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New batch SYNTHAGEN is Shipping!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:42 pm
by askmass
This is an exclusive update for the BP crew on MASS PRO Synthagen and will not be repeated elsewhere.

MPS was born on these forums, and it's safe to say the Rob Regish Formula is a smash success, winning fans far and wide and from all walks.

That said, with all efforts made to meet advance demand, MASS PRO Synthagen is currently sold out.

Here's the exclusive BP alert- We have a final rush supply coming in next week from the first production batch, but it's the last of that to be bottled, and it is a quite limited number.

Secure your needed supplies now or you could be left waiting until June.

Full inventory will arrive then, complete with the yin/yang styled caps and with that the official national product launch.

You guys are the best.

But, heads up- For now it's first come, first served with limited supplies available to ship starting next week.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:18 pm
by RobRegish
Want to personally thank The BP Army, for supporting me/MASS. Hopefully by now, you know what Synthagen can do for you. It's simply a matter of finding the right dose/timing.

Moving forward, I'll be aggregating the data from early feedback. Some very, very positive (and universal) attributes are emerging. Suffice it to say we've nailed this one, and for you that means this: You'll get better results, faster from your training/diet.

The finished product truly is a gem in every sense of the word. It's an absolute monster recovery agent, improves your ability to go longer, stronger and de-facto - magnifies the growth stimulus you'll be able to generate. You'll recover fast and ultimately - grow bigger, stronger and faster with BP.

Give it 3 weeks. You'll never want to be without it... :)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:26 pm
by askmass
Quick update for Friday, May 18th-

Those who have been backordered on MPS will be happy to know outbound shipments continue, and Blake in shipping tells me all sitting orders will be dropping into customer hands the latter part of this coming week.

To say everyone involved underestimated demand for the soft launch of MPS is an understatement.

It has taken on a life of it's own, and no wonder given the glowing REAL reviews showing up all over the place.

What we have been dealing with on the MASS front line is a slow supply of inventory arriving, that has not been enough to meet customer demand. So, we've been forced to ship on a first come first served as available basis.

We apologize for that, and I've been pushing the lab daily to produce extra "fill gap" runs on off hours until our scheduled week comes up in early June when we will have a massive supply of MASS PRO Synthagen produced that will kick off the official national launch and have the warehouse fully stocked.

My best to everyone, and thank you very much for your business and patience as Synthagen builds to full speed ahead.

In sport,


Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:49 pm
by 5.0stang
Hi John/Rob,

When do you think we will be able to order Synthagen and have it shipped(ex. next week?)?

I'm getting ready to start my next BP run and want to give it a try a.s.a.p.!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:17 pm
by askmass
5.0stang wrote:Hi John/Rob,

When do you think we will be able to order Synthagen and have it shipped(ex. next week?)?

I'm getting ready to start my next BP run and want to give it a try a.s.a.p.!
Best advice is to order ASAP, which will put you closest to the top of the outbound shipment line, as soon as inventory becomes available again.

We should have a firm date early next week.

Reserve orders for the June batch are lining up fast, and it's first come first served.

The Rush option does jump you ahead to the 1st priority group, BTW, so if "get me mine as soon as humanly possible" matters to you, go for the shipping upgrade for sure.


Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:15 am
by bigpelo
Is the second batch going out soon?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:45 pm
by askmass
bigpelo wrote:Is the second batch going out soon?
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MASS QUANTITIES of MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN are in route from the lab as we speak to make it official!

Outbounds will start to roll the first day of arrival.

First come, first served.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:52 am
by askmass
Potency packed, direct from the lab MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN is Shipping TODAY.

Get yours before this new batch is all gone like before, because MPS is really starting to gain worldwide attention and demand in athletics and beyond.

You new order placed today ships promptly, I assure you, and we thank you so very much for your support!

