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BP and Back injury

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:52 pm
by stillgrowin
My friend I am training with the Blueprint just hurt his lower back in football practice. He has week abs and poor form on squats which I am trying to correct. Today was supposed to be the beginning of feast training but since the injury to his lower back. Is there anything he can do. I changed his diet and told him to walk slow just for some cardio. He says that it hurts to jog and feels like nails are poking his lower back.

I wanted to build a reverse hyper extension machine and was thinking about getting the hip squat belt. Any thoughts?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:19 pm
by aron7awol
Castor Oil! Seriously, the stuff is so cheap and works amazingly well for all sorts of injuries. It is the only thing that helps my back.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:51 pm
by stillgrowin
I often do you put it on? Do you know why it works?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:00 pm
by aron7awol
Castor oil is mostly made up of ricinoleic acid, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also has a low enough molecular weight to penetrate the skin, especially when heated.

Re: BP and Back injury

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:24 am
by englishbob
stillgrowin wrote:My friend I am training with the Blueprint just hurt his lower back in football practice. He has week abs and poor form on squats which I am trying to correct. Today was supposed to be the beginning of feast training but since the injury to his lower back. Is there anything he can do.
Speaking from sad experience the first thing your friend should do is stop all training immediately and go see a trusted medical expert to determine exactly what is wrong with his back. This may require an MRI/physical exam to determine. Next step is to beginning appropriate rehab.

Its better to miss a month or two of weight-training than to miss two years like I have. Backs are not something to mess around with. :(