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SloTown's first BP run

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:28 pm
by SloTown
Just wanted to say hey and intruduce myself. I joined the Blueprint family about a week ago and started Famine today. I just turned 42 a week ago and am stoked about starting the Blueprint. I've been lifting inconsistently since I was in High School, but never paid much attention to my diet or worked out consistently. Not until a couple years ago when I looked in the mirror and got pretty disgusted with who I had turned into. I got pretty serious about eating healthy and working out again. I was pretty dedicated for about a year, then had a rotator cuff injury and backed off lifting for about 8 months. I also quit drinking altogether about 8 months ago and feel like I am finally at a place in my life where I can really focus on learning as much as I can about proper diet and the science behind bodybuilding... even if I am an old man now! :) So, although I do have some history with lifting weights, I consider myself a "newby" to bodybuilding as a lifestyle and am eager to learn more! I appreciate any input, criticism, or suggestions any of you might have throughout this first run!

Some stats:
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 168
Neck: 17"
Chest: 42.75"
Bi's: 15"
Forearms: 12.5"
Leg's: 21"
Calf's: 15"

OK, so I started the Famine phase today. I had to start on a Wednesday because we went out of town unexpectedly Mon-Tues. I plan to run Famine from Wed-Sunday and skip the 3rd workout. Then start the Feast phase next Monday *Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

I did the Monday workout today and felt pretty good. Followed the template workout exactly. I am keeping track of my exercises and weights on my iPad, but wont bore y'all with that unless you think it's important.

For Meal 1, I had:
1 cup cranberry juice
1 banana
2 multivitamin and omega-3

For Meal 2 I had:
1 apple
1 cup rasberries
1.5 cups cranberry juice
1/4 cup almonds

Meal 3:
3 cups spring mixed salad
4 spears of broccoli
15 large baby carrots
1 cup orange juice
1 cup of green tea

Meal 4:
1 banana
1 apple
10 celery sticks
1 cup skim milk

Meal 5:
1 multivitamin and omega-3
1 baked sweet potato
15 large baby carrots
1 banana

It hasn't been too bad hunger-wise so far, but we'll see how I feel tomorrow! This will put me at around 1350 calories per day and I will try to maintain this caloric plan all 5 days.

How am I lookin so far?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:35 pm
by Dragon
I'm a noob too and heading towards the very end of my run but i can offer some things that worked 4 me.

1. Getting alkaline PH status: try using lemon juice in your h2o and small amount of organic apple cider vinegar throughout the day. Lemon cuts hunger nicely too. The multistix are really important.

2. Maybe try the first run without supplements? I wish I did, it would have made room for me to focus on diet.

3. Spend famine scoping the gym and become acquainted with the low attendance days. Thats best time to go cause EDT blocks are hard in a crowded gym.

4. Take advantage of Rob's recommendation of a heart rate monitor and blood pressure cuff or wrist reading as these will tell i of u are pushing too hard.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:55 pm
by SloTown
Thanks Dragon. I will definitely take your advice into account. I need all the help I can get, I feel like a fish out of water with all this stuff, but Rob and community have been great so far!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:37 pm
by Daft
New guy here too! Im just starting my famine as well, and will be following. Good luck bud!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:56 pm
by SloTown
Day 2 of Famine in the books. Not much to report today. My legs are pretty sore from the the squat workout yesterday. I ate roughly 1340 calories for the day. Stuck to fruits/veggies with a baked sweet potato. Hunger wasn't too bad until just before meal 5. I did feel as though I was not as mentally "sharp" as usual, and easily irritated throughout the day. Gonna be a challenge the next 3 days, but I'll stick to it. It's only 5 days right? :)

I do have a question regarding feast though... Because I started famine on a Wednesday, I was planning to run famine Wed-Sun, then start feast on Monday. Is it OK to start my 1st feast workout on Monday as well, or should I wait 3 days? I think I read somewhere that your supposed to "feast" for 3 days before the first feast workout.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:46 pm
by drtda
Yea, you need to just eat for the 3 days-no lifting, although I'll admit I've jumped the gun before and started lifting on the 3rd day instead of waiting until the next.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:56 am
by SloTown
Holy crap! My legs are sore!! 2nd day is always worse right?
Well, I didn't sleep very good last night, woke up hungry and my resting heart rate is up a tick or two.

What evil mind devised this torturous scheme?!?

Will be hitting the gym later today for Famine Workout #2.

Thanks for the clarification on the 3 day feeding freenzie drtda.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:43 am
by SloTown
Today is the start of famine day 4. Yesterday I weighed 166 so it looks like I am right on track with loosing 1 lb. a day.
WO#2 went pretty good. Definitely wasn't lifting what I normally do, but I followed the template as closely as possible, with the exception of the shoulder routines. I mixed it up a bit rather than doing 4 consecutive sets of Shoulder DB presses. I had a rotator cuf injury about a year ago and didn't want to push it. I hope that is OK...?

