I am so confused

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I am so confused

Post by icwudt »

From my understanding this is what happens, correct me please if I am wrong

Famine phase, consuming about 8x bw in calories, during this time, you use the following:

Legs, Back and Bi's w...etc...

Then "NOW FEAST: FOR 30-42 DAYS"

So eat for 72 hours (no working out for 3 days), then:
Workout 1
- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range (this is confusing, if its 8-10 range, isnt that basically all you can do if its within that range?)

MY question is, what about the other exercises during this period? Only squats and bench?

Going to assume you do that for 5 workouts, then it says german loading pattern #1

What exercises do you use for this? It says "Designed to be used in concert w/the big barbell life of your choice"

For what muscle groups?

Then you have to do "loaded stretches", what exactly is this? How long do you do those for? Which muscle groups/sets/reps?

Further down...
- Close grip bench press, 1 set of a 6-10 second static hold at the top of the
movement (so you just hold at the top, dont lower it at all?)

...Leg sled (how heavy?)

Appreciate any help, thanks in advance
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Post by RobRegish »

No problem man, PM on the way with my phone #.

FYI we don't discuss specifics like this here. Besides, the answers differ insofar as if you're running 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. Given we'll be having a discussion about such matters your unique goals, physiology (limitations, if there are any) etc. the answers could be different.

Confusion gives way to clarity, and traction starts. Shortly thereafter, you'll be in Gainsville... :)
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