For anyone new coming into this thread, the 101 on Synthagen is here- ... GeneX.html

To order, click here-

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:36 am
by Big.jazayrli
Glad to see this stuff moving so well :)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:16 am
by RobRegish
Big.jazayrli wrote:Glad to see this stuff moving so well :)
First, thanks to MASS for getting these shipped out as soon as they arrived. Every time I talk to John, he's literally huffing and puffing getting these out the door, as is his staff. Can't say thank you enough...

Second, what AskMass is saying here is indeed the truth - word has spread and spread quickly. I can't log onto any forum, my FB or take a call/text that isn't laced with Synthagen questions. For this, I'm profoundly grateful. You have no idea what it's like to see your baby cradled in the hands of others, and loved like this. Great stuff...

When I announced it was coming, I talked big - Synthagen would be killer, and NEEDED to deliver because your expectations are absurdly high. And damn well they should be. You all came here to find your way to Gainsville, and this is BIG step forward, in getting you all there. Since day 1, you gave me your best. I wasn't about to respond with anything less.

Having said all of that, I have a crystal clear picture now of why Synthagen is so successful. It boils down to 3 reasons...

1.) It delivers

2.) It delivers and;

3.) It delivers

Beyond that, what I've heard from MANY is that they like it b/c it isn't "corporate". Meaning this isn't some re-hashed hash or bullsh!t dreamed up by some Madison Avenue marketing firm some supp company hired. That happens more than you're aware btw, as I learned a LOT in formulating Synthagen.

No, Synthagen was born in the same place The BP was - my mind. There was no thought on my part as to how/where to source the ingredients, cost, profit margin nor any of that nonsense. I let AskMass take care of that stuff, because he excels in that area (among plenty of others). Credit to him for making it possible, affordable and helping to get the word out. I just weaved things together in a unique way, and approached its formulation far differently than most companies do. Hell, I'm no company - I'm a consumer just like you. That's probably why it works so well...

I'm told the Black and White caps this run impart a certain "edge" to the product but rest assured - it's the same formula and fresh out of the factory. Another reason I went with the MASS label - this stuff is POTENT when you pop the lid. It hasn't been sitting in some warehouse for a year, losing potency. A LOT of brands still play this game, and it's little wonder few supps live up to their promises.

Do jump on this as fast as you can, because it really is shaping up to be the Summer of Synthagen. As word spreads and re-orders come flooding in, we MAY be in that same "out of stock" situation for a bit. Yes, we could have done a HUGE run - but that brings us to a less than "factory fresh" product, and that's not MASS's (nor my) style. If you haven't taken the plunge yet, I encourage you to speak with ANYONE here or elsewhere, that's used it.

B/C with Mass Pro Synthagen - When you train with it, you'll gain with it...

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:01 pm
by Street-dreams
Just placed my first order with MASS.. Heres hoping it lives up to the hype/ outperforms my beloved E-BOL.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:30 pm
by aron7awol
Street-dreams wrote:Just placed my first order with MASS.. Heres hoping it lives up to the hype/ outperforms my beloved ebol ecdy.
Well, I can tell you from experience that Synthagen and ebol together works very well.

Synthagen feedback

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:53 pm
by lineux
If any one is still confused about synthagen, I would say this is probably the best supplement I ever invested in.

I dont know if it was Synthagen or just my good time of the year but I broke through ALL my plateaus while on this. I'm up on Squats, Deadlift, Bench.

All I was using was BIU and Synthagen so I know it wasn't anything else.

FYI: I was doing 7 Pre-Workout, 4 with breakfast and 4 before bed.

Hats off to the people who came up with this. Its a WONDER.

I'm very tempted to try the next run with:

Re: Synthagen feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:00 pm
by BrainSquirt
lineux wrote: ...
I'm very tempted to try the next run with:
I'm definitely planning next run with:

AN ... only when really needed - most likely 2 - 4 nights total across whole ~4 weeks
BIU... no thanks

KRE-ALKALYN Supreme... in mini cycles

May you all be walking in 'well being' :D