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spinach containing ecdy?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:35 pm
by xxtotuxx
Read this study on spinach:
Popeye was right - eating spinach really does give you bulging biceps.Just like the cartoon character who became superhuman when he gulped down tins of spinach, people who eat plenty of leafy greens can boost their muscle power.

Researchers have discovered that a steroid chemical, called phytoecdy, ramps up the manufacture of muscle protein by 20 per cent in laboratory tests.

As well as being rich in vitamins, spinach is said to help combat eye disease, gum problems and anaemia.

It is also used in the fight against cancer and as a detox food.

Medical researchers have also high-lighted its benefits for the heart - it can reduce the risk of attacks and boost survival rates for a third of victims.

However, according to the scientists Rutgers University in New Jersey, the average person would have to eat 2Ib (1kg) of spinach a day to produce similar muscle growth to Popeye.

New Scientist magazinesaid: "Unfortunately, you would need to eat more than a kilogram of spinach every day to gain equivalent amounts of the steroid."
Don't know if phytoecdy is related in any way to the ecdy we already know about, but judging from the name, I think it does.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:13 am
by Joker
Maybe we'll be buying spinach ext someday. Plants make phytonutrients to protect themselves but unfortunately not usually in large doses to of use to us in foods. That's why god made supplements.

Re: spinach containing ecdy?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:06 am
by MHeath
xxtotuxx wrote:Read this study on spinach:
Popeye was right - eating spinach really does give you bulging biceps.Just like the cartoon character who became superhuman when he gulped down tins of spinach, people who eat plenty of leafy greens can boost their muscle power.

Researchers have discovered that a steroid chemical, called phytoecdy, ramps up the manufacture of muscle protein by 20 per cent in laboratory tests.

As well as being rich in vitamins, spinach is said to help combat eye disease, gum problems and anaemia.

It is also used in the fight against cancer and as a detox food.

Medical researchers have also high-lighted its benefits for the heart - it can reduce the risk of attacks and boost survival rates for a third of victims.

However, according to the scientists Rutgers University in New Jersey, the average person would have to eat 2Ib (1kg) of spinach a day to produce similar muscle growth to Popeye.

New Scientist magazinesaid: "Unfortunately, you would need to eat more than a kilogram of spinach every day to gain equivalent amounts of the steroid."
Don't know if phytoecdy is related in any way to the ecdy we already know about, but judging from the name, I think it does.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information.