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some back pain

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:49 am
by Street-dreams
Ok guys I come to you for advice about my back. Many months ago some "personal trainer" , "corrected" my DL form. Turns out not only did my deadlift form not need correcting but his advice caused me to slightly injure my back.. I assumed it was a strain or some such but its been like 5 months and its still there.. I havent been doing any DL, SQ or anything else to aggrivate it.

Let me Describe what it feels like.. If lean forward onto a counter or similar and my torso is almost perpendicular with the floor and I round my back a lil it feels like a dull pain. It hasn't gotten better or worse in the time I've been away from the gym.

I have done lifting recently(at work) and if I make sure to keep good form..(i.e not roundingback and keeping abs flexed) there is 0 pain at all.

I am wondering if its something to worry about.. and if so who would I go see to have it looked at? Chiropractor? Medical Doctor of some sorts?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:49 am
by RobRegish
I'm no Dr. but what you're describing is EXACTLY what happened to me.

If so, it's likely one of your vertabrae is rotated (known as a subluxation, in chiropractic circles). This puts pressure on the nerve running to the muscle. The muscle is in a state of spasm (contracted). In other words, the body is doing so to protect the joint. It feels like muscular pain, but the root cause is skeletal (likely).

SOLUTION(S): See a good chiro immediately. It's likely you can self-diagnose, at least to the extent how badly its out of whack. Stand on two bathroom scales, one foot on each.

How many pounds are you carrying on on side, vs the other?

If it's any more than 5% of your bodyweight, it's quite likely I'm right. In any case, a visit to the chiro can't hurt. Whatever you do, please do NOT rotate under load/otherwise work that area with any vertical compression of the spine. This means no Squats, DL's etc until you see a chiro. A good chiro will give you an adjustment, put the vertabrae back into place and stay on top of it. You have a role in staying on top of it too...

Hope that helps!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:00 pm
by BrainSquirt
Like Rob said - find a ‘gifted’ chiro for immediate attn. etc. Dull pain more likely joint or peri joint related... but in any event ->

re: "You have a role in staying on top of it too"
It's brainsquirt broken record time – learn a prasara type yoga and do full body joint mobility work… that yoga is very difficult, it’s yang, and it ‘adjusts’ the myofascia back to biotensegrity, balance, flow. Back troubles are not from muscle problems. They are ultimately from distended myofascia “chains” in the whole body

I get almost 4 inches of ‘decompression’ ( extension really ) with less than five minutes in inversion boots! Does wonders for the whole back and neck (and body and joints in general)… let me know if you need product sourcing and usage tips

Also check out ... 1609611004
tubes starting at ... r_embedded

hth and hope you have a fast and full recovery.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:27 pm
by Street-dreams
ok, Rob I was thinking Chiropractor. Any advice on finding one? I know you have given me some in the past but I lost it.


Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:36 pm
by RobRegish
Street-dreams wrote:ok, Rob I was thinking Chiropractor. Any advice on finding one? I know you have given me some in the past but I lost it.

Sure man. PM me your zip code/county and state. I'll give it a look!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:51 pm
by oliverparsons
Street-dreams, if you're in NYC (i know it's a long shot) but I have a great one I can give you...I had 3 disks out over the past year. send me an email if you'd like

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:41 pm
by Street-dreams
Thanks Oliver but I am unfortunately not in NYC :(