll see what tomorrow feels like before deciding whether or not to hit upper body again.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:04 pm
by drtda
Some catching up to do, as most of last week I had some weird viral thing-part sinus infection, part bronchitis, so I only did a couple of very easy deload workouts during the week. My first real workout was on Sunday for Workout #7.

Leg Press-Warmups, then 1110 X 15sec Static Hold and 1280 X 15sec Static Hold.

Pit Shark Front Squats-135 X7, X8, X7, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)
Seated Leg Curls-192 X7,X 8 X7, X7 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Pit Shark Reverse Lunges-115 X10 X2 (10X0)
Romanian Deadlifts-170 X10 X2 (30X0)

Leg Press Calf Raises-830 X 12sec Static Hold, 970 X 12sec Static Hold
Pit Shark Donkey Calf Raises 225 X 12, 245 X12 X2 (30X0)

This was a really good first workout coming off of being sick and actually still coughing/hacking some. I continued to use my supplements, including Synthagen, all week, so I think that definitely helped.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:35 pm
by drtda
Trying to catch up on the log here. Last post would not go through, so I'll have to repeat it here.

Workout #8

AM Portion
Decline Bench-350 X 5sec Static Hold, 370 X 5sec Static Hold
Hoist Incline Bench-120 X7, X10, X9, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)
Hammer Pullovers-160 X7, X10, X9, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)
PitShark Pushups-45 X 7 X 2 (30X0)
Chins-BW X 9, BW X7 (30X0)

PM Portion
Rack Pulls-495 X 5sec Static Hold, 515 X 5sec Static Hold
Seated Shoulder Press-90 X7, X10, X9, X7 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)
Hammer Dips-160 X7, X10, X8, X7 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)
Strive Machine Curls- 35 X7, X10, X9, X8 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 30X0) (4X Style)
Dumbell Upright Rows-37.5 X 9 (30X0)
Cable Rope Extensions- 120 X9 (30X0)
Cable Curls (120 X 9) (30X0)

#'s went up quite a bit from last time on 4X sets and Static Holds were pretty easy.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:40 pm
by drtda
Workout #9 from a few days ago. This was a tough one with the 1 minute rest between EDT Block supersets.

Leg Press- 1160 X 15sec Static Hold, 1315 X 15sec Static Hold

EDT Block
Pit Shark Squats- 275 X 10 X 6
Leg Curls- 72.5 X 10, X 10, X 10, X 9, X 8, X 7

Glute-Ham Raises-BW X 12 X 2 (30X0)

Leg Press Calf Raises- 860 X 12sec Static Hold, 1000 X 12sec Static Hold

Pit Shark Standing Calf Raise-315 X 15 X 3 (10X0)

Reduced my calorie levels to 3000 on lifting days and 2400 on non-lifting days.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:46 pm
by drtda
Workout #10-Yesterday. Once again with 1 min rest during EDT Block.

Decline Bench-360 X 5sec Static Hold, 380 X 5sec Static Hold

EDT Block #1
Incline Dumbell Bench- 75 X 10 X 6
One-arm Rows-75 X 12 X 6

Rack Pulls 500 X 5sec Static Hold, 520 X 5sec Static Hold

EDT Block #2
Hurricane Push Press-100 X 10 X 5
Hammer Curls- 40 X 10 X 5
Pit Shark Dips- 45 X 10 X 5

All of my numbers were improved on this workout from my prior 3.0 run, so I'm pretty happy with it thus far.

Also started to incorporate some more work on my off days. Today was 15 minutes cardio, followed by Farmer's Walks. I'll probably alternate these with Sled Drags.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:12 pm
by drtda
Workout #11-from 3 days ago.

Leg Press-1210 X 15sec Static Hold, 1370 X 15sec Static Hold

Pit Shark Front Squats-135 X7, X10, X8, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Seated Leg Curls-192 X7, X10, X8, X8 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Pit Shark Reverse Lunges-135 X 10 X 3 (10X0)

Romanian Deadlifts-170 X 10, 190 X 7 X 2 (30X0)

Leg Press Calf Raises-880 X 12sec Static Hold, 1020 X 12sec Static Hold

Pit Shark Donkey Calf Raises-225 X 12, 255 X 12 X 2 (30X0)

I jumped up my volume a bit from the last 4X workout, but managed to get a few more reps for each exercise, so feeling pretty good about this.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:23 pm
by drtda
Yesterday's Workout #12

AM Portion
Decline Bench-370 X 5sec Static Hold, 390 X 5sec Static Hold

Hoist Incline Bench-125 X7, X10, X8, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Hammer Pullovers-165 X 7, X10, X9, X9 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Pit Shark Pushups-45 X 8 X 2 (30X0)

Chins- BW X 10, BW X 8 (30X0)

PM Portion
Rack Pulls-505 X 5sec Static Hold, 525 X 5 sec Static Hold

Seated Shoulder Press-95 X7, X9, X8, X7 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Hammer Dips-160 X 7, X9, X8, X10 (70X0, 30X0, 30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Strive Machine Curls-35 X 7, X10, X10, X10 (70X0, 30X0,30X0, 10X0) (4X Style)

Dumbell Upright Rows-37.5 X 10 X 2 (30X0)

Cable Rope Extensions-120 X 10 X 2 (30X0)

Cable Curls-120 X 10 X 2 (30X0)

Great workout yesterday, but this 4X Style upper body workout is brutal. I'm definitely feeling it today-even have a few DOMS in the triceps and lats. Mostly feeling it in CNS fatigue, so I didn't do anything today. Tomorrow I will probably do a Deload on my leg day, so that I should be good to go on the weekend.

Really seems like the Synthagen is kicking in. I started to feel it really well about 2 1/2 weeks ago, but then I got sick, so it was very hard to judge after that. The last couple of workouts have been really good though. I also started taking KA after my workout yesterday and will continue to take a couple of caps right after I lift, but none on my off days.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:36 pm
by drtda
Catching up again after several days. After Workout #12, I decided to do a Deload Workout for legs, as they weren't quite recovered yet, but I wanted to have a little bit of a workout to keep my work load up. I won't log it here as it was a quick, simple workout with about 75-80% of my normal weight, while cutting the reps and sets down by a third or slightly more.

Workout #13
AM Portion

Decline Bench-375 X 5sec Static Hold, 395 X 5sec Static Hold

EDT Block #1
Incline Dumbell Bench-75 X 6, 85 X 6, 100 X 6 X 4
One Arm Rows-100 X 6, 115 X 6 X 5

PM Portion
Rack Pulls-510 X 5sec Static Hold, 530 X 5 sec Static Hold

EDT Block #2
Hurricane Push Press-120 X 6, 140 X 5 X 4
Hammer Curls-55 X 5 X 5
Pit Shark Dips- 45 X 6, 75 X 6, 95 X 6 X 3