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Journal: seano's journey out of skinny-fat town (newbie)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:38 pm
by seano
Greetings all. I'm new to the BP community. Priming up for my 1st run. Please critique my plans so far. Starting famine tomorrow (Monday 27-May).

Muscle! Destroy the skinny fat with bulk muscle.

Alterations to the Blueprint:
  • Using E-BOL. My 1st time with any supplement like ECDY. May try supplements from Mass next time, but need to figure out the import fees 1st.
  • Busy gym (Virgin Active) means supersets can likely only happen if 1 or all of the exercises uses dumbbells. That way I can hover around the machines.
  • No power rack so static work will need to be done in a machine or smith rack (what's best?).
  • Squat rack is available, but can't go to full depth in it so I take the walk out of it.
Diet Tracking on
- Famine: (1266 kcal. <40g protein) Foods: Pineapple, V8 Original, Carrots. Broccoli, Banana, Frozen berries, Sour cherry nectar, Celery, Lemon juice, Fish/Cod liver oil
- Feast: -- to be determined --


Famine: As close to the blueprint as I can get it. Declines will be with dumbbells or in smith machine.
Feast: -- to be determined. Welcome suggestions. --

  • Fish oil and cod liver oil
  • Vit A (retinol).
  • Vit K2 (due to no gallbladder)
  • NAC + Vitamin C (away from workout. Helps with acne and inflammation due to no gallbladder)
  • 5-HTP (not a normal supp for me but had some and have heard it helps with hunger and will help with sleep)
  • Zinc+Magnesium (helps move digestion along)
  • Lecithin
-- to be determined. welcome suggestions. here is what I have on hand --
  • Thermolife E-BOL (using BP dosing)
  • Desiccated liver capsules (throughout the day until they are gone)
  • Craze (before lifting)
  • Caffeine tablets and/or coffee (before training as I see fit)
  • Creatine Mono + IP6 (and maybe baking soda)
  • NAC + Vitamin C
  • DAA (I got some cheap. Some grape seed extract to go with it)
  • Leucine & BCAA powders (pure powders of each that I'll figure out how to integrate in)
  • Whey Isolate (very high quality native Whey Isolate)
  • And everything from famine
Other details
  • Location: London, England, UK (but from US)
  • Age: 29 (almost 30)
  • Height: 186cm (6'1")
  • Weight: 71.8kg (158.3 lbs)
  • Body fat 13.87% (Using Durnin/Womersley Caliper Method, assuming age is 30)
  • Body fat measures: Bicep:2; Tricep:5; Subscapular:9; Suprailiac:8
  • Never seen abs. No gallbladder which results in slow digestion, acne, toxicity, and extra stress hormones (lower abdominal fat)

Journal: Day 1

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:32 pm
by seano
Blueprint 1st run: Day 1, Famine - Monday, 28 May 2012

  • Surprised how much protein I got (nearly 40g) just from fruit and veg. Broccoli was the biggest contributor, followed by V8.
  • Tons of raw broccoli will fill you up. But chew it well or ...
  • Motivated to go to sleep early so I can avoid dealing with any hunger :P
  • Took bike home on the train rather than cycling. I'll do some walking instead. Cycling in intense traffic while calorie deprived is a bad idea.
(Full record at myfitnesspal)
1200-1300kcal. Less than 40g protein. 250g+ of carbs.
  • Intra-workout: Sour cherry juice
  • Breakfast (Post-Workout): Pineapple, celery, carrot, fish oil
  • Lunch: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, broccoli, celery
  • Snack: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, carrot, celery, fish oil
  • Dinner: Banana, v8, raspberries, broccoli, carrots, cod liver oil
  • All day: Ginger and a loose-leaf ayurevedic fasting tea
(Full record at Fitocracy)
Famine workout 1. 1st thing in morning which means about the same strength as non-famine.
  • ~8 minute cycle to gym
  • Superset:
    • Barbell Squat 3x4-6
    • Seated cable rows 3x4-6
    • Chin-ups, weighted 3x4-6
    • One-arm dumbbell row 3x4-6
  • Barbell curl 3x4-6
  • Include dumbbell curl 3x4-6
  • Preacher curl 3x4-6
  • ~7 minute cycle to office
  • VitA (retinol)
  • VitC
  • NAC
  • Lecithin
  • 5-HTP (not a normal supp for me but had some and have heard it helps with hunger and will help with sleep)
  • Zinc+Magnesium

Purchased E-BOL

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:41 am
by seano
Change of plans. Purchased some Thermolife E-BOL from eBay for £35.99. Will be here for Friday or Monday.

