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Switching up some lifts...

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:29 pm
by oliverparsons
Hey guys, quick i've done BP 2 and will start 3.0 soon. I know things are fairly flexible, but wanted to ask just to be sure:
- For EDT block #1 of workout #1 can the bent-over T-bar row be subbed in for one arm DB rows? My dumbells only go up to 135lbs which I can rep easy 10+ times.
- For Static hold #1 during workout #2, top range rack pull, can weighted pullups be subbed in for lat pulldown? My lat pulldown maxes out, so i could do a bunch of plates on the pullup bar instead
- For workouts #11 and #12 (last 2 feast workouts), are the 5 sets leading up to 1rm for DB row and Squats warmup up sets or working sets? Do we want to be 100% fresh for our 1rm?


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:52 pm
by Street-dreams
for your one rep max days I think something like this is appropriate

50% 1rm x 5
60% 1rm x 3
70% 1rm x 2
80% 1rm x1
90% 1rm x1
your max x1
your max times as many as you can get..

make sure to rest 2 mins between sets from 90% on.

Re: Switching up some lifts...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:58 am
by RobRegish
oliverparsons wrote:Hey guys, quick i've done BP 2 and will start 3.0 soon. I know things are fairly flexible, but wanted to ask just to be sure:
- For EDT block #1 of workout #1 can the bent-over T-bar row be subbed in for one arm DB rows? My dumbells only go up to 135lbs which I can rep easy 10+ times.

A. Consider the tip in 3.0 I dropped for this: 1arm BB rows. Put a 25lb plate on one end and load up the other with one 35lb plate and 25's, 10's etc from there. Put one barbell on each side of a flat bench like this. To accentuate the stretch, incline the bench one or two holes.

- For Static hold #1 during workout #2, top range rack pull, can weighted pullups be subbed in for lat pulldown? My lat pulldown maxes out, so i could do a bunch of plates on the pullup bar instead

A. Yes, weighted pullups are actually quite superior to lat pulldowns.

- For workouts #11 and #12 (last 2 feast workouts), are the 5 sets leading up to 1rm for DB row and Squats warmup up sets or working sets? Do we want to be 100% fresh for our 1rm?

A. Depends what you mean. I like to think of them as warmup sets, allowing your CNS to "see" something VERY close to your new, attempted 1RM. Try to get within 10-15lbs of such, depending upon the lift.

Also, you're going to want to rest a LOT longer between sets, as the weight gets heavier. While you can rest as little as 2min between sets when the warmup start, rest up to 15min before that max attempt. Yes, 15min.. or more.

Why? Because you'll find the CNS takes a LOT longer to recover, vs. the ATP-PC pathway (about 3 minutes, to replenish phoshagens/adenosine tri phosphate).

Give that a shot, and report back. I'm absolutely certain you'll be stronger, resting longer. DON'T waste that extended rest time, between sets. Rather, use it to visualize your new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!

Can't wait to hear back...


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:37 am
by pcallaghan
- For Static hold #1 during workout #2, top range rack pull, can weighted pullups be subbed in for lat pulldown? My lat pulldown maxes out, so i could do a bunch of plates on the pullup bar instead

A. Yes, weighted pullups are actually quite superior to lat pulldowns.

This is confusing! top range rack pull is not a lat pulldown, is that the assumption? I don't understand how a top range rack pull and a weighted pullup are even remotely equivalent :?:

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:14 am
by RobRegish
pcallaghan wrote:- For Static hold #1 during workout #2, top range rack pull, can weighted pullups be subbed in for lat pulldown? My lat pulldown maxes out, so i could do a bunch of plates on the pullup bar instead

A. Yes, weighted pullups are actually quite superior to lat pulldowns.

This is confusing! top range rack pull is not a lat pulldown, is that the assumption? I don't understand how a top range rack pull and a weighted pullup are even remotely equivalent :?:
Agreed. The amount of overload the top range rack pull provides BLOWS AWAY virtually EVERY other movement, save the leg sled.

I guess I was assuming there was a physical/equipment limitation with the top range rack pull. To clarify, the top range rack pull is gold. I honestly can't think of a suitable substitute that'll deliver the hardening, CNS sharpening and other benefits it conveys.

This isn't to way weighted pullups are without merit. FAR from it. They're MUCH superior to lat pulldowns. I guess that's the point I was trying to get across.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:52 pm
by pcallaghan
That makes more sense Rob. I couldn't see how it was possible they were comparable but agree with both moves being excellent, depending on what you are trying to work.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:42 pm
by oliverparsons
So i was the original post here and confused rack pulls with lat pull downs, sorry! Does anyone have a youtube link of the proper form? Seems like the vids online are all a little different....thanks!