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1st run noob lifter

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:48 am
by sayaz
Hi everyone

This will be my first run. My purpose to to build a strength base and put on some decent mass. I have been lifting since November 2011 and have made some solid gains (with a bit of fat). I have been skinny as hell my whole life (now 20, 5'11 167 pounds up from 143) as well as weak.

For example, I never even imagined doing a single dip 3 months ago (literally could not do one) and now i bang em out 4 sets of 8 on par with my buddies who have been lifting for about 1.5 years and claim its 'hard enough' without adding some weight (Not sure if serious haha...) They are surprised how far I've come in 3 months and I want to keep the momentum up.

So I am absolutely thrilled with my progress thus far and am over the moon when i move up weight. I find i get huge spurts of strength particularly after a well deserved rest as opposed to incremental increases. Also, a little bit of shape/muscle changes the way people interact with you so that is motivating as well!

I'm going to start with taking the week off as I am buggered after tonights workout and the intensity just wasn't there. Instead I am aiming to steadily digest this info and get all the right supplements which is confusing in itself. I already have a good idea of my caloric maintenance so I will be working on finding heart rate etc. After that, looking forward to a week where i don't constantly have to stuff my face full of food to be honest :P

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:40 am
by RobRegish
OK man, welcome to The BP Army!

Favor please: Please PM me your last name/month you bought under at PayPal. Doing so to protect your investment in BP.

Hope you understand...

Provided everything checks out, right here to help you get to Gainsville! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:49 pm
by matter2003
Welcome to the BP Family!

That is some solid weight gain in that amount of time. I believe you can look to Rob as an inspiration because if you have seen any pictures of him in high school he was really skinny as well and now he is like 240 lbs of muscle...

If you need any help feel free to ask and one of us will be more than happy to help!