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FEAST Workouts Duration...

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:09 am
by renman01
My workouts during FEAST are taking in excess of 1:40 to complete. Aside from the supposed detrimental hormonal impact of these longer workouts, I do not really feel 'out-of-gas' by any means, it is simply the logistical impact of the expanded timeframe that I need to address: During these summer months this has been okay, but with school about to start up again, traffic will make it impossible to get to work on time from the gym.

I workout first thing in the morning before work as this is the only time I can be sure to not miss workouts. My work days to do not have a set end time and fitting in a workout afterwards to begin at 7:00 - 8:00 will not work for several reasons not least of which are family responsibilities and need for SLEEP (which at 5 1/2 to 61/2 hours is already GREATLY compromised).

Has anyone dealt with this same issue? What did you do? Is there an alternative 'BLUEPRINT' workout framework that will get me (nearly) equal results while getting me out of the gym faster even if it adds an extra day or two in the gym? Should I seek an alternative training protocol while maintaining the same dietary/supplemental regimen for continued results? Am I doomed?

While I can put a workout together within many different protocols by this point in my life (45 yrs old traing for over 20 years) I just want to stay within the 'BLUEPRINT' framework as much as possible, and do not have the 'time in' yet to maintain Rob's principles on my own.

Bottom line: I can get to the gym pretty much as many days as necessary, I just can't stay as long and want to continue to "BLUEPRINT".

Thanks for any and all constructive feedback.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:02 pm
by BrainSquirt
(largely bcse you have a lot of experience...)

During Feast, can you get to gym two (and sometimes maybe 3) times a week - late afternoon?

Can you 1) limit yourself to 1 set per major muscle group focus ( and max 3 sets for minor muscle groups work)
2) use weight as near 1RM as you can where you can just barely accomplish 6 reps per set, and
3) get at least 4 minutes rest between sets?

... going out the door less than 45 minutes after you came in... and still gaining :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:16 pm
by renman01
Thanks for the reply.

So, to paraphrase, and please correct me if I am wrong, any protocol that puts me in the 6RM range with either a 2 or 3-day split 1 exercise & 1-3 work sets per bodypart will work for BLUEPRINT.

Again, since mornings are the only timeframe that will work for me (non-negotiable) the 45 min - 1 hour timeframe is definitely what I am after.

I just wanted to make sure I don't bastardize the system too much to where a) it doesnt' work anymore and/or b) veers too far off from the main concept to remain true to 'BLUEPRINT' principles.


Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:02 pm
by BrainSquirt
These are my personal rules re Feast that have always worked...
In Feast, generally lift less often and very heavy - period.

Stick up a plan and Rob or others will let you know if it "remains true to 'BLUEPRINT' principles"

All the best

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:14 pm
by renman01
Thanks, BrainSquirt.

I think that I may go back to either my Max-OT roots that got me in and out in about 45-50 mins or perhaps a Stuart McRobert-inspired "Program" (Beyond Brawn. Build Muscle Lose Fat Look Great) similar to one that helped me get back on my feet after a year-long layoff due to illness.

The Max-OT program would be a 3-Day split as follows:

Monday - Back/Biceps/forearms
Pull-Downs or Rack Chins: 2X4-6
V-Bar Pulldowns: 2X4-6
DB Rows: 2X4-6
Incline DB Curls 2X4-6
Barbell Curls 2X4-6
DB 'Rocker' Curls 2X4-6

Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Incline DB Press: 3X4-6
Bench Press: 2X4-6
Dips: 1X4-6
Military Press: 2X4-6
DB Lateral Raises: 2X6-8
Triceps XTensions: 2X4-6
Push-Downs: 2X4-6

Friday - Quads/Hams/Calves/Abs
Squats: 3X4-6
Leg Press: 2X4-6
Stdg Calf Raise: 2X6-8
Std Calf Raise: 1X6-8
Cable Crunches: 2X10-12
Decline Rev. Crunches: 2X 8-10

The McRobert workouts would be as follows:

Workout 1A (Monday):
Squat - 2X6-8
SLDL - 1-2X6-8
Leg Curl - 2X6-8
Stdg Calf Raise - 2X10-15
Reverse Crunch - 2X8-12

Workout 2A (Wednesday):
Incline DB Press - 2X6-8
Lat Pull-Down or Rack Chin - 2X6-8
Std DB Press - 2X6-8
DB Incline Curls - 2X6-8
L-Fly - 1X8-16

Workout 1B (Friday):
Leg press - 2X6-8
Leg Curl - 2X6-8
Back Xtension - 2X6-8
Std Calf Raise - 2X10-15
Wtd Crunch - 2X8-12

Workout 2B (Monday):
Wtd Dips - 2X6-8
DB Row - 2X6-8
DB Lateral Raise - 2X6-8
BB Curls - 2X6-8
DB 'Rocker' Curls - 1X8-12

Repeat 1A on Wednesday, etc....

Anybody feel free to add their $0.02.


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:47 am
by renman01
Bump for response

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:32 pm
by beefcake66
Hey there

I mentioned this before in someones elses thread, but I'm pretty sure the blueprint will work for whatever program you want to put in it, as long as theres progressive overload. So what you have there should be fine, and I'm familiar with Max OT and I'm pretty sure that would work great with the blueprint. I used GST in my first run with awesome results.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:16 am
by BrainSquirt

Sorry for the delay in feedback - been 'out to lunch' 8)
Pretty much ditto beefcake...
however- also consider that you might be better off (first run especially) with less 'variety'
ie more focus on major lifts/groups (and especially if workout duration is an issue) ... very heavy deadlifts, etc. do almost as much for some minor groups as isolation work, etc...
Just a suggestion, though. With your experience, you should be getting to the point where you can trust your intuition re training - and then occasionally consult with a real master to really leverage your progress...

btw. re: orientation. Unfortunately these days I feel like I am crossing things up a little and not really being much help. I have virtually 0 recomp issues so I still have an almost pure 2.0 orientation. I probably should preface all my posts with that.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:39 pm
by renman01
No problem in taking your time to respond, it is appreciated greatly, whether sooner or later!

This is actually my second run, so I gave it the 'pure' treatment first time through. My goal is mainly balanced-development hypertrophy along with continued recomp (currently ~10.3% BF want to get to 8%) as I am not really interested in the numerical value loaded onto the bar, rather using the load as a means to an end, if that makes sense. My ultimate goal is to get back on stage at some point in the not-to-distant future after a 20-year hiatus from competition. I have a ways to go, but I know I can get there once I put the pieces all together.

In addition to the time-constraint element, I am also pondering if more abbreviated individual workouts (+slightly increased frequency) might not benefit me given that although I follow all other elements of the BLUEPRINT (caloric zig-zagging, the Formula [minus carbs], supplementaion, etc.), I do not follow the Macronutrient ratio recommendations. I have continued with di Pasquale's Anabolic Solution for Bodybuilders protocol due to prior recomp success leading up to my discovery of the BLUEPRINT.

Thanks again for your feedback!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:36 am
by RobRegish
Sorry to be late to the game but... abbreviated workouts are just the ticket, for many.

The Formula does allow one to train longer and stronger, but do experiment to see what best suits your needs!