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Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:47 pm
by crag

Hi guys, as you can see its been 3 months since my last post and nothing has happened, and theres a reason for that. I got injured, nothing to do with weights or the blue print, the culprit was ice skating. I took the kids ice skating and i havnt skated for a good 20 years. At first i was like bambi and the more i went round the better i got and the more confident i became until i was flying round that rink. Then bamm i felll and smacked the ice and i forgot how hard ice is. I managed to crawl to the side as other skaters furiously tried to avoid me, i pulled myself up and sat on the bench for a good ten mins until i felt better. We carried on skating a bit longer then left. When we got home i noticed i could only bend my right leg with a lot of pain at the back of the knee at the crease in the leg. There was no bruising or swelling just intense pain and this has lasted for a good 2.5 months with the pain gradually subsiding, ive been body weight squatting to try to get back and increase ROM. Now i reckon im ready to continue with the blueprint. Btw if anyone has an idea of what i injured i would be interested to know.

_________________Famine workout #1
warm ups

Hip belt squat 110 *6, 110*6, 110*6.
supersetted with
Seated cable rows 77*6, 77*6, 77*6.

One arm barbell row 44*6, 44*6, 44*6.
supersetted with
Pull ups bw*6, bw*6, bw*6

Barbell curls 50*6
Inc db curls 27.5*6
Preacher curls 38.5*6

Ab crunchees 44*10, 44*10, 50*1 min static hold

Good workout felt great.

_________________Famine workout #2
well felt a little bit sore from workout 1 , but a nice sore if you know what i mean.
Bench press warm up 44*10, 66*8, 77*4.

Bench press 77*8 for 4 sets
supersetted with
Bbell military press 33*8 for 4 sets

Inc bench press 55*8 for 4 sets
supersetted with
Bbell mil press 33*7 for 4 sets

Decline bench press 66*10 for 3 sets then 66*8 for 1 set

Dips bw*7
Cable press downs 44*10
Bbell overhead ext 22*10

Ab crunchees 33*10, 33*10, 44*1 min static hold

I could feel the soreness setiing right in after this workout. but yes felt great. Trying to stick with the famine diet but the missus keeps making me nice dinners which are hard to turn down.

Famine workout #3
Warm ups
hip belt squat 88/15, 88/15, 88/15, 88/15, 88/13
seated cable rows 66/15 * 5 sets

1 arm db rows 38.5/12 *5 sets
chin ups BW/6,/5, /5, /5, /5

barbell curls 33/13
inc db curls 22/13
preacher 27/13

wow this was one heck of a workout !! it was hard but i loved it. The chin ups were exceptionally hard
Looking forward to feast.

Feast workout #1 Date 25/05/2012 time 1243 hrs
Bench press warm up press ups /20, bar/10, 44/10, 66/8, 88/4, 110/1.
Bench press 110/10
DB pullovers 33/10

Inc db press 27.5/6/6/6/6/6/6.
1 arm db row 44/6/6/6/6/6/6.
time 9 mins, 72 reps.

Squats warm up bar/10, 44/8, 66/4, 88/1.
Squats 100/10
Romanian deads 88/10

Hip belt squat 66//6/6/6/6/6/6.
Hamstring curls 44/6/6/6/6/6/6.
time 10 mins, 72 reps.

Ab crunchees 33/10, 33/10, 44/10.

this was a bostin workout felt energised the next day and nice and tight too. i know my squat weight is puny but i'm working up to a 220 hopefully!!

Feast Workout #2 Date 29/05/2012 Time 1815
Bench press warm ups bar/10, 44/8, 66/4, 88/2, 116/1

Bench press 116/5
DB Pullovers 38.5/6
Static Hold-close grip decline bench press 154/40 secs

Inc DB press 27.5/8/8/8/8/8/8
1 arm BB row 44/8/8/8/8/8/8
time 10 mins, reps 96

Squats warm up bar/10, 44/8, 66/4, 88/2, 110/1

Squats 110/6
Rom deads 88/6

Top range rack pull 198/40 secs

Hip belt squat 66/8/8/8/8/8/8
Hamstring curls 44/8/8/8/8/8/8
time 10 mins, reps 96

these workouts are awesome, im really enjoying them i feel great, energised , after years of going thru the motions i now look forward to working out again. :D

Feast workout #3 Date 01/06/2102 time 1215hrs
Bench press warm up
bar/10, 66/8, 88/4, 110/2, 126.5/1

Bench press 126.5/3
DB pullovers 44/4 long stretch in the bottom position.

