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3.0 Training Frequency

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:32 pm
by chameleon
I'm running BP 3.0 for the first time. I'll be starting the feast phase this week and have some questions on training frequency. Rob recommends 1 on and 2 off to start, and I will follow his guidelines. I'm used to training 6 day/week, which was probably too much based on my less than stellar gains recently, but I will probably be temped to train more frequently in later weeks of the feast. What are your experiences with training frequency? Did you decide to modify the frequency after starting, and if so, for what reason? Thanks for your input.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:17 pm
by SloTown
Hi chameleon,
I felt the same way when I started my run (currently in cruise of my first run).
Prior to starting the BP, I was training 4 days a week.
Doing a 1 on, 2 off schedule seemed like too much down time at first, but it didn't take long for me to realize the importance of giving my body (and mind) time to rest/recover.
If your following BP properly, you are likely going to need the extra rest days that are recommended.

One thing that I have recently found helpful in keeping away from the weights on the off days is to go ahead and go to the gym but only do some light cardio and stretching instead of lifting. This helps me not get tempted to lift again too soon and the stretching is pretty important in all this too.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:34 pm
by DaCookie
If you have good recovery then Mon-Wed-Fri with low intensity cardio Tues-Thurs if you want.I find that good.

If not or if you don't have a lot of time then just train Mon-Fri.

I find both good and use both depending on my goals at the time.A lot depends on what you are doing with splits, I am usually doing full body or lower/upper.Gonna try a 4 day split though for 3 weeks of my next blueprint run.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:07 pm
by wtmarcus
I'm just coming to the end of my BP3.0 feast. As most I originally came from training all day every day. Had a very good encounter with 1 on and 2 off last year (Dan John's Mass Made Simple. Which I'm gonna give another go on a feast one of these days...) so I wasn't that chocked. Tbh. following the 3.0 premade feast template I found that inserting 3 days of rest more often than not was ideal for me. and some HIIT and CC on some of the rest days.

But like DaCookie mentions it really comes down to how well you recover. Some recover better than others. Sleep is my biggest culprit... If my final results from BP are not so good (already exceeded my expectations).. then I'm blaming Robregish for hosting arm seminars at 1AM so I can't get my beauty&growth-sleep.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:10 pm
by chameleon
Thanks for the advice guys. It looks like I'm not the only one that has a hard time staying away from the gym. haha. I will stick with 1 on 2 off through workout 4 and then reevaluate. Given your advice, it looks like if I do change things up, I should probably use a frequency of no more than 1 on 1 off using BP 3.0 workouts. Good idea on the stretching and cardio, slotown.

That was a fantastic arm seminar Rob gave last night, wasn't it? I suggest purchasing the CD if you didn't attend. I'll be giving it a run after this BP cycle.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:30 am
by wtmarcus
chameleon wrote: That was a fantastic arm seminar Rob gave last night, wasn't it? I suggest purchasing the CD if you didn't attend. I'll be giving it a run after this BP cycle.
It was, as they say, "off the hook." I'm gonna order a CD even though I did attend.