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New to Blueprint - Questions about Perodic for Strength

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:12 am
by Quiver
Hi guys,

First, let me introduce myself. I’m a 35 year old Social Worker, married and father of a beautiful daughter who will be celebrating her first birthday next month. I live in the Netherlands. I’ve been a track athlete in my youth, but quit sprinting around the age of 23 years old. I’ve always led an (physical) active life, but I waited till January 2010 to enter a gym to start lifting. Since then I’ve lifted 3 times a week on different programs. My goal is to increase strength.

The programs I’ve been doing are:
Stronglifts 5x5

My current starts are:
Bodyheight: 5’9”
Bodyweight: 175 lbs
Squat: 363 lbs
Deadlift: 418 lbs
Floor Press (bottom position): 220 lbs
Overhead Press: 154 lbs

I came across the Blueprint by listening to Superhumanradio where Rob is a regular guest. I became interested in the Blueprint, because I noticed my beginnersluck wasn't there anymore. Currently my lifts aren’t increasing with the pace that I want and think I can achieve. Therefore I've bought the program.

In October 2011 I’ve bought a powercage, a barbell and plenty of plates. I have a homegym now and I like it a lot. When my daughter is asleep and my wife at work or playing Volleyball, I can still workout! Great investment. The only limitation is that I can’t do machine-isolation exercises. Since I’m focusing on strength I don’t expect this to be too big of a problem.

I’ve read the Blueprint 2.0 and have a couple of questions. I’m a bit overwhelmed, which Rob predicted. Next week will be my last week on 5/3/1 and I will finish my 8th cycle on Friday the 4th of May. On the 5th of May l will be going on a two week vacation and I thought it would be good to start the Blueprint after two weeks of rest. My current plan is to do my first cycle on The Blueprint without supplementation. I'll write down my current plan and the questions I have right now.

Famine phase:
3 workouts in 5 days.
Q#1: What program to follow (exercises to do) with ‘only’ a barbell, powercage and plates?

Feast (training three days a week):
German Loading Pattern #1
Q#2: I understand that most guys use the Squat and Bench (Bench will be Floor Press for me) as main lifts. Do I get it right that I have to do 12 total workouts, 6 for Bench and 6 for Squat (on separate days)?
Q#3: What's the build-up of the program? I think it’s like: GLP, stretching exercise, EDT, static hold. Is this right? I also need some ideas on which exercises to use besides the main lift, because I have no bench and dumbbells! I can dip and do pull-ups, because I have a powercage.
German Loading Pattern #2
Q#4: Same question here, Rob writes about a total of 14 workouts, but how to incorporate Squat and Bench? Will this make a total of 28 workouts?

After this I will do the famine phase again and then continue with the Blueprint Periodic.
Q#5: After The 10% Solution the Cruise Phase will follow, right?

I like to read your thoughts and ideas. This program is a tough nut to crack on my own.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:50 am
by wtmarcus
A suggestion for the famine workouts:

squats + chinups.
follow up with barbell curls.

floorpress + standing military press.
maybe mix it up with dips + military press.
do lying triceps extensions for the rest.

Doing BP3 myself so I can't give much input on Q#2-5. But I do think that yes it's 12 workouts if you do both squat and bench. If I had no bench I'd consider doing military presses or going the 20 rep squat route instead.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:25 pm
by drtda
In regards to Question #5, you definitely need to go to Cruise after doing the 10% Solution-it is very taxing on your system.