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BigP's 5th run --> Welcome to the pride!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:57 am
by bigpelo
I will not be forgotten, this is my time to shine
I've got the scars to prove it, only the strong survive
I'm not afraid of dying, everyone has it's time
I've never favored weakness: welcome to the pride!

Ivan Moody, Five Finger Death Punch

Another run, another customized Rob's plan.

This log will be short and sweet but not the run itself. I don't have a lot of time to spend here but I find it easier to stay on track while logging progress and random thoughts.

Goal: Maximum strength and mass gain with some body fat reduction. Call it a recomp if you want ;)

Diet key points: Modified Warrior Diet:
8pm to noon: fast
noon to 5pm: under eating phase
5pm to 8 pm: over eating phase, main meal around 7:30pm
Calories and carbs cycling (both higher during weight lifting days)
1 re-feed day / week during a non-workout day
Workout will be around 5:30pm

Training key points: Custom plan, BP meteoric inspired
3 weight lifting sessions / week
1 week bridge
6 weeks feast
3 weeks cruise
Convict conditioning once a week after a weight lifting session during feast and every WO during cruise after traditional 5x5

Supplements key points:
MassPro Synthagen - Feast
Kre-Anabolyn - Feast
Adaptagen N - Cruise
Burn it up! - Cruise
Dr Mercola whole food multi - famine. feast and cruise
Dr Mercole broken cells wall chlorella - famine, feast and cruise
Dr Mercola Pure Power Protein - Feast and cruise
Fish oil - Famine, feast and cruise
Xtend BCAA - Feast

Famine - April 29th to May 3rd 3012
Started at 222 lbs fasted, ended 214 fasted: -8 lbs
RHR upped from 60 to 65, so only by +5 bpm
Did CC mainly for famine workouts, phase 2 on every exercises, higher reps as days goes by. Trained day 1, 3 and 5 and added cardio LISS 20+ minutes at the end of each. Completed all phase 2 except on pull ups yesterday May 3rd.

End of famine stats: 28 year old, 6'1'', 214 lbs, 36 inches waist line, 16.5 inches neck ~16.5% body fat (179 lean mass)

Feast - May 4th to June 21st
Synthagen isn't arrived in Canada yet so I will be taking 3 KA / day until I get my hands on it. After that I will be doing 8 caps MPS pre-WO and 6 before bed. KA will be dose 1 cap pre-WO and 1 before main meal. On non-WO days, I will take 7 caps MPS 10 minutes before main meal with 1 cap KA and 7 caps MPS before bed.

First WO planned Sunday May 6th, bridge #1.

Today is the first day of feast and also a re-feed day :D

I will be happy to answer questions on my diet and supplementation but I will keep training sessions for me unless Rob accept me to share it.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:24 am
by dropthebeats
Good luck Pelo! You're going to rock this! Our timing is pretty much the same. I started Feast yesterday. I can't wait to try Synthagen on Sunday.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:11 pm
by Rizzo23601
I love 5FDP! "Back for more" is my go-to-song for heavy sets :D

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:57 pm
by matter2003
Big P! Great to see you back my brother! Hit it hard for me bro!!!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:05 am
by bigpelo
matter2003 wrote:Big P! Great to see you back my brother! Hit it hard for me bro!!!
I'll try mate! Happy to see you here. I am always around though ;)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:35 am
by RobRegish
In, for the road to Gainsville... :)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:15 am
by bigpelo
May 6 2012 - Feast day 3

Bridge workout #1 + added convict conditioning grip and abs. Felt drained but I haven't slept well the night before. The 3 days of re-feed have been so-so due to external factors.

May 7 2012 - Feast day 4

Off day. Hopefully Synthagen will be in the mail when I get home tonight. Another sub-optimum night. I can see what's wrong with my sleeping pattern since Thursday but it definitely doesn't help. Still, libido is way higher then ever :? Huge DOMS from yesterday WO already in the whole legs.

I will have to complete bridge WO #2 and #3 on Tuesday and Wednesday as I won't be able to train Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday will be feast WO #1.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:13 am
by bigpelo
May 8 2012 - Bridge WO #2

I trained at 5:45pm fasted and still sore from Sunday WO. It went great and I was surprised by the strength and stamina I had during the whole time I was at the gym. I also performed some CC grip and calf work.

