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Lower back injury advice?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:30 pm
by Jacos5
I just got finished with my GLP phase. I'm supposed to be running my cruise phase soon and had to skip the last half of my lower body workouts from my GLP.

Should I continue upper body days for cruise and just skip lower days?

Or should I just drop working out completely till I heal? I really need some guidance because I've alwasys been extremely stubborn about injuries but I do realize that this one could end up being serious.

I really can't afford a doctor right now to be honest so I'm doing the best I can to take care of myself.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:19 pm
by ckeahey76
What did you do to your back? Where does it hurt (butt area, between upper butt and lower ribs). Depending on the seriousness of the back injury I would stop working out until you were 100%. No need to mess your back up and stopping all gains as opposed to taking 2 to 3 weeks off and getting increadible gains next time. I would also go to and look at their little tips on strengthening the lower back. Some of these little tips have helped me with my back issues.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:01 pm
by Dragon
Ok man... Look. Since oct 2010 when u joined till now its good to see what u were doing. So u need to ask yourself these questions:

1. What exercise were you doing to injure yourself?

2. Where do you feel pain exactly?

3. What movements cause you pain?

4. Are you respecting your dosha?

you need to save the money and go see a chiropractor. Its hard to find a good one cause they run the gamut from pure scammers to incredible-ness. Find a good one. Hint: if he/she wants to see you 3 times a week and sell you other sh1t then = scammer.

ACCESORY WORK IS CRUCIAL. Spend a month or two or three training the core. Reverse hypers, back extensions (do not HYPEREXTEND during this movement), standing cable crunches, sitting cable crunches, planks (with your ass about 6 inches ABOVE your navel).
Seated overhead press static holds too plus non weighted valsava breathing, limbic breathing, and feather breathing tecniques should be learned at this time.
Do not add non machine leg exercises until you can do high rep/weight in above exercises. And stay away from leg press for now.

Many will disagree but fukc it:
Please please understand (this is why i dont like ripptoe) you cannot make a squat, deadlift better by doing more of them. You must make the core into a source of recycleable energy and pressure and you must address other weakness.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:04 pm
by Jacos5
ckeahey76 wrote:What did you do to your back? Where does it hurt (butt area, between upper butt and lower ribs). Depending on the seriousness of the back injury I would stop working out until you were 100%. No need to mess your back up and stopping all gains as opposed to taking 2 to 3 weeks off and getting increadible gains next time. I would also go to and look at their little tips on strengthening the lower back. Some of these little tips have helped me with my back issues.
Between my butt and lower ribs no. I would say just a bit above that. It was something that probably slowely creeped on me so I'm not certain I can attribute it to any specific moment. I would say that my HIIT had a big role to play in its onset. After every workout day I would complete 20 mins of HIIT (running) which is now obvious to me that it can be pretty harsh on the lower back and I would pretty much only allow one rest day in between that and my next workout.
That's precisely why I switched to the recumbant bike, though it was a bit too late.
I'll likely take the time off and look into the website you provided. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:08 pm
by Jacos5
Dragon wrote:Ok man... Look. Since oct 2010 when u joined till now its good to see what u were doing. So u need to ask yourself these questions:

1. What exercise were you doing to injure yourself?

2. Where do you feel pain exactly?

3. What movements cause you pain?

4. Are you respecting your dosha?

you need to save the money and go see a chiropractor. Its hard to find a good one cause they run the gamut from pure scammers to incredible-ness. Find a good one. Hint: if he/she wants to see you 3 times a week and sell you other sh1t then = scammer.

ACCESORY WORK IS CRUCIAL. Spend a month or two or three training the core. Reverse hypers, back extensions (do not HYPEREXTEND during this movement), standing cable crunches, sitting cable crunches, planks (with your ass about 6 inches ABOVE your navel).
Seated overhead press static holds too plus non weighted valsava breathing, limbic breathing, and feather breathing tecniques should be learned at this time.
Do not add non machine leg exercises until you can do high rep/weight in above exercises. And stay away from leg press for now.

Many will disagree but fukc it:
Please please understand (this is why i dont like ripptoe) you cannot make a squat, deadlift better by doing more of them. You must make the core into a source of recycleable energy and pressure and you must address other weakness.
Thanks bud. You were very helpful. I mentioned in the previous post what I thought was likely the cause. Movements that bother me are obviously squat, DL, and barbell rows. I've never had an injury like this before and i've done quite a few 2.0 runs that don't differ much from this past run. But like I said, HIIT was highlighted more in this run so it's likely do to the added stress of that. i'm going to allow myself to recover from this injury and stick to recumbant bike type workouts on cardio days. Thanks man.