KA vs. Ebol/CBol---my opinion

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KA vs. Ebol/CBol---my opinion

Post by matter2003 »

First, I will preface this by saying this is only my opinion, and others might not have the same experiences.

I took KA on my first run and am currently taking EBol/cbol creatine for the past 4 weeks on this run.

Both are good products, but in my opinion and for me, KA works better, especially while in the gym. When I took KA, I often referenced a "superhuman" or "animalistic" feeling while working out that I have not had while taking EBol/cbol creatine. Basically I felt that I could just continuously keep increasing the weights and I could keep going. Often times I would go up 20 or 30 lbs from one workout to the next, and I just felt like I couldn't be stopped. That feeling is not there with EBol/cbol creatine.

Its also easier for me to dose KA since I take right before eating versus having to take EBol 30 mins before meals, which is hard while I am at work since I don't always know when I will get a chance to eat...

Not exactly sure what the difference might be or where that feeling comes from, but it was very noticeable while I had it and very noticeable now that I don't.

Interested in hearing other's thoughts about the two of these from people that have taken both...
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Post by DaCookie »

E-bol and cbol creatine stack far outperforms KA I think.But if you were to compare just e-bol and KA then KA would win.

Personally I think E-bol, cbol creatine, glycobol stack beats all.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

having used Ebol and KA as well as Adaptogen N.. in terms of recovery and overall performance enhancement I actually got a much larger benefit from Adaptogen N alone than any of the others.

just my .02. That's a solid product.
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Post by RobRegish »

Big.jazayrli wrote:having used ebol ecdy and KA as well as Adaptogen N.. in terms of recovery and overall performance enhancement I actually got a much larger benefit from Adaptogen N alone than any of the others.

just my .02. That's a solid product.
Different strokes for different folks, you could say. I've used them all and in isolation (save the Ebol). It will vary greatly depending with age, IMO.

Younger lifters will do better on KA and Ebol

Older lifters however, will appreciate the benefit of Adaptogen N. No offense Hani... :) Some just do better on AN, I guess!!!
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Post by 5.0stang »

I haven't got the chance to compare KA vs. Ebol, but I do have a bottle of the latter for my next run, since I just got done with KA on run #1.

However, I can tell you that Ebol better be ready, because it is going to be hard to beat what KA was doing for me. My first set was as easy as my fourth set and recovery was quicker (sore for less time). Strength gains came quickly as well.

I am a believer in whatever special formula KA is made of. 8)
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:I haven't got the chance to compare KA vs. ebol ecdy, but I do have a bottle of the latter for my next run, since I just got done with KA on run #1.

However, I can tell you that ebol ecdy better be ready, because it is going to be hard to beat what KA was doing for me. My first set was as easy as my fourth set and recovery was quicker (sore for less time). Strength gains came quickly as well.

I am a believer in whatever special formula KA is made of. 8)
Glad to hear everyone's favorites, are working well for them (or you're at least able to find what works). You wouldn't believe how many years, I bugged MASS to do an Ecdy product... :)
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Post by DaCookie »

You should bug him about karbolyn.The grape sci fit one tastes like absolute ass and I have a 5lber of it to get through.MASS's flavouring is top notch, berries and cream is easily the best tasting protein on the market.The vanilla being a close second for me.
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Post by matter2003 »

the strawberry PureKarbolyn tastes awesome...almost like drinking strawberry kool aid...
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Post by DaCookie »

matter2003 wrote:the strawberry PureKarbolyn tastes awesome...almost like drinking strawberry kool aid...
Havent had the strawberry one, I think it was fruit punch and orange which were decent.
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Post by RobRegish »

DaCookie wrote:You should bug him about karbolyn.The grape sci fit one tastes like absolute ass and I have a 5lber of it to get through.MASS's flavouring is top notch, berries and cream is easily the best tasting protein on the market.The vanilla being a close second for me.
Ah, the vanilla. Time to re-order... :)
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Post by DaCookie »

RobRegish wrote:
DaCookie wrote:You should bug him about karbolyn.The grape sci fit one tastes like absolute ass and I have a 5lber of it to get through.MASS's flavouring is top notch, berries and cream is easily the best tasting protein on the market.The vanilla being a close second for me.
Ah, the vanilla. Time to re-order... :)
Orgasmic :D
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