Close grip dec static hold 176/35 secs

Inc DB press 27.5/10/10/10/10/10/10
1arm BB row 48.5/ 10/10/10/10/8/8
Time 10 mins Reps 116

Squats warm up
bar/10, 44/8, 66/6, 100/3, 121/1

Squats 121/3
Rom Deads 110/3

Top range rack pull 209/40 secs

Hip belt squat 77/10/10/10/10/10/10
Hamstring curls 44/10/10/10/10/10/10
Time 11 mins Reps 120

Ab crunchees
33/10, 44/8 44/6, 55/ 10 secs static hold
This was a harder workout as the numbers went up a bit, but i still well enjoyed it.

Feast workout #4 Date 04/06/2012 time 0830 hrs

Bench press warm ups, bar/10, 44/8, 66/4, 110/1

Bench press 110/1
DB pullovers 33/6

Close grip dec static hold 198/30 secs done twice as it felt so easy !!!

Inc DB press 33/10/10/9/9/8
1 arm BB row 47.5/10/10/9/9/9
Time 10 mins Reps 93

Squats warm up bar/10 44/8, 66/6, 88/5, 99/1

Squats 99/6
Rom Deads 88/6

Top range rack pull 220/ 40 secs had to check the weight as it felt incredibly easy so i did another one @ 231/30 secs

Hip belt squat 88/10/10/10/10/10
Ham curls 49.5/10/10/9/9/7
Time 9 mins Reps 95.
Felt great. :lol:

PR day

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:16 am
by crag
PR workout Date 07/06/2012 time 1215pm

Bench press warm ups bar/10, 44/8, 66/6, 88/4, 99/2, 121/1

Bench press 132/1. So 132 or 60 k its been a fair few years since i lifted 60k so i'm happy with that onwards and upwards !!!!

Squat warm ups bar/10, 44/8, 66/3, 110/2

Squat 132/2, 137.5/2, 143/1.
So 143 or 65k is my new PR , things can only get bigger !!!

Starting GLP1 next and then take things from there.

Re: Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:02 am
by SloTown
crag wrote:... When we got home i noticed i could only bend my right leg with a lot of pain at the back of the knee at the crease in the leg. There was no bruising or swelling just intense pain...
Sounds a lot like when I strained my PCL (Post Cruciate Ligament ). I initially strained it while wrestling around with a buddy of mine. Had I let it heal like you have for a couple of months, it probably would have been ok, but I'm not that smart and I kept going with all my physical activities. A few days later, I completely ruptured it playing softball.

Because you have given your injury time to heal, you might be OK, but if getting an MRI to be sure is an option, I would definitely look into it. I believe an MRI is the only way to see ligament or tendon damage.
You don't want to risk making it worse and have to take 6-9 months of for surgery or rehab.

Re: Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:26 pm
by englishbob
Hi Crag,

I am not sure exactly what you injured but be very careful with knee injuriesl I am no expert but I do understand from previous injuries that if the pain lasts more than a few weeks it is likely more than a simple sprain.

A colleague of mine at work has worn out her cartilage by disregarding knee pain and continuing to squat for months after the pain started. She may now need a knee replacement and has been told never to squat again. Not saying that your injury is similar but just that knee and back injuries need to be treated very seriously. I strongly advise you get it checked out by an expert. In any event I hope it heals OK.

Anyway I am new to the Blueprint so hi everyone!

Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:07 pm
by crag
Hi guys, firstly thanks slotown and englishbob for your thoughts, and welcome to the family englishbob, the knee has been fine, ive been training with it no problems, no pain,so i think whatever i did has healed.
Right back to the training. Date 08/06/12 time 0815am
Bench press warm up 22/10, 44/5, 66/1
Bench press 66/10, 71.5/8, 81.5/8, 88/8, 97/8, 104/8
DB pullovers33/8, 33/8, 33/8, 33/8 33/8.

