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Bigjoe - First run with BP

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:47 pm
by bigjoe
Hi everyone. I've been reading and lurking here for 2 months learning and ordering all of the "goodies" (KA, AN, MassPro) that Rob recommends. A little about me:
34 years old, 6'2" 225 lb, 7% body fat via caliper. Used to be collegiate sprinter, but took about 12 years off lifting (why, I wish I knew but at least I stayed active in sports).

Thank the free Amazon 100 pushup app for getting me going again this July. Found the love of the weight room again and went from 205 - 225 in about 4 months of fairly serious lifting. I know there are no links allowed but another great resource for me was superhumanradio and that's where I heard about Rob and BP.

Just started famine on 1/1/12 and can't wait to keep it up. I can tell famine will not be fun, 1800 cal is a lot less than I'm used to. Workout 1 is done, squats felt great after ignoring them for a long time. 330x6 on last set (not sure how heavy we were supposed to go in famine). I suspect workout 2 will be brutal.

Finally, I've read up on the nutrient timing theory and was doing a much more simplified formula before BP, looking forward to the real deal. After skipping that part during famine I could tell my body was pissed!

Thanks for all the work Rob to bring this to us and thanks BP community for the great posts and info.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:46 am
by JlCh
Go as heavy as you want in famine. I typically hit the first 2 w/o's as hard as I can and if I make it to the 3rd I'm cautious with it. Just be sure not to hurt yourself.

Welcome to the army. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:32 am
by bigjoe
Thanks for the tip JlCh. Dumb question but do guys typically post a before picture along with their logs? I wish I'd have taken before pictures back in July.

Also, if anyone has an Android phone I've found myfitnesspal invaluable for counting calories. Type in any name and it typically finds it or scan the UPC and all the data is right there.

One last tip, I was really dragging end of the day and broke out my fairly new to me Jack Lalane juicer. Wow, what an energy boost. I'll be living on that the next few days. <$100 and well worth it IMO.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:32 pm
by bigjoe
Day 2 still going ok. Getting used to lower calories. Big question, I was just assuming I'd do the BP 3.0 routine with the Statics and EDT blocks.

My goal is just to add size/strength at this point and not put on any body fat, pretty cut at this point already. Should I stick with the stock 3.0 or shift back to BP 2.0 Periodic with a GLP routine? I guess I have a few days left to decide.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:11 pm
by JlCh
2.0 is superior to 3.0 in the strength/size department (my opinion). Those 5 HIT workouts are hugeeeee jumps in maxes.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:23 am
by bigjoe
Wow, first day of feast today. 4400 cal was not easy to hit. Any one else doing the Liver Tabs? Wow, the sheer volume of pills is daunting, not to mention the size.

Energy and strength coming back fast. FWIW I did go for workout #3 in famine. Let's never talk about that workout again! Anyone able to do any good pullups at that point following the stock plan? No shame in saying mine were all assisted.

Going to stick with stock BP 3.0 and shoot for 235 and keep same bodyfat of 7%, might be asking for a lot from the first run.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:21 am
by RobRegish
bigjoe wrote:Wow, first day of feast today. 4400 cal was not easy to hit. Any one else doing the Liver Tabs? Wow, the sheer volume of pills is daunting, not to mention the size.

Energy and strength coming back fast. FWIW I did go for workout #3 in famine. Let's never talk about that workout again! Anyone able to do any good pullups at that point following the stock plan? No shame in saying mine were all assisted.

Going to stick with stock BP 3.0 and shoot for 235 and keep same bodyfat of 7%, might be asking for a lot from the first run.
Ask alot, and you'll get alot!

Welcome to the revolution... :)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:53 pm
by bigjoe
Workout 1 in feast done. To be honest on paper I'm thinking that does not look too bad. WRONG! EDT supersets are killer. Arms are shot right now. Just by the hour after feeling I'd say my triceps will be growing the most, which I'll be happy to take. arms 16.5" cold, 17.25" after the workout.

