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Learning The Deadlift... (all input welcomed!)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:19 pm
by Dragon
I just came off a pretty successful 3.0 run and I'm not running the BP now.

I've been in the gym about 4 days a week doing core/lower back stuff, and mainly Sisco's Static Contraction Training to maintain my strength - which has surprisingly gone up.

As a certified noob, I've also decided to do some homework (in the gym) and fool around with my deadlift form. This is the movement that snapped my back up.

I have learned to take the play out of the bar before I lift, which I never really paid too much attention to till last week.

I've also been practicing pulling with the bar only for about 10 reps, then adding 25 lbs plates, then 35 lbs. I learned that one on superhuman radio from Rob.

From that point, I rock my body weight backwards like a pendulum and push my butt down as hard as I can while pulling the bar up. I noticed a considerable amount of pain just under the shoulder blades.
I'm sure this can't be normal.

It's hard to find a model of form because I've never- and I really mean NEVER - seen anyone deadlifting. Squatting is a movement I've only seen 2 people do in the 8 months I've been a member and all the guys look like Johnny Bravo LOL.

If there is anyone here who has mastered this movement I'd be appreciative of any help! [/i]

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:07 am
by Rizzo23601
All you need can be found here:

It's by far the best online resource for learning the deadlift :wink:

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:48 pm
by Dragon
Rizzo23601 wrote:All you need can be found here:

It's by far the best online resource for learning the deadlift :wink:
This is f'n beautiful bro. You can't imagine how much I appreciate this.

I already watched one video and you know what? Some of this stuff is the exact opposite of what I've learned from Rippletoe vids. I won't disrespect him cause I don't know him. I'm sure training with him in person is lots different, but I think he's not too good at teaching IMHO. I injured myself because my strength is my weakness. I'm really good at following orders exactly, but thats bad when it comes to feeling what is good for one's body specifically. So I guess it was really my fault.

Anyways, this is great. :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:41 am
by Rizzo23601
Dragon wrote:
Rizzo23601 wrote:All you need can be found here:

It's by far the best online resource for learning the deadlift :wink:
This is f'n beautiful bro. You can't imagine how much I appreciate this.

I already watched one video and you know what? Some of this stuff is the exact opposite of what I've learned from Rippletoe vids. I won't disrespect him cause I don't know him. I'm sure training with him in person is lots different, but I think he's not too good at teaching IMHO. I injured myself because my strength is my weakness. I'm really good at following orders exactly, but thats bad when it comes to feeling what is good for one's body specifically. So I guess it was really my fault.

Anyways, this is great. :D
I'm happy that the site has helped you brosef :D You're the same as me, I followed Rippetoe's advice for a long time, until I found that site and it opened my eyes. Same for squats, I now follow Jim Wendler's advice from his 5/3/1 ebook and guess what, my squatting has improved and every single pain is gone. No offense to Rippetoe, but in my opinion he is a very stubborn coach who thinks his way is the only way, along with his Starting Strength minions who remind me of a cult. That deadlift site is great indeed, the "how to deadlift" video is just pure gold!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:13 am
by dracotdrgn
It sounds like this one is good for you, but somewhere I have a three piece series where Eric Cressey breaks down the SLDL the RDL and the Sumo. I'm sure if you went to his sight you could find it. If not let me know and I'll dig it out and forward it to you or try posting the links here.
Cressey is a solid resource for a lot of advice I pass on in my gym.
Happy and safe lifting brothers-

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:24 am
by dracotdrgn
OK, that was a great link. I guess I should have checked it out b4 I posted. I agree with the hex bar thing, I usually start my people out on it if you have one available to you.
As with all lifts the key is to keep that good form even when under load. Notice in all videos the single plate...

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:42 pm
by Dragon
dracotdrgn wrote:OK, that was a great link. I guess I should have checked it out b4 I posted. I agree with the hex bar thing, I usually start my people out on it if you have one available to you.
As with all lifts the key is to keep that good form even when under load. Notice in all videos the single plate...
Ill be sure to check out your recommendations too. I've come to realize that I have longer legs compared to my torso. Long femur bones. But as I rehab I also have to drop my ego and just use ligher weight LOL

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:52 pm
by Big.jazayrli
the deadlift is a simple lift really

1. walk up to the bar
2. take a BIG breath and expand your chest
3. Reach down, grab the bar
4. Pick that shit up
5. Put it back down

Very simple. Don't overthink it. So long as you expand your chest and keep your back arched forward you should naturally get into a groove that is safe for you as well as comfortable

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:46 am
by dracotdrgn
Just wanted to bump back a bit to this thread. The day I posted I started playing with the large superbands and my deadlift. I didn't do this alone, I grabbed someone else and took him with me. I am 6'1" and he is almost 6'5".
After about four weeks he went up from 345 to 375 and I finally nailed the 505. I hit the 500 quite some time ago on the hex bar but could never translate that to the straight bar. Top range was never an issue cuz I rack pull in the mid 800's.
My point is, experiement... get the safe form down, load the bar and like Big Jaz says "pick that shit up!" Find ways to push yourself, keep it fresh and keep it fun. What worked for me may work for you and may not. Have fun finding what works for you!! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:17 pm
by BrainSquirt
Big.jazayrli wrote:the deadlift is a simple lift really

1. walk up to the bar
2. take a BIG breath and expand your chest
3. Reach down, grab the bar
4. Pick that shit up
5. Put it back down

Very simple. Don't overthink it. So long as you expand your chest and keep your back arched forward you should naturally get into a groove that is safe for you as well as comfortable
I nominate this for the Post of the Month... maybe Post of the Year

AskMass, give that boy a bottle of something :wink: