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Carne's 1st BP run using 2.0

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:33 am
by Carne
Hey fellas,

I'll be jotting down some notes on here during my first run with BP 2.0
I have 3.0, but my main goal is hypertrophy, and I was advised by forum members as well as Rob that 2.0 would be ideal over 3.0 for hypertrophy.

I don't have any money for supplements so I'm hoping good old training and good food will give me the results I'm looking for.

I'll be following the 2.0 template pretty much word per word up until I get to feast and finish GLP#1, then I will assess how I want to proceed.

Tomorrow is my first day of famine, and I'll post my weight in the morning when I awake. Idealy, I hope to gain 10lbs from where I'm at now. I should be sitting at about 174lbs right now, but I'll post my actual weight tomorrow. Hitting 185lbs would be a dream, it will probably take me a couple of cycles to get there.

Last note, I'm not counting calories I don't have the patience for it. During famine I got a bunch of fruit, veggies, and V8 juices, so I know I'll be very hungry and definitely in a state of famine. During feast I'll just go back to how I'm eating now, which is sort of a "bulking" type diet that consists of many eggs, milk, oats, lots of beef, protein shakes etc..I'm an ectomorph so putting on fat is a non-issue for me right now. we go!

Weight reality check

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:44 pm
by Carne
Today is day 1 of famine, birthday suit weight 169.6lbs. That's at 6'1.

I've been steadily losing weight despite training and increasing eating since the last year and a half. 18 months ago I was at about 181lbs, and for some reason I keep dropping. I run my hormone panels every 6 months and everything is fine. I think my system is just fried. Training hard and eating everything for so long has got to have had an impact on me.

Hopefully BP2.0 will do something for me.

Instead of my usual breakfast (4 eggs, 1 cup oats, 16oz of milk with 2 scoops of protein)...........I had a cup of coffee and a banana, famine definitely in full effect.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:32 am
by Carne
First day of famine is in the books. Throughout the day I consumed 2 bananas, some strawberries, a cucumber, 24oz of V8 juice with lime and hot sauce, an apple, 1/2 cup of dry oats, and some spaghetti with probably 2oz of ground beef that was mixed in it.

Hunger was the worst after my workout. My workout was extra tough and the weights definitely took a hit. I could have lifted a little heavier than I did but I did not want to push it.

Tomorrow starts day 2, feel free to chime in with critiques or suggestions; I want to make sure I am doing this right prior to getting really far into it.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:59 am
by beefcake66
Only suggestion I have for you at this point is try not to have meat during your famine.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:06 pm
by Carne
Thank you for chiming in. The spaghetti has the ground beef mixed in, but other than that no meat. Looking at my diet, I'm probably under the 1200 calories for the day, but I don't feel bad as of now so I'll continue.

In the meatime, this morning I dropped exactly 1lb since yesterday. My muscles are pretty sore even though the first workout wasn't as demanding as others I have done.

My diet so far: fruits, veggies, v8 juice, oats, and pasta.

Thoughts? Tweaks?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:20 pm
by beefcake66
Sounds like youre on the right path for sure. Keep at it and let the magic happen :P

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:24 am
by Carne
Second day of famine ended with a brief setback, or at least it felt that way. I had 2 tortillas dipped in a "bean sauce" and some whole milk cheese sprinkled on top for dinner. Hardly a large amount of calories, and definitely did not surpass my daily daloric cealing (since i ate very little throughout the day) but those tortillas made me feel full. Shortly after, I had a cucumber with lime salt and chile. Even though there was no meat on those 2 items, i feel pretty stuffed. The scale tomorrow will dictate how the progress is going. Besides dinner, all day I was very hungry and nothing but fruit, 1/2 cup oats, v8 juice, and half cup of spaghetti.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:16 pm
by Carne
Forgot to weigh myself this morning, will do so tomorrow and hopefully I'm down 2lbs. Feeling drained! Coffee is not helping. Workout #2 tonight.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:58 pm
by Carne
Tonight I did the 2nd workout for famine. Gym was packed with people and all equipment was being used, so I improvised and more or less changed every exercise for a machine equivilent. For those exercises that I couldn't superset because of lack of available equipment, I just did the first exercise (example: chest machine 4 sets x 8 repts) with 30 second rests....brutal.

Prior to BP, I've never done cardio...never, so the most I'm able to add to the end of my workouts is 15 minutes of the eliptical, bike etc..

Tomorrow is famine day #4, and I almost wanna just end it at day 4. The hunger is killing me. Today I was dragging all day long, despite sipping on coffee for the majority of the morning and afternoon. I haven't been sleeping very good but I guess that's ok because shorter rests is what BP calls for. I'll be sure to record my weight tomorrow morning.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:15 am
by RobRegish
OK brother, you're on the right track!

Objectively, I'm seeing 1lb/day weight loss. Would be curious to know if you had a baseline resting heart rate, and whether that increased or not.

Subjectively, you're cursing my name and feeling "drained". In other words, you're succeeding in imposing the environmental stressors we seek to exploit!

Therefore, you get a pass on workout #3. Simply finish out the diet and then - get ready. Train to Gainsville leaves first day of Feast.

Reserve your seat, at the local buffet... :)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:20 am
by Carne
Went back up to an even 169lb this morning, only down a little over 1/2lb from my original start weight with the BP. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

My energy this morning is better than last night, prbably since I took a melatonin pill prior to bedtime.

Today is day 4 in famine.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:55 am
by Carne
Day 4 of famine is in the books. I've noticed that other people feel flat during famine after their workouts and even the next day. I gotta say I'm pretty pumped in every muscle that I worked during the famine workouts. My body looks a little more defined....and again pumped.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the 1/2lb that I've gained.

Tomorrow is my last day on famine and I don't think I've had much success. I haven't been sleeping well due to the kids waking me up througout the night, so I drag in the daytime, but I'm not sure if its only because of my lack of sleep or my diet. I like to think that my feeling of fatigue during the day is because of the lack of food only.

My workouts have been brutal though. Especially Weds workout, I was moving quickly during my sets and my weigh that I used for the exercises was considerably lower than what I normal lift. I even failed to reach the number of reps required on each exercise as my sets continued on.

Any advice you guys can offer? Did you feel the same way, am I on the right track?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:12 pm
by Carne
Last day of famine. Rob, I curse you. 166.6lbs so far. 2.5lb down from yesterday, and 3lbs down total

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:48 pm
by drtda
It's very normal to feel like you did after Wednesday's workout, so I wouldn't worry about it at all. You'll feel much better after a couple of days of feast coming up.