Anyway, warm ups consisted of:
- Bench press 60x8, 90x6, 110x1
- Shoulder press 15x8, 20x6, 25x1

Then my working sets:
- CHEST Set 1- Wide grip bench press 110x8
- SHOULDER Set 1 - Seated DB shoulder presses 25x8
1 minute rest, then did it again 3 more times for a total of 4 sets.

After the 4th set, rest 1 minute then:

- CHEST Set 2 - Close grip bench press 90x8
- SHOULDER Set 2 - Standing DB upright row 20x10
1 minute rest, then did it again 3 more times for a total of 4 sets.

After the 4th set, rest 1 minutes then:

- CHEST Set 3 - Incline bench press 70x10
- SHOULDER Set 3 - BB shrugs 100x9
1 minute rest, then did it again 3 more times for a total of 4 sets.

After the 4th set, rest 1 minutes then:

- CHEST Set 4 - Decline bench press 70x10
- SHOULDER Set 4 - Seated DB shoulder presses 15x10
1 minute rest, then did it again 3 more times for a total of 4 sets.

After the 4th set, rest 1 minutes then:

- TRICEPS Set 1 - Decline close grip bench presses 70x10

REST 1 minute

- TRICEPS Set 2 - Skull crushers 50x8

REST 1 minute

- TRICEPS Set 3 - Cable tricep pressdowns 80x7

REST 1 minute

- TRICEPS Set 4 - Cable tricep pressdowns 60x10

I was pretty confused leading into WO2 as to the proper way to do the chest/shoulder exercises, but after asking a few questions, I think I did it right...?

I maintained my diet with mostly fruits and veggies, although I did have a bowl of 100% whole grain oats for dinner. I couldn't stand it! I needed something substantial in my belly! Even with that though, I kept it under 1400 cal. but protein was at 32g for the day. A little high I think for the purpose of famine.

I only have 2 days left of famine. Knowing that should help me stay focused and finish famine strong....I hope....

If anyone has any critiques, advice, or suggestions please chime in.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:39 pm
by SloTown
Mid-way through day 5 of famine.
Resting Heart Rate is about 7-8 beats per minute higher than starting baseline and weight is down 4 lbs. from start.

I maintained around 1350 calories per day, but protien was at or slightly above 30g per day. I think I could have done a little better job with the diet, but all in all, I think it has been a successful 1st run at famine.

Can't wait to eat tomorrow.

Question in regards to "The Formula" I don't have Karbolyn and no money for a couple of weeks. I do have some Optimum Pro Complex Gainer that has 85g of carbs and 60g of protein. Would this be a good thing to use in place of Karbolyn and Whey prescribed in "The Formula"? Maybe use a half serving for 45g carbs/30g protein..??

Or am I better off just waiting until I can purchase some Karbolyn?
(I do have a new 2lb tub of MassPro Whey just waiting for me to dive into)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:05 pm
by dropthebeats
Good job making it through Famine. You did awesome!

I don't really see Optimum Pro Complex being a substitute to Karbolyn. The reason Rob has us using Karbolyn is because of it's molecular weight. It is absorbed much quicker, and causes less bloating and allows you to recover from workouts much quicker.

Under the Mass Pro Synthagen Thread in the supplements link Rob talks about a lemon and cherry juice mix to drink. It isn't a replacement for "The Formula" but I think it would be much better than drinking that Pro Complex during your workout.

Good luck! Eat a ton the next few days!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:52 pm
by SloTown
Thanks for the encouragement and info. I will definitely look at that juice drink.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:48 pm
by SloTown
Yet another question...I just gotta say that having the ability to log into this forum and ask these questions is well worth the money spent on The Blueprint! In fact, I think it's worth a lot more!!

Anyway, starting Feast today and am trying to make sure I understand the diet protocol.

I'm using the feast tracker to analyze coloric needs for this first 2 weeks. I entered in my weight, which is at 163lbs. today (down exactly 5lbs from the start of famine). And my BF is around 20%. That results in 2554 calories for the Low Calorie Day and 3065 for the High Calorie day.

So, on my workout days, I need to take in 3065 cals. right?
And on off days, stay at 2554 cals?

Am I reading that right?

What about these first 3 days? High Calorie days?

Thanks to all for answering what must seem like silly questions!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:29 pm
by bigpelo
SloTown wrote:
So, on my workout days, I need to take in 3065 cals. right?
And on off days, stay at 2554 cals?

Am I reading that right?

What about these first 3 days? High Calorie days?

Thanks to all for answering what must seem like silly questions!
Yes to all :wink:

Enjoy your feast!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:59 pm
by SloTown
Day 3 of feast and all is well (now that I can eat again). been trying to keep calories at 3065 and maintain a 60C/25P/15F macro split, but with that ratio, I am not getting enough protein to reach 1.5g per body weight.

The 60/25/15 slpit seems like too many carbs and not enough protein to me. Is this right for all of feast?