I need to compare the dosing costs of it versus importing Kre-Anabolyn and/or Synthagen.

Some feedback for MASS:
I asked about import costs but didn't get any help with knowing what the carrier and government might charge me for import/customs. I'd expect y'all to have some knowledge on this to help your consumer. I'll research it know, but vendors should have this knowledge.

At check-out they give details specific to your country about each shipping option. Including links to the carriers. So that you can calculate the import/custom fees.

Not to mention that they offer International Airmail which is an extremely cheap shipping method (though slow).

Journal: Day 2

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:31 pm
by seano
Blueprint 1st run: Day 2, Famine - Tuesday, 29 May 2012

  • Morning weigh-in: 71.6kg
  • Fasted until almost noon.
  • Replaced some of todays veg with coconut oil.
  • Still feeling fine. No hunger throughout the day.
(Full record at myfitnesspal)
1200-1300kcal. ~33fat;~31protein;~219carbs.
  • Snack (11:45am): Sour cherry juice, coconut oil
  • Lunch: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, carrot, celery, fish oil
  • Snack: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, broccoli, celery, fish oil
  • Dinner: Banana, v8, raspberries, broccoli, carrots, cod liver oil
  • All day: Lemon water, ginger tea, loose-leaf ayurevedic fasting tea
(Full record at Fitocracy)
BodyBalance class (free) in the office gym. Has pilates, yoga and tai chi. Some good flexibility and low intensity for this week.

Journal: Day 3

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:52 am
by seano
Blueprint 1st run: Day 3, Famine - Wednesday, 30 May 2012

  • Morning weigh-in: 71kg
  • Bodyfat 12.97% using calipers: B:2.5;T:3;S:9:S:7.5
  • Sleep: Got to sleep fine, but woke up early. Managed to get back to sleep. But did not feel as rested. Arms were 'falling asleep' easily when sleeping on my side. That hasn't happened in years. My Zeo thinks I got very little deep sleep, though REM was ok.
  • Morning workout went fine, though weak as expected.
  • Fasted until 12:45. Several hours after morning training. Wasn't even hungry (likely due to the tea and ginger) but decided to eat anyway.
(Full record at myfitnesspal)
1200-1300kcal. Less than 40g protein. 200g+ of carbs. Added some coconut oil today.
  • Snack (12:45): Sour cherry juice, coconut oil
  • Lunch: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, corrot, celery, fish oil
  • Snack: Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, broccoli, celery, fish oil
  • Dinner: Banana, v8, raspberries, broccoli, carrots, cod liver oil
  • All day: Lemon/lime water, ginger tea, loose-leaf ayurevedic fasting tea
(Full record at Fitocracy)
Famine workout #2. Altered for my gym.
Much longer rest than 1 minute since I have to work around others and move weights between sets.
8-10 reps each
  • Cycle to gym: 1.7 miles
  • Superset: Wide-grip barbell bench press & Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Superset: Incline barbell bench press & Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Superset: Incline close-grip barbell bench press & Dumbbell shoulder press (should have done non-incline before moving to the incline rack. Stayed there instead of moving back)
  • Superset: Decline bench press in smith machine & Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Decline close-grip bench press in smith machine
  • Lying tricep extensions (aka 'skullcrushers')
  • Cable tricep pushdowns with rope attachment
  • Cable tricep pushdowns with rope attachment
  • Cycle to office: 1.7 miles
  • Cycle home: 5.4 miles
  • Massage at office with our sports therapist. He did the body fat and tape measurements

Journal: Day 4

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:42 am
by seano
Day 4

Phase: Famine Day 4
Date: 2012-05-31 (Thursday)

  • Morning weigh-in: 70.4kg
  • Wasn't hungry at all today. Fasted until 14:15 with no problem. Then didn't eat again until dinner other than some cherry juice before a fast cycle home. So took some of the fiber out of dinner (it was broccoli, my largest source of fiber and protein).
Food (Full record at myfitnesspal)
1200kcal. Less than 40g protein. 200g+ of carbs.
  • Late Lunch (14:15): Coconut oil, Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, corrot, celery, fish oil
  • Before cycle home (18:45): Sour cherry nectar
  • Dinner: Pineapple, broccoli, celery, v8, raspberries, carrots, cod liver oil, banana
  • All day: Lemon/lime water, ginger tea, loose-leaf ayurvedic fasting tea
Training (Full record at Fitocracy)
  • Cycle from home to office: 5.4 miles (~25 minutes)
  • Chin-ups throughout day
  • Cycle from office to home: 5.4 miles (a fast 22 minutes)
  • See 1st post in the thread

