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I have a new found respect for Military Sandbag Workouts...

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:35 am
by matter2003
I made a 55 lb sandbag utilizing sand and a military duffel bag I ordered, and I have to say I have a totally new respect for those in the military that do these type of workouts on a regular basis, and I can also understand why they do it now...

Man, that was pretty crazy...totally different experience because no matter how you grab the bag, you never feel like you really got it---the sand will just shift somewhere else in the bag. I looked up some various exercises to do with them, but the worst of the bunch was to do the following:

1) Start with the bag on the ground in front of you.

2) Do a deadlift into a bicep curl into a clean and overhead press, then bring it back down into a bicep curl again, then down into a squat and when you hit the bottom of the squat, jump as high as you can in the air.

3) Drop the bag on to the ground and repeat.

I did about 5 of those in a row and I wanted to call my Mommy...

I really enjoyed doing it, although I did have a strange happening when I was doing upright rows with the bag and one of the straps got caught around my neck and ended up pulling me to the ground...coulda been pretty bad, but I escaped without anything other than being in a weird position on the ground....I made sure the straps were pulled as tight as possible after this and that I had the other side of the bag facing me so the straps were on the bottom so it didn't happen again...

Gonna do these twice a week and regular cardio twice a week, probably alternating days...

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:11 am
by RobRegish
Ha ha!

Between this and your CNS experiments, you seem to be on the quest for the world's most punishing workouts... :)

Just funnin' ya man. Intensity is the key, so I know where you're going with things. And you're on the right track.. just take care to know your limits.

Beware Acute Rhabdomylosis...