Close grip dec static 100/30 secs

Decline bench press 88/8/8/8/8/8/8
1 arm BB row 50.5/8/8/8/8/8/8.
Time 14 mins 96 reps.

Static dip lockout 44/34 secs


Pull ups B/W 4/4/4/4/4/4
Dips B/W 9/7/7/6/6/6
Time 13 mins reps 66.
Really hard workout but looked felt solid and looked bigger.

Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:17 pm
by crag
GLP#2 Date 10.06.12 time 0700hrs.
Walked 1 mile with a wheelbarrow with 60 kg in it, boy were my traps sore the next day!!!
Squat warm up bar/10, 44/6, 66/2.
Squats 66/8, 71.5/8, 81.5/8, 88/8, 97/6, 97/6.

Top range rack pull 110/40secs

Hipbelt squat 99/9/9/9/9/9/9.
Ham curls 55/10/8/7/7/5/5.
Time 14 mins 96 reps.

Static calf raise lockout 143/40 secs.

Crag's first bp run

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:59 am
by crag
GLP#1 workout 3 Date 15.06.12 time 16.45
Bench warm ups bar/10, 44/6, 66/4.

Bench press 66/10, 81.5/8, 88/6, 99/6, 103.5/6, 112/6.
DB pulovers 33/10, 33/8, 33/6, 33/6, 33/6, 33/6.

Pull ups B/W/6,6,5,4.
Dips B/W/8,7,6,5.

Static dip 44/35 secs.

Lying cable curl 55/7,7,7,7.
Tricep pushdowns 55/7/7/7/7.

Ab crunchees 77/10.

crag's first bp run

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:08 am
by crag
GLP#1 workout 4.
Date 17.06.12 time 0700 hrs.

Squat warm up bar/10, 33/8, 44/6, 66/2.

Squat 66/10, 81.5/8, 88/6, 99/6, 110/6, 115.5/6.
Rom deads 66/10, 71.5/8, 71.5/6, 71.5/6, 71.5/6, 71.5/6.

leg ext 55/10/10/9/9.
Ham curl 55/10/8/7/7.

Static calf raise 154/40 secs, 176/20 secs

Top range rack pull 242/40 secs, 253/30 secs.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:20 pm
by dropthebeats
I would recommend jacking up the weight on your static holds, and getting in the 5-15 second range. If you can hold it for 30-40 seconds, then it is way too light.

Crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:39 pm
by crag
GLP #1
Workout 5 date19.06.12 time 1814
Bench press warm up bar/10, 44/6

Bench press 66/10, 88/8, 99/6, 105/4, 112/4, 121/4
DB pullovers 33/10, 38/8, 38/6, 38/4, 38/4, 38/4.

Static BP lockout 176/20 secs,

Pull ups BW/6, 5, 4, 3. time 10mins
Dips BW/ 10, 8, 7, 7. reps49

Static dip 44/30 secs

Inc DB press 33/8/8/8/8
1 arm BB row 50/8/8/8/8. time14 mins reps 64.

Crag's first bp run

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:47 pm
by crag
Workout 6 date 25.06.12 time 1345 hrs

Squat warm up 44/10, 66/10
Squat 66/10, 88/8, 99/6, 105/4, 113/4, 121/4.
Rom Deads 66/10, 77/8, 77/6, 66/4, 77/4, 77/4.

Hip belt squat 110/10/10/10/10
Ham curl 55/9/8/8/7. time 12 mins reps72.
Calf raise 66/8, 110/8 143/4.

Static calf raise 176/40 secs

Top range rack pull 242/ 40 secs 264/40 secs.

\crag's first blueprint run

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:56 pm
by crag
Workout 7 date 26.06.12 time 1900hrs

Bench press warm up bar/10, 44/6.
Bench press 66/10, 97/8, 107/6, 116/4, 121/2, 129/2

Static bench press lockout 176/ 30 secs.

Pulldown static 110/20 secs, 132/20 secs.

Inc DB press 38.5/9/8/8/8 time 13 mins reps 65
1 arm BB row 55/8/8/8/8.

Thoughts so far:- I'm definately feeling stronger and making progress my upper body feels solid, not just after training but all the time and veins are starting to come thru also, i'm well happy so far.