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Famine Confusion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:48 pm
by FollowDurden
Hello to all. I'm a newbie to the BP and am currently in the midst of my first famine state. I'm wrapping up my third day this evening.

I took the recommended week off before starting the BP, just to read up on everything and to rest my body. My baseline waking HR during this time was 62. My second day of the famine phase by body began to respond and my waking HR was beginning to elevate, and it was 65. However, when I woke up this morning my HR was 54. I thought maybe this could be a mistake, so I lounged around in bed a few more minutes, but it was again 54.

Is this normal? My diet and training have been spot on as to BP guidelines during my first 3 days of famine.

Any help appreciated.


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:38 am
by bigpelo
I usually don't see any rest heart rate change until the fifth morning. It can depends on how many hour of sleep you had, alcohol consumption, big sugary dessert before going to bed, etc. will all affect it.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:18 am
by FollowDurden
Thanks for the reply Pelo.

I've heard the idea of "feeling" famine. What's it felt like to you guys? Last night, day three, I couldn't even hold my 2 month old daughter without having to sit down because my muscles felt so weak and were cramping. I've also been irritable and lethargic.

Don't know how Gandhi it... :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:32 pm
by JlCh
That sounds a little severe, but if it was after your 2nd workout sounds that you're at least on the right track. Make sure you're getting plenty of water down. My HR doesn't really change much/any either and I typically aim for the same amount of water/food intake daily and use weight as judgement. I refuse to buy the urinary samples, but the feeling is plenty of a sign from my perspective :p.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:09 pm
by FollowDurden
Appreciate the responses guys.

I cut out any type of exertion yesterday and just kept calories low and focused on carbs. I felt up to at least attempting the last workout today, and made it 70% of way through.

Looking forward to a monster breakfast tomorrow! I feel like I have a hot date waiting on me.

Will try to keep a log running on here and on to keep the word spreading for Rob.