Weight was 224.5 lbs already up 2 lbs from before famine! :shock:

Synthagen isn't arrived yet, I started worrying... I took 1 cap Kre-Anabolyn pre-WO and 2 with main meal. I also sipped on 24g of Xtend during WO. Post-WO was 40g pure power protein with 4 caps multivitamins, 5 caps chlorella and 2 fish oil gels.

Main meal was 2 huge cod filets with couscous and salad of mixed green, tomatoes, red pepper and french shallot dressed with olive oil, apple cinder vinegar and Dijon mustard.

May 9 2012 - Bridge WO #3

I didn't get a good night sleep because baby girl is having a cold so she woke up at 3am having difficulties to breathe. We finally managed to get her back to sleep at 5am, I get up at 5:30...

I probably shouldn't be training today but I won't be able to hit the weights before next Sunday so I will have plenty of time to recover. Soreness is less than yesterday though.

I will be fasting until noon and then under eat until the WO.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:13 pm
by JML2011
Look forward to seeing your log Big P! Ive been gone a while, but will be back soon with a new run :)

Good Luck!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:59 pm
by bigpelo
JML2011 wrote:Look forward to seeing your log Big P! Ive been gone a while, but will be back soon with a new run :)

Good Luck!
Thanks! Hope to hear from you again soon!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:50 am
by bigpelo
May 9 2012 - Bridge WO #3

I got my new 1RM for box squat and for dumbbell bench press:
127 lbs / dumbbell for bench press
291 lbs barbell for box squat (Box squat are harder to execute than I thought)

I will be using the new loading protocol Rob gave me in my custom program with those numbers plug in.

The WO went surprising well again, plenty of energy and stamina the whole time. Felt great. Weight in at 223 lbs.

Ate half a chicken with skin + potatoes + cole slaw + rice and vege soup for main meal. (I digested it so well, I am already hungry and it's only 6:45am...)

May 10 2012 - Feast day 7

Today is an off day, no cardio or anything. I have a super tight schedule though and baby woke up crying again at 4:30am so it's going to be a long day. I will be fasting until noon anyway and then under eat until 6pm or so.

Hopefully Synthagen arrives today or I will need to investigate :(

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:13 am
by bigpelo
May 11 and 12 2012 - Feast day 8 and 9

Two off days because of a tight schedule. Under optimal sleep for parental reasons and schedule again. Diet in line with the rest. Synthagen hasn't arrived yet.

May 13 2012 - Feast day 11

Feast WO #1 - Strength, one workout a week to a new peak loading pattern. Did all set and reps pretty easy on box squat supersetted with bench press. Then did some CC pulls ups level 2, grip and calf work. Felt great. Diet was back on track, not so sleep though. weight in at 222.5

May 14 2012 - Feast day 12
18 min HIIT cardio + 20 minutes medium intensity steady state cardio on the elliptic. Weight in at 222, back to pre-famine weight. Felt great. Diet is in check, fast until noon then under eat until cardio, took BCAA pre-post and over eat at 6pm. Only 1 meal. Keep hoping for Synthagen to arrive :(

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:19 am
by bigpelo
May 15 2012 - Feast day 13

Feast WO#2, 1st Density training. EDT#1 of cable row and 1 arm angle overhead press one knee on the floor. EDT#2 leg press with Romanian deadlift. Both EDT when like a breeze but I sweat like crazy. Maybe I went a lit bit conservative with the weight used but I feel like I could have done way more. Good energy and stamina despite being fasted and training at 5:30pm. Ended with 18 minutes HIIT 30sec/30sec and weight in at 220 so -2 from before famine.

Break the fast with a shake post WO and had main meal 1.5 hour later: huge red cabbage salad with carrots, radish and other roots all raw with lemon juice olive oil herbs and apple cinder vinegar. Then a huge bowl of chili con carne with homemade flat bread. another 1.5 hour later I had some raw chocolate beans.

May 16 2012 - Feast day 14

Slept well for the first time in a week or so. Libido is sky high, can't explain why as I am not taking any test booster. Very small DOMS in the legs this morning but overall I feel great! Abs are starting to show 8)

I am still taking 3 kre-anabolyn per day since Synthagen hasn't arrived. Because I am 2 weeks into this run, I might not use it this time unless it reaches me by the end of this week. My hope is almost gone though :x

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:02 am
by JGS2012

I am new here, I didn't want to fill your blog with crap but I just wanted to good luck and I am looking forward to see end results. Also, what were your results on previous attempts?