Couple of questions:
1. Do I keep the same weight/reps for next weeks workout that compresses the EDT block or move up if I feel I can? (exp. 65 for all sets of dips?)
2. Can we sub in other excercises for the EDT blocks if desired? Reading some other books by Sisco he really likes the close grip BP for triceps. Wondering if I could do 3 of the overheads and 3 of the close grips for the EDT block. I love the stretch of overhead tri ext, but find it gets hard on the elbows and shoulder doing 6 sets of heavy weight.

Dec B - Static 400x10, 400x15
Dips all x6 (BW 222+) - 45, 55, 55, 65, 65, 65
1 DB all 6x 95

Seated BB press - 305x8, 305x12
Inc DB curl x6 45, 45, 45, 45, 45x8, 45x8
Tri overhead ext x6 70, 70, 70, 70, 70x8, 70x8

Couple of notes:
1. Love my Ironmind hip squat belt for weighted dips (zero digging into the back or sides. The nylon straps/carabiners that come with it make hooking up a cinch).
2. Love the 1 arm DB trick using the barbell that Rob mentioned. I may take it to the next level and make a pivot on my cage for it (I'll post pic if I do).

Pretty pumped (literally and figuratively) about what to expect on this.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:57 pm
by bigpelo
bigjoe wrote: Couple of questions:
1. Do I keep the same weight/reps for next weeks workout that compresses the EDT block or move up if I feel I can? (exp. 65 for all sets of dips?)
The goal of EDT are to do more one workout to the other; progression is the key to muscle building and EDT is one tool to progression.

You can either:
1. use the same weight, with the same reps/sets but do them in a shorter period of time
2. Use the same weight, same number of sets and same rest time but do more reps
3. Use the same weight, same reps, same rest time but do 1 more set
4. Use same rep/set, same rest time but increase weight

I usually fix the overall EDT allowed time to 12 minutes and try to always do 5 sets. I start with a fixed weight for 6 reps (60-80% 1RM). When I get all sets to the target 6 reps, I increase the reps to 7 then 8. (last set are sometimes 3-4 though) What counts is the total number of reps in a given time. For example, I take your EDT#2, you did 80 reps in ?minutes. When you are able to do 10% more reps in the same time, increase weight by 5%. So keep the same time (12 minutes?), same sets (6) same weight (45 and 70) until you can do 88 reps then the next workout use 50 and 75 pounds approx and try hitting 6 reps each and progress form that. If you are stuck to number of reps in the given time/sets, add another set. That way, you still have progression.

If you want more cardio, have a look at Matter2003 log and EDT ;) You have a lots of possibilities!

Have I made myself clear?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:45 am
by bigjoe
Thanks for clarifiying bigpelo. I also took the time to read teh EDT book and now it all makes perfect sense. I guess the spreadsheet with the possibility for 6 sets threw me off. Now I'm using the stop watch and will follow the EDT plan. I did a 20 min EDT block on my leg workout 2.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:53 am
by matter2003
bigjoe wrote:Thanks for clarifiying bigpelo. I also took the time to read teh EDT book and now it all makes perfect sense. I guess the spreadsheet with the possibility for 6 sets threw me off. Now I'm using the stop watch and will follow the EDT plan. I did a 20 min EDT block on my leg workout 2.
Welcome to the BP family. We are all here to help if needed, but based on your stars it doesn't look like you'll need much :)....

Those 20 minute EDT blocks are brutal...much better fat burning potential than straight cardio while building muscle at the same time...then again at 7% bf you probably don't need to burn fat as much as us guys at 14-15%...hahaha

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:41 am
by bigjoe
Hey thanks Matter2003! Appreciate the encouragement. Funny how if a friend or aquantence gives you one nice compliment how it can go a long way. Nice to remember that for people we all may be helping along the way.

Finished workout 3 today, after a 2 day stint with a fast moving flu like virus and very few calories on a skipped SS cardio and rest day. Just to keep a log here is workout #2 and workout #3 with edited #1 Power Factor numbers.

Also, I almost fell into the trap thinking, "man is 2 workouts really enough?" Well, once you go EDT and really push yourself, I wonder if I can keep up 2 workouts a week.