Journal: Day 5

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:56 pm
by seano
Day 5

Phase: Famine Day 5
Date: 2012-06-01 (Friday)

  • Morning weigh-in: 69.6kg
  • Decided to do famine workout 3 since I felt alright.
Food (Full record at myfitnesspal)
1200kcal. Less than 30g protein. 200g+ of carbs.
  • Morning (pre-worktou): Sour cherry nectar
  • Lunch: Coconut oil, Pineapple, v8, lemon juice, corrot, celery, fish oil
  • Afternoon: Pineapple, broccoli, celery, v8, raspberries, carrots, cod liver oil, banana, fish oil
  • Dinner: Pineapple, frozen raspberries, v8, carrots, cod liver oil
  • Before bed: banana
  • All day: Lemon/lime water, ginger tea, loose-leaf ayurvedic fasting tea
Training (Full record at Fitocracy)
Famine Workout 3. 10-15 reps. 5 sets. 30 seconds rest.
  • Cycle from train to gym: 1.5 miles
  • Squats + seated cable row
  • Lat pulldown + dumbbell row
  • Barbell curl (only 1 set for this and rest of curls as I needed to get to the office)
  • Incline dumbbell curl
  • Preacher curl
  • Cycle from gym to office: 1.5 miles: 5.4 miles (a fast 22 minutes)
  • See 1st post in the thread

Time to get my grub on.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:46 pm
by seano
Day 6

Phase: Feast Day 1
Date: 2012-06-02 (Friday)

  • The famine is over, time to get my grub on!
  • Weight (morning): 69.2kg. That's the end of famine weight. Over 2kg down from 61.8kg. Partially water due to being on creatine before.
  • Eating 50/30/20 (C/P/F) which is unusual and a bit difficult mentally for me. I normally go low carb and high fat, except after workout. Only 60-70g fat is crazy low.
Food (Full record at myfitnesspal) ~2800 calories

Activity: Film Production class and several miles of walking

Supplements: See 1st post in the thread.

Re: Time to get my grub on.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:24 pm
by aron7awol
seano wrote:Question: What should my calories be for the 1st few days? Slightly over maintenance (12-15x weight or 20x)? 2.0 and 3.0 are unclear on this and in some spots contradictory.
I suggest you calculate your maintenance calories using the Katch-McArdle equation rather than use a "times weight" rule which is not tailored for different body types.

Assuming you won't be working out for the first 3 days, Katch-McArdle has the Sedentary maintenance calories for a 69.2 kg human at 13% body fat as 2008. I did 120% of maintenance for my first week of Feast, which in this case would be 2410.

When you start working out, you have the option of getting your average maintenance calories using one of the pre-defined activity levels, or by adding exercise calories to your Sedentary maintenance level on a daily basis. Keep in mind that the zig-zags in 3.0 are meant to be used with an average.

Re: Time to get my grub on.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:49 pm
by seano
aron7awol wrote:I did 120% of maintenance for my first week of Feast, which in this case would be 2410.
aron7awol - Thanks! Yeah I also prefer using the percentages. Was quoting BP 2.0 in that case.

And thanks for the great timing. Day is almost over. I'm at ~2400 calories now. But I walked several miles today, including carrying 10kg+ so I'm going to get ~2800 in.

Journal: Day 7

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:52 pm
by seano
Day 7
Feast Day 2. 2012-06-03

Notes(s): Weight (morning): 69.9kg
Food (Full record at myfitnesspal) ~2800 calories

Activity: Convict Conditioning step 1. Progressing to step 2 for all except for the wall headstand. Full report:
Wanted to get out for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (what a waste of money on 1 person) but the weather was shite.

Supplements: See 1st post in the thread.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:27 pm
by seano
Question: What do y'all think for feast workouts?
Use the forum feast workout template (so starting with HIT) or go by the 3.0 book (i.e. static holds and EDT).

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:45 pm
by dropthebeats
seano wrote:Question: What do y'all think for feast workouts?
Use the forum feast workout template (so starting with HIT) or go by the 3.0 book (i.e. static holds and EDT).
GLP1 is fantastic! You'll add the muscle you're looking to gain. I had a lot of success with that.

Right now I'm running 3.0. It's awesome for a recomp. But with the lower caloric zig-zags, you might not gain the maximum muscle you are looking for.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:31 pm
by seano
dropthebeats wrote:GLP1 is fantastic! You'll add the muscle you're looking to gain. I had a lot of success with that.
Thanks for the quick reply! Checking your 1st run log now to get some ideas.

And using your calculator.