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Lineux's back for Run #2

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:46 am
by lineux
Going over my first run, I made several mistakes, Tried some useful exercises, learnt about exercises I love and hate.

And --
Added majorly to all my lifts,
Felt strong
Felt full of muscle
At my maximum weight
Broke some PR's
Got through some plateaus

All with Rob's awesome instruction and support.

Before the cruise stage, my run was interrupted by a month of fasting and non-training. But I'm back, I've regained most of my strength and I think I find myself ready.

Back to being ME.



BP 2.0 + 3.0
I will be using the German Loading Pattern combined with 3.0's rack pulls and static holds. I've dreamt of it all, I've thought about each and every exercise. Now I'm just going to go in there and do it.


Adaptogen N
Gamma GH
Myofusion whey protein
ON Caesin protein

"The Formula"


Tomorrow will be my first day of Famine.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:52 am
by RobRegish
This is a MUST READ, for all those new to BP.

What's on display here is the very essence of what BP strives for - Constant self improvement via lessons learned. 9 out of 10 people would have been content with the gains made, during run #1. Nothing wrong with celebrating those, but when the beer stop flowing it's time to get to working at being BETTER.

And how do we go about this? Exactly like you see it unfolding here - a self analysis of what could have been done BETTER, then weaving in the fixes for BP run #2.

FANTASTIC stuff man, and so happy to see it. Right here for you, in the event you need anything... :)

Feast initial - Workout 1 and 2

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:37 am
by lineux
Workout 1 and 2 were like this:

Flat bench:

Warmup: 115lb x 5
set1: 135lb x 10
set2: 155lb x 6

Superset with DB pullovers:
55lb x 10
60lb x 8


Incline DB press: 55lb x 10
Barbell rows 135lb x 10
Incline DB press: 55lb x 10
Barbell rows 135lb x 10
Incline DB press: 60lb x 10
Barbell rows 135lb x 10
Incline DB press: 65lb x 8
Barbell rows 135lb x 10

Barbell Squats: (all the way down)
135lbs x 12
155lbs x 10

Incline chest press (machine): 135lb x 8
Lat pull machine: 135lbs x 8
Incline chest press (machine): 125lb x 8
Lat pull machine: 135lbs x 8

10 pullups.



Taking 2 scoops from "The Formula" mix throughout the workout

Taking 3 Adaptogen N, before bed.
Taking 1 Kre-anabolyn with each big meal (3 total)
Taking Gamma GH before bed.

Protein is mainly coming from loads of chicken and beef.
Pasta/rice for carbs.
For now eating whatever I can get just making sure my protein and carb intake is above maintenance.


Workout 2

Flat bench:

Warmup: 115lb x 5
Warmup2: 135lb x 5
set1: 135lb x 10
set2: 155lb x 6 (gave up early as I had no spotter, couldve done 8)


Warmup: 135lb x 5
set1: 135lb x 10
set2: 155lb x 10

Was running out of time so had to speed up my workout.

Rack pulls (below knee)
225lb x 10
315lb x 8
225lb x 8

Incline db press
65lb x 8
70lb x 6

Incline chest press (machine):
135lbs x 8
125lbs x 8

Pullups till failiure.


First 2 Workouts were only to set an average for myself to build up on.
GLP starts in 2 days.

This time the workouts are centered around the big three.
(Benchpress, Deadlift, Squat) and my favorite Clean and Press.

all the rest will be in the EDTs.

static holds are going to be towards the end of the workout
probably rack pulls and everything that makes it a bit easier on the range of motion will go towards the end too.

Time to take back whats mine.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:26 pm
by RobRegish
"Time to take back whats mine..."

Classic... :)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:26 pm
by lineux
RobRegish wrote:"Time to take back whats mine..."

Classic... :)
Thanks Rob!!
But do you see anything that you can suggest/improve in there?

I am determined to stand up to whatever comes my way.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:45 am
by RobRegish
Managing workout frequency will be key for you. Having said that, you've done a great job managing volume, and instead pouring on the intensity.

The only thing I'd add is some static ab holds, to be performed LAST on your leg/lower body day. Also, try adding just ONE recovery modality and practice it routinely. This may be sled dragging/GPP, alternating hot/cold showers after workouts or a once a month massage.

The more you tend to recovery/restoration matters, the easier you'll find things go in the gym. Trust me on that one. Just add one, get in the habit and then we'll take it from there...

Other than that, spot on... :)


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:45 pm
by lineux
Hello people,

I must apologize for abandoning my log here, I had some personal things to deal with, that kept me away from the forum.

Though I maintained a paper log and worked out hard. I now am at 180 pounds and I feel leaner. (I lost fat and yet there is an overall increase of 12lbs!)

I'm stronger in nearly all of the big lifts. Thanks to Rob I was able to tweak workout frequency and balance Intensity and volume. I learnt a lot from this log too.

The so stubborn lat muscles finally gave up and are coming out now.

A high cal balanced diet + Formula + KA + AN + Gamma GH, proved to be a very good combo.

I think a baseline has been set for my next flight which should be starting soon.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:02 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome man! Soooo HAPPY for you!

ANYONE can make progress when everything's "perfect". Life gets in the way a LOT though, and the truly GREAT lifter still pull it off.

That would be you... :)