Workout 2 (1/12/12)
RP Static -475 10sec, 525 10 sec (anyone else really feel this in the wrists with straps?

here I used my supersquat belt (I find I can't do as much with it as a real back squat, maybe more comparable to a front squat?)
EDT 1 14 min
Squats 265x6 x6 PF 681
Ham Curls 115x6 x6 PF 296

Seated calf (ran out of weights on BodySolid Leg press) 570 x 15 sec, 20 sec

Rom Deadlifts 315x10 x 2sets (man these feel awesome again)

EDT 2 (may have made a mistake thinking I needed more shoulder)
Side lateral raise 35x6 x6 PF 74
DB press 60x6 x6 PF 127
Did cables and hypers next day during lunch workout

Workout 3 (1/16/12)
Dec BP Static 405x12 sec, 455x8 sec

EDT 1 18:45 min
Dips BW(225)+65 x6 PF 557 (vs wrkout 1 PF 463)
1 DB row 100x6 x6 PF 192 (vs wrkout 1 PF 155)

Seated BB Press
305 x12 sec, x18 sec

EDT 2 17:00 min
Inc curls 48x6 x6 PF 101 (vs wrkout 1 PF 82)
Tri ext 70x6 x6 PF 172 (vs wrkout 1 PF 155)

Pretty cool how you can see your PF increase when doing it right and pushing yourself. Only concern I have right now is wrist support. Those statics are great but even with high quality harbinger wrist strap gloves I can really feel it, and I'm pretty protective of my wrists as I had carpel tunnel surgery in my right hand a little over a year ago. So far no issues, but I'm watching it closely.

Anyone else feel the need to stop statics due to the tremendous overload? I love that feeling but just trying to explore all options.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:21 am
by bigjoe
Workouts 5 and 6 for BP 3.0 completed this past week. Body finally feels 100% after getting that quick sickness. Still bothered by very sore left wrist. Talked with Rob and he said to pull back a bit on the Statics, maybe every other or every 3rd week. That said I dialed up the EDT blocks to make up for it.

Quick summary - now that I have 3 workouts to compare using EDT blocks and figuring in the Power Factor (total tonnage / time) I'm AMAZED at the progress in just 3 weeks.

Workout 5
Rather than statics added GLP 1 to standard bench (300lb max). Hit all but struggled on last set of 240x8 (6 clean 2 helpers) PF - 598

Dips (225 + 55) x 50 reps
Week 1 PF - 463, Week 2 - 557, Week 3 - 721 (56% increase)

1 DB Row 85 x 50 reps
Week 1 PF - 155, Week 2 - 192, Week 3 - 222 (43% increase)

Inc Curls 40 x 50 reps
Week 1 PF - 82, Week 2 - 101, Week 3 - 133 (62% increase)

Tric Ext 60 x 50 reps
Week 1 PF - 127, Week 2 - 172, Week 3 - 200 (57% increase)

This rarely happens, but I was so gassed at the end of this workout and had so much lactic acid buildup I actually threw up a little a couple min after finishing. No worries kept in most of the formula and felt instantly better.

Workout 6

Leg Press (wrist can't handle top range rack pull)
18,825 total lb, 3765 PF
Week 2 vs week 3 82% increase in PF

Hip Belt Squats 305 x 65 reps
Week 1 PF - 690, Week 2 - 1060, Week 3 - 1239 (80% increase)

Ham curls 115 x 56 reps
Week 1 PF - 296, Week 2 - 388, Week 3 - 403 (36% increase)

Had to drop the DL as well due to the wrist.

Side Lat raises 25 x 50 reps
Week 1 PF - 74, Week 2 - 95, Week 3 - 125 (32% increase)

Hyper Ext 60 x 44 reps
Week 1 PF - -, Week 2 - 163, Week 3 - 252 (54% increase)

I think I'm finally comfortable with the EDT blocks, GLP, and BP workout in general. I really am amazed at the increase in the load on the muscles and how quickly the body had been able to increase it's working capacity. We'll see how the progression continues.