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2.0 or 3.0

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:48 pm
by Carne
I'm going to start BP next week. When I get to the feast phase, would you recommend going with 2.0s template or 3.0s template?

My main goal right now is hypertrophy, if I can get to 185lbs from 175lbs I would be very happy.

Advice fellas!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:02 pm
by Street-dreams
To gain size optimally I recommend 2.0.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:20 am
by drtda
I second that. 2.0 is better for a bulk or hypertrophy, while 3.0 is more of a recomp/cut.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:37 am
by Carne
Thanks! Let me go into this next question here....

Where does the Blueprint Periodic fall as far as 2.0? 2.0 Already has a template that I will be following, so when is the periodic done?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:19 pm
by aron7awol
I had pretty much the same question, as I'd like to bulk, so thanks for the answers, I'll do 2.0 to start.

So here are my other questions:
1. Should I jump straight into the Blueprint Periodic?
2. Should I incorporate SCT into BP 2.0?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:24 pm
by Carne
As I read 2.0 I saw that there was a template for phases, but then the periodic is introduced, I just need to know how to incorporate it into the phases.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:57 pm
by aron7awol
My understanding is that the Periodic is meant to be used during the feast phase. Also, that the Periodic is tailored more for strength gains than size gains.

Please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:18 pm
by drtda
There are several "stickies" that go into further detail in various sections here so check those out if the following doesn't make sense.

After famine, you will do your bridge program basically to establish your 1 rep max's for whichever lifts you are going to focus on-probably just 2, such as bench for upper body and squats for lower body.

You'll then plug that into whatever program you are going to use such as GLP 1, GLP2, Russian, etc. That dictates what you will do on those lifts for your program. So on upper body day you may do GLP 1 followed by 1 to 2 EDT blocks, the same on lower body day, with approriate rest days in between.

The EDT blocks are constructed such that you take 2 antagonistic movements, say incline dumbell bench and one-arm rows and superset them. You use a weight that you can get about 6 reps on the start with (not to failure) for both exercises and jump from 1 right into the other. Then you rest for 2 minutes and do it again for another 4-5 cycles. You are trying to finish the EDT block in 15-20 minutes. Once your total reps for the block increase by at least 20%, you increase the weight.

Your goal on the EDT blocks is to increase the power output-reps X weight-every time you do them throughout the program. That can be tough to do so make sure you start conservatively on Workout #1 or you will quickly grind yourself into the ground. It's the same reason that you follow the prescribed # of reps on your big movement (bench, squats, etc.). If you try to go crazy and do a bunch of extra reps, you're more likely to fry out your CNS quickly and end up going backwards instead of forwards.

Slow and steady progress wins the race.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:13 am
by Carne
Ok, I asked Rob on FB and he told me that after the 5 workouts I would plug that into GLP1, take a week off, then plug that into GLP2, take a week off etc...until I go through all 4 phases. Seems like a ton of work; I'll end up in feast for a lot longer than I probably should. Thoughts?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:30 am
by beefcake66
Carne wrote:Ok, I asked Rob on FB and he told me that after the 5 workouts I would plug that into GLP1, take a week off, then plug that into GLP2, take a week off etc...until I go through all 4 phases. Seems like a ton of work; I'll end up in feast for a lot longer than I probably should. Thoughts?
There's also the option to break it up. Do Famine, Bridge workouts, Feast do GLP 1&2 or stop whenever you're losing "Traction" - youll feel that. Then do another famine and do the other 2 programs. Just GLP1 & 2 alone can bring your feast phase to 15-16 weeks (dependant on rest days)... Very long.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:21 pm
by Carne
That makes more sense. I like the idea of jumping back and forth between famine and feast.

Once my gains begin to lose traction, how do I know if I should jump back into famine, or proceed to cruise?

Thanks for the help by the way!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:08 pm
by DaCookie
Id do the loading patterns in 2.0 first.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:01 pm
by aron7awol
Carne wrote:Ok, I asked Rob on FB and he told me that after the 5 workouts I would plug that into GLP1, take a week off, then plug that into GLP2, take a week off etc...until I go through all 4 phases. Seems like a ton of work; I'll end up in feast for a lot longer than I probably should. Thoughts?
beefcake66 wrote:There's also the option to break it up. Do Famine, Bridge workouts, Feast do GLP 1&2 or stop whenever you're losing "Traction" - youll feel that. Then do another famine and do the other 2 programs. Just GLP1 & 2 alone can bring your feast phase to 15-16 weeks (dependant on rest days)... Very long.
I notice that nobody is mentioning a cruise phase. It seems like people are going Famine-Feast-Famine-Feast. Is there a reason for that?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:42 am
by aron7awol
Sorry for the bump, but didn't get a response to my last post and I'm planning out my BP run to start in a couple weeks so I want to get this stuff nailed down.

Is this how it goes?

Feast & bridge to establish 1RM
Feast & GLP1
1 week rest? Feast/cruise/famine?
Feast & GLP2
Cruise now? If so, for how long? Or back to famine?